
Finished the C25K program this week with no problem on the treadmill. However, tonight I am very discouraged, first real "outdoor" run and I struggled...a lot. 5K in 40 minutes? Really? I walked more than I ran, I think I am running too fast outside and wearing myself out too quickly. My heart rate monitor had me in the max zone for 38 of the 40 minutes. Better figure this out and quick, 3 weeks before my first race.


  • mccarol1956
    mccarol1956 Posts: 422 Member
    Congratulations on finishing the program. Maybe it would be good to download the C25k onto your phone and do the last week again outside? Perhaps it will help you find your pace! Don't give up. You do know you can do it!
  • btb079
    btb079 Posts: 57 Member
    And I still have 1200+ calories to eat and I don't feel like eating. My husband thinks I am starving my self, which is not the case, just not hungry. Pfft...craptastic day!
  • btb079
    btb079 Posts: 57 Member
    Thanks, I tried to use it on my phone tonight, but 5 minutes in I was walking. Will keep trying. I've come too far.
  • jgthomas78
    Running on the treadmill is WAY different that running outside. When you do your run outside focus on keeping slow and steady. I have ran the whole thing outside and each days different weather affects me too.
  • BAtobe
    BAtobe Posts: 93 Member
    When I went to the gym before, I overheard the trainer tell another gal to always have her treadmill on an incline because it is easier to run on a treadmill, so flat is like running downhill outside. You could challenge yourself with the incline if that's possible.
  • em9371
    em9371 Posts: 1,047 Member
    Its harder to pace yourself outside if you are used to the set speed on the treadmil, plus you also have the uneven terrain, wind resistance etc. Set off at what you think is your usual treadmill speed, then slow down a little bit. You should soon adjust to it after a few runs :-)
  • RunChristyRun
    RunChristyRun Posts: 72 Member
    I use the map my run ap on my iPhone and it tells me my time, distance and speed. It really helps me keep my pace. Good luck...it won't take you long to adjust to running outside!
  • cannie55
    cannie55 Posts: 74 Member
    Running outside is WAY different than running on a treadmill. It might help to go back and do W6D1 or W6D2 outside to help you get used to what it feels like to run outdoors, and then work on increasing your distance and time from there. Good luck!
  • JodieElijah
    JodieElijah Posts: 136 Member
    Running on the treadmill is WAY different that running outside. When you do your run outside focus on keeping slow and steady. I have ran the whole thing outside and each days different weather affects me too.

    Yup, so true!! I find walking on the treadmill really really easy, i always have it set to an incline as well, and have the speed up around the 5.5 - 6 mark, but when I walk out in the read world its twice as difficult!! Although I prefer to walk around the neighbourhood as I feel that I get more of a workout then just on the treadmill.

    My advice is to just take it slow and steady. You've proven that you *can* do it on a treadmill, so just ease yourself into it on the streets.
  • sawyermark
    sawyermark Posts: 74 Member
    Congratz on finishing it! I've been on week 3 for like 2 months now...
  • Ireshgurl
    Ireshgurl Posts: 559
    Don't get discouraged!!!! Outside running is WAY harder than the treadmill because the treadmill assists you. I can EASILY run a mile on the treadmill at 5.5, but outside? HA, none doin. Just keep at it, you'll get there!!!
  • joanthemom8
    joanthemom8 Posts: 375 Member
    I just started C25k last week and that's what I'm doing. The flat treadmill feels to weird to me. Plus, where I live, if you run north you are going uphill (towards mountains) and if you run south you are running downhill. East and west are pretty flat. I might try and run some of my sessions outside, so I get used to it.:smile:
  • chosengiver
    chosengiver Posts: 1,493
    When I co-coached C25K for a group of ladies in my area, I always encouraged them to stop running on the treadmill if possible. It is too hard of a transition, especially if you're a beginner runner and this is your first 5K. You really would like for it to be a pleasant/memorable experience, instead of one where you think you did all of that hard work, then it didn't pay off in the end.

    Best of luck to you with your 5K
  • btb079
    btb079 Posts: 57 Member
    Thank you all so much! I was running where there is a steady incline all the way up the first 1.7 miles, next time I am just going around our FLAT one mile block. I will try again tomorrow and see how it goes. I was thinking of going back to an earlier week of c25k and trying again. I was just so frustrated that 2 days ago I went 38 minutes on the treadmill with some left in the tank (.5 incline). Thanks again, I am so glad that 9 weeks ago I found this site and you have all been so wonderful!
  • btb079
    btb079 Posts: 57 Member
    RunChristyRun...Ooohhh, what app is it. I use the C25K app on mine, but that one is perfect for outside!
  • btb079
    btb079 Posts: 57 Member
    Congratz on finishing it! I've been on week 3 for like 2 months now...

    You can do it and will! Those middle weeks were the worst, but I promise it gets easier!
  • arogers98
    arogers98 Posts: 38 Member
    No one says you HAVE to run it in 40 minutes. I'm not in this to beat anyone's time or break any records. I just want to be able to say I ran a 5k. In fact I do a nice jog at 3.7 mph on the treadmill, work up a sweat and I'm good with that. I'm not doing any sprint races or anything. :-)
  • Starbec
    Starbec Posts: 43 Member
    Running on a treadmill is easier because you don't have to propel your body forward, hence running outside is a totally different experience. Lots of sticks, and potholes and tree roots to avoid tripping over :laugh: not to mention those darn hills.

    I have just finished W7 D2 of the C25K and am totally amazed at my transformation.

    You CAN do it - you've already proven that to yourself. Maybe go back a few weeks and do it outside - it wont take long for your body to adjust to running outdoors!

    Best of luck with your 5K :)
  • Starbec
    Starbec Posts: 43 Member
    RunChristyRun...Ooohhh, what app is it. I use the C25K app on mine, but that one is perfect for outside!

    I used Endomondo for the first time this morning. Was great to see how far I'd run, average speed and it also gives an approximate calorie burn (not very accurate however).

  • MountainMamaMarissa
    MountainMamaMarissa Posts: 202 Member
    Congratulations on completing the program!!! (I've been stuck on week 3 for several weeks now)
    Good luck on your first race!