Less than a month til my 1st goal...

I am not sure I am going to make it. I wanted to be 190 by April 14th, My son's first birthday but it looks like that isnt going to happen. I dont seem to be losing weight. I started the 30 day shred. It was really hard for me at first so I have done it like 6 times in about 2 weeks. I need to start doing it everyday I know that. Well it isnt even making me lose inches yet. I might measure today to see for certain but last week when I measured, nothing changed. I know I drink soda, really hard to break that habit. Most days are better than others with the amount I drink. I would love to keep it to once a day which I am really aiming for. It is hard for me to buy really healthy stuff to eat because my husband is not as adventurous as I am with healthy foods and I buy for everyone due to finances. I buy as healthy as I can. Also with the soda..I get 3-4 hours a sleep a night so overall I need the caffenine to make it thru my day with a 3 yr old and an 11month old who is up all night screaming..

Anyone have any pointers, tips, ideas, anything that will help me? If I do not get to 190 but I look like I could pass as 190 with inches lost that would be awesome.


  • wrk1234
    wrk1234 Posts: 1 Member
    I know that I am also a "soda Junkie". The Diet Coke/ Diet Pepsi just weren't doing it for me. I tried Pepsi Maxx and Coke Zero this past week. Both taste a LOT better than the Diet Coke and Diet Pepsi (IMHO), and still have the caffeine. Try one of these and see if they help.
  • arogers98
    arogers98 Posts: 38 Member
    I drink A LOT of soda too. I drink Pepsi like its water. However after starting MFP two weeks ago I changed that. You would be amazed how much soda drinking packs on the pounds. So I compromised. I buy a 12 pack of Pepsi One and keep at home. It still has the caffeine that I crave but no sugar (made with Splenda) and only 1 calorie. It tastes nothing like Diet Pepsi or Diet Coke because of the Splenda so I can live with that. I just make it a habit now that if we go out for lunch or dinner I get either water or lemonade because I know I have my Pepsi One waiting for me at home. I know that fountain drinks ALWAYS taste better but I had to compromise somewhere.
  • zaheerah
    zaheerah Posts: 1
    hi,i'm new on MFP and just came across your article today.i'v been through all of that and more,and now,this is my final hope.one advice if possible,you definitely need to get more sleep,even if its a nap during the day,enough sleep surely helps with weigh-loss.give yourself some time,and in the meanwhile,for your sons birthday,don't let the weight issue get you down,after all,it's a day for mum to be happy in order for the kiddies to be happier.
  • sthorp1179
    sthorp1179 Posts: 104
    I know how you feel about the lack of sleep and caffeine addiction :)

    I'm a mother of 3, a 4yr old, a 2yr old and a 15mth old. It is hard work at times to get a good nights sleep especially as I'm still feeding my youngest through the night!

    I was drinking diet coke all the time for a while until I started my healthy eating and exercise regime and relied on the caffeine to make me feel "normal". I now keep a 6 pack of cans in the fridge to have as a treat!. I have been doing the 30DS too when my children are asleep at night-time. Its been really hard to stick to the schedule and really its been my husband keeping me motivated over the last few weeks. It gets easier once you work through the pain of the first few days you will see the benefits, i.e. more energy, better quality of sleep, happier, stronger!

    As for eating healthier then maybe stick with the healthier foods that the family can eat and perhaps incorporate healthier options little by little. When I cook for the family I sometimes hide veggies (even blending them at times) in stews and sauces and soups without letting them know. So far my family have been introduced to butternut squash, cous cous, wholemeal pasta, spinach, wholemeal chapattis, seeded bread. I have found if I give them something new to try 70% of the time they will not object and small changes over a few weeks means we are eating a much better diet as a family.

    Good luck!
  • djjohnson2879
    This may sound harsh, but I hear you making a lot of excuses. You are not going to see results until you are 100% committed.
    You need to drink more water. Switch to iced tea. Still has caffiene, but no sugar, calories, or nasty artificial sweeteners of diet pop.
    You have to get more sleep. I can tell you first hand that if you aren't getting enough, you will not lose any weight.
    Your 11 mo old should really be sleeping all night. If not, I would advise going to the doctor to find out if something's wrong.
    My hubby and I are also on a tight budget. He does not eat what I do, but we still manage to get my healthy stuff and his cheap nasty stuff each week.
    I will say that I still eat more fast food than my MFP cohort at work. She has dropped weight much faster than I have. Don't just look at the calories consumed, but also the fat grams.
    You can do this, you just have to commit.
  • KELM0710
    KELM0710 Posts: 147 Member
    As far as the excuses..I drink a lot more water than I used to. I used to drink 8 ounces of actual water every 2 weeks. Now Im up to 24ounces a day at least. A big difference.
    Sleep--I can't get more. If I take a nap I get a migraine. My son has acid reflux and does not sleep and gets constant ear infections and shares a room with his brother because I do not have a big enough house for him to have his own room. So I cant let him cry it out like I want.
    Normally my husband doesnt complain about what I buy. If I were to buy something radical that he hasnt heard of or thinks it will taste like crap he very well may not eat it and thats fine. He can find something else. I do not eat that much fast food. Trying to cut back as often as I can, specially because of the price.

    I just have to slowly break the soda habit if I can. I can not eat anything with splenda or aspartame or artifical sweetners in them because it gives me migraines.

    Thanks for the input