

  • I guess it just goes to show that there was a lot of wasted anxiety over the scale number not moving.
  • I had forgotten to add, the last time I was this size I was 25 to 50 pounds lighter.
  • I've been off for months. Just posting to see my ticker! Thankfully, I'm still smaller than what I was when I started this in January and here it is September so even though I haven't dropped much, it's still better. So far, 20 . Last time I was here months ago I was down 17. I've been back in for a few weeks before…
  • thank you. I wrote a lot but just accidentally deleted it. LOL. Will try to take your advice. I'll give it to the end of Feb to see if this plan is right for me. Right now it's easy to cook for everyone and economical where my other plans get more expensive and restrictive but I feel really good on them for other reasons…
  • Sadly, I think I was following fairly well, my carbs were over 20 but I was in ketosis. My diary has always been open. If you look anytime before 2/14/14 maybe you can tell me what may have stalled me. I haven't been eating fruit or nuts while on Atkins so I'm not sure why someone said that while addressing me but I'm sure…
  • Thanks. I haven't been eating nuts or fruits and I don't think I would be really happy eating a steak without anything on it. I usually need about 4 carbs to dress it. I went off it Valentines and for the weekend. I went back on yesterday. Today, if i eat what is scheduled, I'll be at 27 carbs (I normally don't eat veggies…
  • I cheated. Didn't mean to. Fish sticks-ewww. This weekend I'm doing maintenance Atkins because I don't trust myself not to go hog wild if I don't have some limitations. Red wine and nuts makes me feel like a bad girl. The stupid fish sticks were the one item I shouldn't have had at all and totally not worth it. I'm not…
  • I weighed first thing this morning (earlier than usual) and matched my ticker. YEAH! It was the mind boost I needed. The only "bad" I did from being discouraged was eat way too much cool whip when I was down, went over carb count but stayed in ketosis, thank goodness! I'm glad I didn't thoroughly mess myself up, I don't…
  • So happy to see people reaching their goals. I'm one who is really struggling. My weight fluctuates by plus or minus 3 pounds, so I just keep on keeping on and count whatever weight that's low that I hadn't seen before. I seriously can't be gaining if I haven't cheated, so it has to be something else, although it's a bit…
  • For induction, carbs should be 20 grams or less, some people do NET carbs which is carb count minus the fiber in food. It depends on which way you want to go usually depending on the results you're getting. You aren't suppose to worry about caloric intake. I admit that I do but I'm almost totally non-active except for…
  • No, just watch carbs and don't worry about calories. You should lose, if not people can help you figure out why not.
  • I lost 16 in January (started on the 7th). Big stall on 3rd week and now I've been teetering all around my current number. It slowed down a lot or my body is re-adjusting. I'll be happy if lose at least a pound by next Monday. Although exercise isn't a necessity, I haven't been able to do it lately so that's not helping,…
  • You look great! Nice post, too!
  • What's strange is that if I'm doing low calorie, I get moody and depressed but when I do Atkins, I automatically have a hard time getting 1200 calories because I'm full, and I don't get moody, the only time i got really tired was when my calories were about 800 for a few days-I had to raise them on purpose.
  • I'm resistant to losing weight so I do look at it but sometimes it's to make sure I eat more because I don't have a big appetite on this plan. If you're an "eater" then just make sure that your fat is much higher than protein, otherwise I think some people will end up eating too much and someone said on another thread that…
  • Net carbs is when you deduct the fiber from the carb count. A lot of Atkins people do NET carbs. There is also a lot of Atkins people that don't do NET carbs because they find it stalls them. I don't do net carbs but if I accidentally go slightly over my carb count after having veggies then I don't feel so bad knowing they…
  • velveeta rotel dip is awesome on hot and spicey pork rinds--mmmm!
  • You're an inspiration!
  • I'm going to lose 9 pounds this month. I originally thought 10 but 9 pounds is better for my psych. That single digit thing. Right now I have 99 pounds to lose by March 1st I want to only (lol) have 90 to lose!
  • Pork rinds for crunchies. Not sure if any dips would work-maybe some kind of cheese dip to go with?
  • Too much protein can be a problem but ATKINS is high fat, not high protein. The USDA recommends 10 to 35% protein and atkins recommends 30% protein, 60% fat, 10%carbs. People that aren't using that ratio aren't properly following Atkins. Follow the ratios and there shouldn't be protein problems. Im not familiar with Dukan…
  • Congrats to everyone that made it and to everyone that hasn't quit! Ill go ahead an goal for 10 pounds lost for February, too.
  • Thanks. You're so right, I'm not going to weigh at least until Feb 2.
  • Thanks so much. I just replied in another thread-I'm TOO happy. I need to stop posting for a few days so I don't spam the Atkins boards! :)
  • That's so great! 3rd week was a stall for me, too. I started Jan 7th. This morning I lost 3.7 pounds, so you may lose a lot quickly next week.. Not that it matters, water weighs a lot and that's probably why we fluctuate but if the trend is down, that's good. Being healthy is what it's about. Congrats.
  • I made my GOAL!!! Okay, I'm early but I'm taking this today, just in case it's a fluctuation, I hit this number the first time since I started so I'm counting it. I weighed a little earlier than normal, too. I've been stalling since a slight mess up over the weekend so when the scale said I was down 3.7 pounds since…
  • This Atkins is quite the experiment, isn't it! I've been good at staying under 1200 just because I'm sedentary and drink lots of hot tea and the fats make me full. My carbs were getting too high so I switched to heavy whipping cream for my coffee,that I drink about a pot of every day to save those flavored sweetener carbs…
  • whipped cream or some cream cheese concoction may work.
    in sugar Comment by tunesntea January 2014
  • I sometimes use it in my eggs instead of butter. Also, when I "bread" my Parmesan cheese pork chops I use coconut oil to rub the chop all over and then put the parm cheese over all of it (then garlic salt). Some people put it in their coffee, I haven't tried that. If I need oil or lard, I'll use coconut oil. It was easy…