

  • You are doing so great!! Keep it up so I will, son. :smile: :heart:
  • almost ten.. Sheesh
  • I am not sure, but, I think it is pretty quick. The problem is that your body will want to 'catch up to pre-starvation mode. My doctor warned me of that. :( I did the starvation mode. Dropped a total of twenty one pounds and now I have gained back almost lbs. UGH! :frown:
  • If you had a hypo- active thyroid, then your doctor will put you on thyroid. They will usually do a blood test to check your level before doing the prescription. I have no thyroid and it took about a year to get me regulated. I did gain weight at first. Now I am losing steadily. I did have to increase my activity though…
  • Now I admit I am the last person you would call expert. I am not even sure I am a novice (LOL).. But.. (As this old lady says) Since starting this, I am eating three decent meals a day as well as a couple of snacks that are healthy. I have lost over ten lbs on this in the 45 days I have been here. For someone who isn't…
  • Reading... Anything I can get my hands on including cereal packets, etc.. I did love the left behind series and would love to have the movies. Currently I am writing my fifth book and reading the Bible. Keeps me out of trouble with all the things I am trying to change with my body. Anne McCaffrey is a good writer for…
  • I really don't know how many days I have logged in. Once in awhile something pops up to say I have logged in so many days. (And yes, I feel good about it). My main goal, though, is to lose weight, get toned and then maintain that until the day I get to go meet Jesus. I didn't for too many years to count, now I are playing…
  • Having a back that has put me through the wringer, (I have a SCS permanently implanted) There are a lot of things that can cause even more pain. One of the things my therapist told me is to do push ups while standing next to a wall. Place your feet away from the wall. The further you place them, the more work your body…
  • It also depends if you left that breast whole or if you cut it into bite size pieces. 8 hours on low isn't unreasonable. High varies on a lot of different things. Fresh veggies or processed- high altitude or low. It all makes a diff. I would shoot for about 6-7 hours on high if whole.. minimum of 6 hours on low if cut.…
  • I hate to say it, but I am happy it isn't just me. Sore muscles, lack of motivation, weight gain and loss. Worse of all is the trouble with waste disbursement. (Yeah, you all know what I mean). I finally did a check on fiber... 2 grams a day does not cut it. So, today went out and bought me those high fiber things I have…
  • I hate to say it, but the only time I eat fruit raw is when we have braeburn apples or tangelos and that is maybe a couple of times a month. My snacks of choice as the ones my doctor would flay me for. Dill pickles, carrots, sherbert, and pretzels. "grimace' the sodium is outrageous as well as the carbs. <shrug> I gave up…
  • I do 2 X a day 7 days a week. I have to lose weight and tone. Elliptical in the morning for myself. Walking/hiking evenings with husband and grandson to help even more. At 53, I have to jump in with both feet and convince myself I like this. :) anything can help though.
  • When you drink a lot of water, you are going to urinate more often. That is a good thing, especially if you are exercizing. You will need extra water to replace what you sweat out. If you are worried, do go to your physician. there are some very easy things they can do to make sure you are okay. Talk to your primary…
  • I have the opposite problem.. Hubby doesn't want the trunk junk.. Wanna trade?? (Hinneys I mean.. LOL)
  • Losing weight is not the only thing that is our goal is. Eating healthier, getting set in the habit of exercise that will keep us fit, and knowing that this lifestyle change is permanent. I have been put on a 1500 a day calorie food change by my doctor. The only way I am supposed to up that is if I do some extremely harsh…
  • Thank you all so much! I have lost 6 pounds so far (10 Days) but I haven't measured myself. I guess I could do the string thing. (Wrap the string around you, mark it, then lay it next to a tape measure-- LOL it does work) Cathy tiered exercise is starting out very slow and very easy. Working your self up every other day.…
  • A lot depends on whether their dishes are baked or fried. For me (I am half) the baked doesn't have a different flavor, it is mostly texture. Most places also have salads. If you order something your really like, only eat a portion of it. Take the rest home for another meal or two. :) Cuts your caloric intake by a ton.…
  • Way to go.. Just remember the occasional set back is no big thing. It happens. (I lost 4 gained 2, lost four.. ) Still ahead of the game, snug pants are fitting better than ever. :)
  • And with your low cal cooking practice, you can even cook for your mom. :)))) *Hopeful look*
  • One of my favorite camping 'treats/dinner". Get some good, hard crackers, diced tomatoes, cucumbers, celery, light chicken in a can, bell pepper, mild chilis. Dice all the veggies, add to the meat (add any juices too!) Celery salt, garlic powder, a tough of lime salt, dill, chili powder. Mix all together, cover and let set…
  • So far to me, I don't care what the size says. I want to know what I look like from week to week. That full length mirror will be uncovered once a week. If I can tell a difference, then I will be happy . :) Or maybe I will make it ever few weeks. Sizes don't mean much. I wear a 16.. in one brand.. and 18 in another and a…
  • You and me both son. I need to get an 'accurate' scale. Mine varies each time I go to the doctor. (As often as I am in there... I shouldn't need a scale. LOL) Did you invite Jason? I invited Kat. Justin isn't quite as over-weight as we are. If I start losing, I can guarantee your dad will . :D Thanks for inviting me bud!…