

  • I love her books! I bought 300 under 300 and am in LOVE! I went through to bookmark all of the recipes I wanted to try, and I swear almost EVERY page is bookmarked! A lot of people have mentioned the high sodium levels, what is great about all of these recipes is the ability to swap out for the low sodium version of…
  • I also am not much of a cooking person, also cooking for one, I've found that the hungry girl cookbooks are great because a lot of the recipes are for 1 serving, or if for more are usually something you can freeze or refrigerate.
  • So I finished week 1 over the weekend, but don't think I'm quite ready to move on to week 2, so I'm re-doing week 1 this week. Did week 1 day 1 again this morning. I think I'm falling in love with morning workouts. Never thought that would be the case, but it makes more sense to me to workout before work because I have way…
  • Life has kind of gotten in the way this week, came down with a nasty a cold on Tuesday night/Wednesday morning so I haven't been doing much this week, but I'm going to attempt to finish out the week with W1 D2 tonight and W1 D3 tomorrow night or Sunday. Would like to keep progressing.
  • I was just thinking the same thing! I'm not sure what I'm gonna do, looking through netflix for some workout video ideas... Let me know what you end up doing!
  • Just finished Week 1 Day 1, I am now reminded how much of a runner I am NOT! Ugh I couldn't even hit 5.0 for my running, I was at a 4.5 mph for my running and between 2.5 and 3.0 for my walking. I'm pretty sure I'll be needing to repeat week 1 a few times before I can move on! Oh well I feel great just having finished....
  • We had a coworker yesterday come back from maternity leave! They had cookies and cupcakes for her, but that wasn't the temptation for me, it was the darn Queso dip and chips that a co-worker made! All I could think about was eating just a little bit of it, but I just kept coming back on this site and reminding myself it…
  • BUMP sounds like a great breakfast on the go!!
  • PERFECT!! Chai is my absolute FAVORITE!!!
  • Yeah I'm a total whimp when it comes to running. I've struggled with exercise asthma my entire life, so playing sports I always had my inhaler with me. It just seems crazy to me now to be doing something that may potentially cause me to have an asthma attack, but then I look at myself and think I've gotta do something...…
  • I'm in!! Determined to wear shorts other than big baggy basketball shorts this summer!!!
  • I have a long haired chihuahua named Puckett! He is the love of my life!! He's a whopping 3.5 lbs but he thinks he's a WHOLE lot bigger!!! :love:
  • Must love MN "winter" I like to say we have 2 seasons here; Winter and Road Construction!!!!:explode:
  • Hey, maybe they'd get the clue!! haha:laugh: or maybe they'd think you were serious...hmmm:huh:
  • haha here's an idea, instead of leaving them a note to remind them that it's almost march; Wouldn't it be funny to leave a note saying how many days left until Christmas!!! Better start preparing now!!!:laugh:
  • To be called "the skinny one" just ONCE in my life! Have confidence out in public that people aren't looking at me going wow she's big!
  • I am now officially more motivated!! Thanks for all the suggestions! I'm sure we'll definately try making meals for each other! I can make myself breakfast, and leave it for him to eat when he gets home, and he can make dinner before he leaves, and I'll have something to eat when I get home from work!! I CAN DO IT!
  • I am SO glad I joined MFP! Every other time I've tried to lose the weight on my own, I would get down in myself and quit! It's so good to have support from people who are going through the same things I am!! THANKS SO MUCH! :happy:
  • I think the hardest thing will be that we always make dinner together, so we would shoot ideas around for new things to make. Being alone will be too easy to go back to the simple stuff but BAD stuff!! UGH! Maybe I'll go threw and look up a lot of recipes with him this weekend, and print a bunch out and keep them on hand…
  • Thank you so much!! It's good to know I can come here for some support! I know I've gotta stick to everything, because when I do, I feel so good about myself!!! Thank god for cell phones and text messaging is what he just told me! hahaha:smile:
  • So my boyfriend has been my kick in the butt when I'm feeling down on myself. He's an electrician, and jobs have been hard to come by. He just got a job working over nights, which pay wise is great! And I'm SO VERY HAPPY for him that he got something close to home. But with him working overnights, we'll be on complete…
  • haha I wrote loose!! Meant lose!!! Oops!!:blushing:
  • I would love to join this group!! I'm the maid of honor in a wedding in September, and if I could loose the weight I want before then, that would be great!!! Starting weight was 225. Current weight is 220! Been kinda stuck right here for a few weeks, trying to push past the late night cravings!!
  • I just went through the same thing recently. Just remember to keep your head up high and know that you are more amazing than you can imagine and everything will work out! It may not be what you think should be happening, but in the endyou acn look back and see how much better you are because of it! Keep your chin up, and…
  • Thanks!! I'm really excited about it, just hoping I don't get too discouraged when I hit a bump. That's what's happened to me in the past and I've given up. My parents are starting to eat healthier too, so hopefully that'll help with the food downfalls!:smile:
  • I'm "new" to the site. At least as a serious way to help me in the journey I've set out for myself. I signed up a while back but never got really serious about it. I looked in the mirror a few weeks ago and realized, WOW this is not who I am! I want to look on the outside the way I feel on the inside! I'm not happy with…