nort0186 Posts: 33
edited September 19 in Motivation and Support
So my boyfriend has been my kick in the butt when I'm feeling down on myself. He's an electrician, and jobs have been hard to come by. He just got a job working over nights, which pay wise is great! And I'm SO VERY HAPPY for him that he got something close to home. But with him working overnights, we'll be on complete opposite schedules! I'm deathly afraid that not seeing or hardly speaking to each other for the next 3-4 months is going to be really hard on me. In the past I've used food to mask my emotions and I can see myself getting depressed and doing this again! I've already started!!!! :cry:


  • So my boyfriend has been my kick in the butt when I'm feeling down on myself. He's an electrician, and jobs have been hard to come by. He just got a job working over nights, which pay wise is great! And I'm SO VERY HAPPY for him that he got something close to home. But with him working overnights, we'll be on complete opposite schedules! I'm deathly afraid that not seeing or hardly speaking to each other for the next 3-4 months is going to be really hard on me. In the past I've used food to mask my emotions and I can see myself getting depressed and doing this again! I've already started!!!! :cry:
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    Think positive!!!! You can do it!!! Use that time in the evening without him to exercise, plan your meals, relax...It is great that he found a job close to home!! Try not to turn a positive thing for both of you into a negative thing for you...:flowerforyou:
  • AmyNVegas
    AmyNVegas Posts: 2,215 Member
    Do what I do :happy: come here and post and read through all the successes and comment to motivate others. That helps me through the trying times when I just want to munch. Also reading and helping others helps give me the will power I need to keep going. You will also learn a lot and get to know people better on here and maybe make some friends to support you and whom you can also support. It really works!:flowerforyou: Good Luck!:drinker:

  • astarte09
    astarte09 Posts: 531 Member
    I have kinda the same problem... my boyfriend works 3-1230.. and I am in class till 10 at night...he is already in bed..I see him half of friday and sat nights, and sundays.. but I think it makes it easier! Especialy when I hadnt actually seen him in 4 days and he called me skinny. :flowerforyou:
  • Thank you so much!! It's good to know I can come here for some support! I know I've gotta stick to everything, because when I do, I feel so good about myself!!! Thank god for cell phones and text messaging is what he just told me! hahaha:smile:
  • thejarviclan
    thejarviclan Posts: 465 Member
    This'll be the true test! You're READY to do this on your own, to recall his motivation and apply it yourself! You CAN!
  • Chellekk
    Chellekk Posts: 421 Member
    Find something else to do to keep you busy and to give your mind something else to think about.

    Oh...and do little special things for your man, so when he gets home and you leave...he knows you been thinking about him. Put all that emotion into something fun! Search for new ideas and go shopping for little things that you can make or surprise him with.
  • heather0mc
    heather0mc Posts: 4,656 Member
    i think its a great opportunity to test things and to be able to enjoy your time together so much more. i think its also great that you will stick to it :flowerforyou: and take the next 3-4 months to focus on your health - time flies by so fast and before you know it, you'll be down some pounds and back together full time (if the job is only for a few months...) :flowerforyou:
  • I think the hardest thing will be that we always make dinner together, so we would shoot ideas around for new things to make. Being alone will be too easy to go back to the simple stuff but BAD stuff!! UGH! Maybe I'll go threw and look up a lot of recipes with him this weekend, and print a bunch out and keep them on hand all the time! Thanks again for all the support! :happy:
  • heather0mc
    heather0mc Posts: 4,656 Member
    I think the hardest thing will be that we always make dinner together, so we would shoot ideas around for new things to make. Being alone will be too easy to go back to the simple stuff but BAD stuff!! UGH! Maybe I'll go threw and look up a lot of recipes with him this weekend, and print a bunch out and keep them on hand all the time! Thanks again for all the support! :happy:

    i hear ya! i am single and before MFP NEVER cooked for myself. now i look forward to it. one thing i plan to try out this weekend is making some kind of casserole or lasagna. has a bunch of fun recipes that look tasty. i am hoping to make it sunday and have lunch for the rest of the week.

    its crazy, i want to buy a crock pot, a food scale, a ton of spices, more baking dishes - all sorts of stuff! feels like i am growing up...:noway:
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    I think the hardest thing will be that we always make dinner together, so we would shoot ideas around for new things to make. Being alone will be too easy to go back to the simple stuff but BAD stuff!! UGH! Maybe I'll go threw and look up a lot of recipes with him this weekend, and print a bunch out and keep them on hand all the time! Thanks again for all the support! :happy:

    You are stronger than that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Don't let yourself go. Just think about how bad you will feel if you do that. Yes!! When you are together cook meals that you will be able to reheat when you are alone. And keep all the junk foods out of your house!!!! That way there wont be any temptations nearby!! :flowerforyou:
  • I know where you are coming from...Same thing happen to my bf...he went on nights and to make it worst I was the one taking him back and forth so guess who was up watching bf eat dinner at 3am I was and guess who was hungery again I was it was so hard...But you can do this!!! I know you can!!!
  • I am SO glad I joined MFP! Every other time I've tried to lose the weight on my own, I would get down in myself and quit! It's so good to have support from people who are going through the same things I am!! THANKS SO MUCH! :happy:
  • Chellekk
    Chellekk Posts: 421 Member
    When he gets home and it's dinner time...and breakfast for you...make that together! Breakfast for dinner...yummy! Or...leave copies of recipes out and write notes on them and have him write them back. Then save them for later OR make them and send him to work with lunch!

    This wil keep you eating good foods, allows you to share the ideas and plans with your man, and let's him know you are still working on yourself. :smile:

    A little more effort right now is a good thing and yep...time wil fly!
  • thompsons81702
    thompsons81702 Posts: 293 Member
    You can do it! My huband is in the military. He is my big motivation however it seems everytime he would leave I would gain weight. Well I stopped this cycle during his last deployment and lost 60 lbs. This time I had just had a baby when he left so I started working outin January and I have lost 23 lbs since he left. I just have to think of what he will think when he sees me in October. You should think the same way. He will notice the changes so much more since you are not together all the time. Cooking is a hard thing. Maybe you could get some healthy frozen dinners for a few nights a week. I like some of the weight watchers smart ones. They are like 300 calories. I would not eat them all the time but it does get hard to cook for one person all the time.
  • I am now officially more motivated!! Thanks for all the suggestions!
    I'm sure we'll definately try making meals for each other! I can make myself breakfast, and leave it for him to eat when he gets home, and he can make dinner before he leaves, and I'll have something to eat when I get home from work!! I CAN DO IT!
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