C25K Starting Tomorrow (Dec- 27- 2010 Monday)



  • ontheheap
    ontheheap Posts: 12 Member
    Week 1 Day 6 (!!!) completed today. I'm doing the program at "half speed" so today marks my completion of Week 1 =) When I started last week I couldn't do the 60/90 for the entire 20 minutes. I could do the first 3 or 4 60-second jogs but then I had to walk the rest. Now I can do the 60/90 alternating for the full 20 and I'm ready for "week 2"!
  • Week 1 completed. Still really pushing it with the heartrate around 175 during running and 160 during the 90 second rest.
    Hopefully this will start to improve.

    Today: 1.6 miles
    350 calories
    30 minutes
  • NanBar
    NanBar Posts: 283 Member
    I am a bit ahead in the C25K program- I am starting week 4. But I'll check in with my progress! I am a runner but I took time off and am using it to get back into the grove. It works!

    If you guys have an iphone or an ipod- download the app- and/or the Robert Ullrey podcasts on the internet or itunes - he has the warm up- great techno music and they break the monotony. I cannot imagine doing C25K with out one of these options! If you are doing it without- you should try it with the pod cast or app!
    Good luck everyone!
  • Dhathri
    Dhathri Posts: 323 Member
    ontheheap, Nice strategy
    VWBuggin1963, Well done
    nannyKb, Thanks for your inputs will give it a try.
  • Dhathri
    Dhathri Posts: 323 Member
    I successfully finished 3rd day of first week. I had trouble jogging for 60 sec. I need to push myself next week for 90 sec.
  • I completed week 1 :) My jog was at 6 mph. and my walk was at 3.8 mph. Looking forward to this week!! BTW my preacher has agreed to run a 5k with my husband and me when I finish!!
  • Dhathri
    Dhathri Posts: 323 Member
    Happy new year 2011.
    Hope u all had a good time. Its now time to start the second week of C25k.
  • Dhathri
    Dhathri Posts: 323 Member
    I am successful on Week 2, Day 1. At the end I was running by holding the sidebar of the treadmill, but i am glad i have finished it.

    Walk @ 3.5 - 2 min, warm up and cool down. Total 21 min.
    Run @ 4.5 - 1.30 min. Total 9 min
    Completed 2 miles
  • Ok, I am on the road this week and took my Ipod with me.
    Week 2 did not transfer completely and I tried to do this with my changing the speeds based off of the time on the treadmill.
    I think I missed one of the 90 second runs because I ended at 24.5 mins after the 5 min warm up and the intervals and then finished the last 5.5 mins walking.

    I burned 350 calories, total miles was 1.83

    Walking speed was 3.5 to 4 mph, running was 4.8 to 5 mph.

    I didn't think I could do it, but I did. Wednesday is another day. Still on the road, but I am going to try to transfer the podcast again so I don't mess up on the timings.

    My heartrate is still 175 during running, but my recovery heartrate is down to 145. I still think this is too fast but I am not a fitness guru so I don't know. I hope this gets better. I don't mind the 175, I just wish I could recover sooner.
  • I completed week 1 :) My jog was at 6 mph. and my walk was at 3.8 mph. Looking forward to this week!! BTW my preacher has agreed to run a 5k with my husband and me when I finish!!

    That is excellent. I am hoping to get up to 6 mph.
  • triciamarie
    triciamarie Posts: 70 Member
    I will be starting wednesday and check in with you all often :)
  • I started running witht the C25K and in October (a year later) I ran a marathon! I would NOT have been able to finish it if I didnt start with the C25K first. There were times when the C25K was really hard, I most definetly was not a runner) BUT I am so glad I did it!

    Keep it up!
  • Just finished Week 1 Day 1, I am now reminded how much of a runner I am NOT! Ugh I couldn't even hit 5.0 for my running, I was at a 4.5 mph for my running and between 2.5 and 3.0 for my walking. I'm pretty sure I'll be needing to repeat week 1 a few times before I can move on! Oh well I feel great just having finished....
  • Dhathri
    Dhathri Posts: 323 Member
    Just finished Week 1 Day 1, I am now reminded how much of a runner I am NOT! Ugh I couldn't even hit 5.0 for my running, I was at a 4.5 mph for my running and between 2.5 and 3.0 for my walking. I'm pretty sure I'll be needing to repeat week 1 a few times before I can move on! Oh well I feel great just having finished....

    Dont worry, even I am not a runner. I did at the same pace you did. Its not about the speed but it is about the endurance. Keep going at your own pace. I am going to stick at the speed I will be comfortable with. We can make it.
  • taxford
    taxford Posts: 5 Member
    Finished with w1 and w2d1! Getting pretty excited to wake up early and tackle w2d2. I haven't reached the point where running is addictive yet, but its getting close!
  • MaryChaCha
    MaryChaCha Posts: 20 Member
    I need to join this group! I really need the motivation, and am highly interested in learning to run. I have two brothers who are marathoners, and although I don't have a desire as of yet to run marathons, I do want to run, starting with a 5K. (Maybe a marathon will be in my future!)

    I started the C25K training this morning, after seeing a post about it last week. It was manageable since I downloaded the app for my phone, which told me when to run, when to walk, and when I was nearing the end.

    I had tried running this past summer, but went out and jogged a mile three days in a row, then aggravated an old calf injury. I am interested in the C25K program because it stresses a break between days of working out.

    On days that you are not doing the C25K workout, what are you doing? I figured I'd lift weights two of the days and do yoga the other days.

    Thanks for starting this group! :happy:
  • On days that you are not doing the C25K workout, what are you doing? I figured I'd lift weights two of the days and do yoga the other days.

    I was just thinking the same thing! I'm not sure what I'm gonna do, looking through netflix for some workout video ideas... Let me know what you end up doing!
  • MaryChaCha
    MaryChaCha Posts: 20 Member
    I did a 20 minute yoga workout since I was stiff from yesterday's workout. I'm glad I did since I feel good now.

  • Dhathri
    Dhathri Posts: 323 Member
    On days that you are not doing the C25K workout, what are you doing? I figured I'd lift weights two of the days and do yoga the other days.

    I was just thinking the same thing! I'm not sure what I'm gonna do, looking through netflix for some workout video ideas... Let me know what you end up doing!

    i go on an elliptical or walk on treadmill.some days i try to shred or biggest loser dvd. Hope it helps
  • NanBar
    NanBar Posts: 283 Member
    I do strength and circuit training- I am just careful to keep the cardio in the circuit training to a very low impact.

    I'm on W4 of C25k- and people it does get easier. My recommendation is to stop worrying about how fast you are running and walking- sure when you are doing intervals on week 3 you want to run those 90 seconds a bit faster than the 3 min runs- but it's about building endurance and time. Don;t set your self up for an injury. When you actually get a base set then you work toward performance!

    Good Luck y'all
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