PaigeG Member


  • What exactly is pearled barley? And where do you find it??
  • Yes, spin and cycle are the same thing. As a spin instructor, my advice is to take it easy for the first class. Too many people make the mistake of putting too much tension on the bike and tiring themselves out. If you get tired, just pull off the tension and pedal until you feel you can jump back in. Believe me, there…
  • Take a deep breath and relax! Your body will fluctuate for many reasons including TOM, hormonal changes, etc. If your clothes feel fine, weigh in once a week. Don't beat yourself up over daily changes!!
  • Congratulations on sticking with it. I like how you have set yourself mini goals instead of a big number to achieve. That will help you stay on track and not feel overwhelmed. Just wanted to pat you on the back and say "Good Job."
  • I am not a doctor but I was going to say the same thing. The fitter and lighter you become, the more efficient you become and the less calories you burn. Not necessarily a bad thing. Sounds like you are doing great - keep it up!!
  • I teach spin and I will tell you to go easy on the resistance dial. As long as you are moving your legs, you're getting a workout. I wear my heart rate monitor and I burn almost 500 calories in one hour. I average around 450. Hope this helps. Keep trying and let us know how it goes...
  • Hi there! I too teach 2 spin classes a week, plus several sculpting/bootcamp classes. I am struggling with how much food should I be eating. I am 5' 7" and about 132 pounds right now. I am happy with my size but am trying to become a cleaner, healthier eater. I recently bought a Heart Rate Monitor so I could keep track of…
  • Congratulations on your weight loss success so far! MyFitnessPal wil be a great tool for you on your weight loss journey. Good luck!!
  • After seeing your post, I went and checked out the reviews. Bottom line - it is not a product for weight loss. You may feel less bloated due to the process but that's about it. It's a pretty expensive product to not seem a long term, lasting result. In my opinion, you are best to just try to eat right and within your…
  • Unfortunately, we don't get to pick where we lose the weight! :-) If you have always carried weight around your middle, then your body type has not changed. The only way to reduce your waist is to reduce the fat around your waist by dieting. The exercise will help and certain types will help the midsection more than…
  • I have been on Synthroid for 11 years and have had to adjust my medication several times due to pregnancies, weight gain, weight loss, etc. However, I was able to lose 20 pounds with hypothyroidism. It can be done. The key is diet AND exercise. You can't do one without the other. Everyone is right - it may take several…
  • Each person is different so there is no way to tell where you should be with your heart rate. However, most charts calculate it like this: 220 - your age = maximum heart rate Max heart rate x .65 = low end of target zone Max heart rate x .85 = high end of target zone This will give you an idea of the range of where you…
    in so happy Comment by PaigeG January 2010
  • I try not to make any food off limit. If I want some pizza, I eat a slice of pizza. I try to make sure I choose the healthiest version of whatever food I am craving. A lot of times if I eat really big at lunch, I adjust and have a light dinner. You can also try this approach - look at the doughnut, pizza, etc. that you are…
    in Why? Comment by PaigeG January 2010
  • They tell you to weigh in once a week for a reason. Our weight will fluctuate daily due to water retention, hormones, etc. If you eat a meal high in sodium the day before you will see it on the scale the next day. Don't beat yourself up! It's a new day - be sure to drink plenty of water and get your exercise in. Don't let…