
stacyoct19 Posts: 187 Member
edited September 20 in Health and Weight Loss
So I've been really proud of myself for sticking to this low calorie and eating plan. I am allowed to have 1400 calories at this point when I don't exercise. I do my best on most days to get all my calories in, but I do struggle to eat more when I exercise. I try to eat at least eat half of those calories. My last weigh in I stepped on the scale and had another 2 lb loss. I was so excited. Finally, I can do this.

I stepped on the scale this morning, and it went up 5 lbs (just 3 days after I weighed in last, so I'm not entering that and my ticker still shows 8 lbs)??? That's more than half the weight I had lost up and to this point. Now I know, muscle weighs more than fat, but I also know that I'm not doing enough to gain 5 lbs of muscle in a week. I'm frustrated to tears this morning. I'm not giving up. I am just afraid that I will never lose this weight. Story of my life...


  • PaigeG
    PaigeG Posts: 14 Member
    They tell you to weigh in once a week for a reason. Our weight will fluctuate daily due to water retention, hormones, etc. If you eat a meal high in sodium the day before you will see it on the scale the next day. Don't beat yourself up! It's a new day - be sure to drink plenty of water and get your exercise in. Don't let this start you off on a "Why bother?" binge. Weigh yourself again on your regular day and then see if you need to make an adjustment somewhere.

    Don't forget - you MUST eat all your calories everyday. If you don't, your body will slow down its metabolism thinking it is not getting enough. Good luck!!!!
  • geicko
    geicko Posts: 151
    I know it is frustrating... But you have to work really hard on your mind and try to relativize the numbers you see on the scale. Right, it can give a pretty good idea of the progress made, but it can also be really missleading since it can move up and down by many pounds on a daily basis, for multiple reasons. Maybe you ate salty food in the last 3 days, or drank a little more, or you are approaching that time of the month. All these influence that little evil number.

    One thing I can tell you for sure is you DIDN'T put on 5 pounds of fat in 3 days. There's just no way it can happen. Takes 3 500 calories to make a pound !

    So keep the good work, try not to think about the number on the scale too much, but rather how good you feel in you head (you should feel proud of yourself !) and your clothes and sooner or later, the scale will move downward and won't go back up.
  • catherine1979
    catherine1979 Posts: 704 Member
    Your body naturally fluctuates 5 or more pounds a day. Don't worry. As long as you see an overall downward trend, which you do, it's fine. Don't give up!
  • stacyoct19
    stacyoct19 Posts: 187 Member
    Thanks everyone! I didn't realize it could fluctuate 5 lbs. I thought one or two would be normal! And it's a relief to know that it's not 5 lbs of fat either! I can deal with a little water retention. :laugh:

    Here's to a new day...
  • sharonsue
    sharonsue Posts: 11 Member
    Don't be discouraged. Your weight will fluctuate. I can't tell you not to weigh yourself alot, I do everyday. Just keep it in perspective. If you weigh one day and you are down you are not going to put it on in 2 days. Generally it is water. As long as you (overall) are going down and practicing whatever plan works for you, just keep it up. The results will come.
  • leelu
    leelu Posts: 136 Member
    Try and weigh in around the same time of day - i do it mid week in the morning before breakfast in the nude after going to the bathroom (trying to eliminate as many variables as possible). I cant help jumping on or off at other times of the day or week but that same time is the one that i write down. I move 1.5 kilos up and down in a day (3-4 pounds) every day
  • lilbeckyboo1981
    lilbeckyboo1981 Posts: 16 Member
    Have you been recording your measurements and adding your own eg top of thigh etc i find the changes more noticable! :)
  • ollypennie
    ollypennie Posts: 11 Member
    I'm with the last post mid week, in the nip just after you get out of bed. I call them weigh in Wednesdays! I was 224lb last night and this morning 217lb so there cane be a huge difference just depending on what you eat, by all means weigh yourself more but only record the one keeping all the variables the same.

    Keep your chin up you can do it. :happy:
  • stacyoct19
    stacyoct19 Posts: 187 Member
    I don't have a tape measure. I know, I need to just grab one. LOL
  • I'm a serial weigher too. The scales play naughty tricks on us. You can look like you've gained only to lose a several lbs a few hours later.

    You certainly cannot gain 5lbs of fat in three days, like the previous poster mentioned. Its likely to be water retention, or sorry to say this, but maybe you need to go to the loo!! All these things can make those darn scales go up.

    Stick with it and I know you'll see a nice drop in weight very soon. x
  • hdc1437
    hdc1437 Posts: 11
    I feel as if I wrote that post myself. I am having the same issue, right now. Thank you for your story! :smile:
  • ractayjon
    ractayjon Posts: 365
    Not sure if this has been mentioned but if you are anywhere near your time of month - that will help you retain water - I go up between 3-6 pounds the week before my time (for about a day or so) and then 102 pounds the day before....
    OR sodium...if you had a day high in sodium you may be holding on....
  • Thanks for your post it did me some good to read what everyone had to say. I am having the same problem as you are. and it is frustrating as hell ! Maybe it will help me get through this as well !
  • SammiAnne11
    SammiAnne11 Posts: 158 Member
    Hugs! And yes take your measurments...that will really help keep it all in perspective!
  • FireMonkey
    FireMonkey Posts: 500 Member
    I often have the same experience (I also weigh daily :blushing: ) but I made a decision to not let it bother me and concentrate on fitness instead of numbers on a scale. The good part is, with healthy eating and increasing fitness the weight comes off over time. Bonus! :drinker:
  • Here's my discourage story (and a small triumph): I too weigh myself everyday, even tho I've told myself "just weigh on Sundays". Never happens :smile:

    This week, I haven't lost one pound, still the same weight as last week, and I felt the same way you did "How can this be??". Until I tried on a pair of pants I haven't been able to fit into for quite a few months. I was amazed I could actually zip them up and had some room to move in the waist! So I know what I'm doing is working, even if the evil-infused scale doesn't tell me what I want to see. :grumble:

    Just keep going! You are making a difference!
  • stacyoct19
    stacyoct19 Posts: 187 Member
    thanks again everyone for your advice! i will take it to heart and keep pushing forward. i have been able to slip in to a pair of jeans that i wasn't in before. but not to the point of actually wearing them out. i have that belly problem and don't want to be the girl with her belly sticking out! lol

    but really, thanks!!!!!!!! and i'm glad this post helped others out there too! it's nice to know you're not alone! strength in numbers! :)
  • Also, when you do weigh in, do it the exact same time every day. If you weigh in one morning--when you haven't had fluids and food for hours--it will be very different from when you weigh in at night--with a full belly and a fluid-filled bladder! Just keep working. Sometimes the body and scale are on different timelines!
  • gebnpb
    gebnpb Posts: 166
    Def do NOT get discouraged about that. I got on the scale on Monday and it said up 3.5 pounds and today it said I lost that 3.5 and another pound. I think it could be water weight.Ur doing great so keep it up!!
  • FitbitConnor
    FitbitConnor Posts: 143 Member
    I just want to reiterate what the others have said, dont feel bad its perfectly normal :0) i like to weigh daily and personally i think its LESS upssetting! as you have heard your weight can fluctuate +/- 5lb or more, most of us are advised to lose 1-2 lb per week, so in theory, if you pick the wrong time your weight could be up twice as much as you have actually lost, i personally would be really disappointed in that after a hard week of exercise and self control, even more so if i had to wait a whole other week to see if i had made a change! i prefer to weigh daily but not take the individual reading to heart as long as i can see an overall trend of weightloss im happy!
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