DoctahJenn Member


  • Oh gosh, I need these, too.
  • You know, my biggest issue is finding excuses to use my favorite gifs. Like I have a huge stack of Capaldi and Baker gifs, but I couldn't think of a good way to tie them all in.
  • Like, twenty minutes, haha. I've done it a few times...
  • Couldn't add you either, but you're welcome to send me a FR.
  • I'm from Sioux Falls! Honestly I nearly fell over when I saw this post, because as far as I can tell, there's like... no one else from SD around here. Or no one I can find who's active, anyhow. But I'll give you fair warning - I'm a huge geek, and I mostly talk about Marvel stuff and Doctor Who when I'm not getting into…
  • I sleep better when I work out early as opposed to later in the day. When I was working out after dinner, I had a terrible time getting a good quality sleep. Also, I like working out on an empty stomach. Food in my belly while I'm doing intense cardio tends to make me feel ill, so mornings are just practical for me.
  • I've been diagnosed with Hypothyroidism for fifteen years, and as long as I take my medication as directed I don't have any issues. In fact, I've decreased my medication levels since changing to a healthier lifestyle. If it's particularly difficult for you, find an Endo who can help find a solution that works for you.
  • If you're willing to change your routine, it can be very helpful. Knowing how much I move is allowing me to eat more is incredibly motivating. And if you play Pokemon Go.... catching pokemon becomes a workout. ;) I did 24k steps the other day running around with friends playing, and wound up with more calories than I could…
  • Watch Doctor Who, (The reboot, start with Season 1 Episode 1 "Rose" and never look back,) Daredevil (Netflix only,) and Jessica Jones. (Also Netflix exclusive.)
  • I had mine out, but it didn't do anything for my weight. A lot of people lose weight simply due to the fact that for a few years, high-fat foods (peanut butter, or creamy salad dressing to name a couple) can agitate your stomach because you no longer have a place to store excess fat. It was YEARS before I could have PB…
  • Have you heard about the Hogwarts challenge? I have a good friend who's part of running it. I think the slots are all full this term, but you can keep an eye on it for next term! ((Also, y'all are welcome to add me.…
  • Best advice: Get a Heart Rate Monitor (HRM) with a chest strap - the ones that are just a watch aren't accurate - and wear it during cardio. It won't help you if you're lifting, but for things like running it's accurate. (I recommend the Polar FT4. But that's just me.)
  • The best advice I have is to stock your freezer with prepared meals you can just pop in the oven. I used to fill little disposable trays with meat and veggies I liked, sprinkle on seasoning, and store them in my freezer when my husband was deployed to make sure I didn't cave in and get fast food every night. It took maybe…
  • I won't add you, because unless you don't mind a TOTAL geek, you'll probably hate me. But I promise I chat with my friends, and you're welcome to add me!
  • Yeah, but there doesn't seem to be any takers this time around. Maybe I'll try again in a few months. :)
  • That's 10lbs a month, which is unlikely. Experts agree that 2 lbs a week is safe, but the smaller you get, the harder it gets to lose each week. And you're going to have weeks where you don't lose anything at all - we all do, from time to time. And seeing as it's for your wedding, you don't want to be losing a lot of hair…
  • I've been on levothyroxine for twelve years, and it works wonderfully for me. But then, my "natural" levels are just plain crazy, so there's a huge difference between when I take it and when I don't. BUT. Since eating better and getting plenty of exercise, my thyroid has improved significantly. I've dropped down from a 225…
  • If it does time travel too... take me with you.
  • *clears throat* I could swear I heard the sound of someone mentioning Doctor Who all the way from my personal feed. ((Also Marvel everything, and Star Wars, and MMOs, and Firefly, and board games... do I need to continue?)
  • I'm an Army wife of ten years this month. We've been through deployments, and training, and all sorts of nonsense, so I totally get it. His very first deployment, he was gone for 15 months. It's not easy! But the thing that helped me the most was taking a martial arts class. It allowed me to interact with other people a…
  • 5 years of Taekwondo, 6-ish of karate that was loosely based on kempo. No current dojo because nothing here in Sioux Falls has impressed me - I'm an army wife so we move ALL the time - but I keep in practice on my own. As a warning, if you add me...... I'm a geek. A huge, Star Wars loving, Doctor Who obsessing,…
  • Army wife! Used to be CavScout at Ft. Carson, now the husband is a recruiter out in SD. One kid. No base. Feels like Civilian life sometimes these days.
  • Karate 1 kyu, taekwondo bo dan. Kendo experience as well, knowing 7 katas (but my basics are really pretty bad, if I'm honest. We had a rather nontraditional training.) All told I have 12 years of experience... if I wasn't married to an Army man, I might even have a couple black belts by now. :P But I'm not really worried…
  • I've tried to stick with SWTOR. I really have. I'm a huge MMO gamer, and the story is good in SWTOR. But.... I dunno. Something about it - I get bored after a few months back, every single time. My husband still plays though!
  • :o I do all sorts of geekiness. Star Wars, Doctor Who... anything Marvel... ((Jessica Jones is about to come out!!)) I'm sending a FR, and invite anyone to toss me one as well. :)
  • I'm a sci-fi/fantasy book worm! Mercedes Lackey, Orson Scott Card, Tamora Pierce...! Oh, and a geek in general. Doctor Who is the big one. Star Wars, too - have you guys read any of the new books? Nothing holds up to the magnificence of the OLD-old stuff, (such as the X-Wing series or Young Jedi Knights,) but it's.... not…
  • And just in honor of the announcement NASA made today about running water found on Mars...