Wedding in May

Hi all,

I'm getting married in May and have around 50lbs to lose until I'm comfortable with my weight.

Is this doable?!


  • taptap25
    taptap25 Posts: 21 Member
    you go girl, im planning 35 for March 31
  • DoctahJenn
    DoctahJenn Posts: 616 Member
    That's 10lbs a month, which is unlikely. Experts agree that 2 lbs a week is safe, but the smaller you get, the harder it gets to lose each week. And you're going to have weeks where you don't lose anything at all - we all do, from time to time. And seeing as it's for your wedding, you don't want to be losing a lot of hair or ruining your skin because you're not eating enough - that's counterproductive to the goal of being beautiful on your wedding day.

    I can't see your current weight, but chances are good that you'd be better off trying to lose 1-2 pounds each week, which means a goal of somewhere between maybe 30-40 pounds off by then. You never know - you might even manage to lose 50. Stuff happens, you know? But setting a slightly smaller but more realistic goal will keep you from feeling discouraged, and the important thing is making sure you eat enough to keep your hair, skin, and nails pretty. And loooooooots of water. And remember - give it two weeks of solid work before you look for results of any kind. It usually takes that long.
  • liveloveqc
    liveloveqc Posts: 8 Member
    Depends on your starting weight, but I think it's possible! And losing 30-40 pounds would still be tremendous and very dramatic visually!

    I'm trying to lose weight for my wedding too :) good luck!