

  • How do you track the calories and quantities when juicing? I always have major difficulty with that part.
  • I needed that. Thank you for giving me the courage to keep going.
  • I am actually eating them in my salad right now. I put them in dry but am drinking a full glass of water with my salad. Chia seeds absorb water and sort of plump up after a little while. If you take them dry, they could actually remove hydration in your stomach. You could also put them in water and put them in the fridge…
    in Chia Seeds Comment by funsover May 2011
  • I think it would very thoughtful and a great gift if you had a picnic with your family but they made the whole meal and made your NEW favorites and did the food prep, presentation and clean up for you. That would be a great birthday or mother's day gift (I also celebrate Mother's Day and my birthday around the same time).
  • Congratulations!!! Great accomplishment. I run my first 5K this coming Saturday and you have motivated me so much, so, thank you.
  • I watch tv shows like Addicted to Food, X-weighted, Eat yourself Sexy while running on my treadmill. All GREAT incentives to keep the burn going.
  • I am doing W8D2 tomorrow. I never thought I could get to week 3 much less week 8. Incredible program.
    in C25K Comment by funsover May 2011
  • I use agave syrup (raw). I add 1 tablespoon to 3/4 of a cup of plain greek yogurt. It is delicious. I pour it over the following meal: 1 mango, apple, 1 cup strawberries and 1/4 - 1/2 cup raw mixed nuts. It is a meal in itself. Soooo good. and no craving for dessert afterwards, because it sort of is dessert, but super…
  • Great responses!!!! Every one of you is doing great. Not just because of your honesty to yourself but also sharing it with others so that we don't all feel alone in this journey. It is great to know that of the multitude of emotions, physical transformations and social adjustments we are going through, we're all in this…
  • I downloaded the C25K app on my iPhone and it's good for telling you when to start/stop as well as the plan for the run, however, I found it wasn't very inspirational so I listen to the NHS (National Health Service) podcast while on my treadmill. The speaker talks to you like a trainer and gives you motivation while you…
  • Glad to help!!! We're all in this together. BTW, I checked out your blog.....holy moly, what a difference in 1 year.....You look absolutely fantastic. Good job!
  • And the chocolate eggs.....soooo many chocolate eggs. I actually threw a bunch out today. I just can't tempt myself anymore.
  • Ha Ha! John Pinette is hilarious!!
  • Yup, who ever eats 1/4 of a chocolate bunny? Someone who doesn't read that it has more than 800 CALORIES that's much guilt, so little time......
  • Yup, they do that to me too!
    in Apples Comment by funsover April 2011
  • Although I am not divorced and have no experience with physical abuse, my thinking is that you may be able to take care of yourself better when not faced with all the issues your husband brings to your life on a daily basis. I often hear of women who fare out better after a divorce. As a side note, if he treats you like…
  • I say keep pushing....not just for your physical fitness, but your mental fitness as well. You'll feel great after you accomplish the water aerobics workout and be ready to face tomorrow as you work towards your C25K goals......YOU CAN DO IT!!!!
  • I am doing my W5D3 today and so far all I have been telling myself is that I can't do it...the jump is just too much, but then make a conscience effort to tell myself that I can do it....the mental game is killing me. We'll see.
  • That's interesting. When I was running my first 8 minutes, I was surprised when it was time to stop running, I felt like I could have kept going, but thought I had better stick to the program. So, it's good to hear that it is possible to challenge yourself beyond the program.
  • I just finished W5D2. I did W5D1 last Sunday and it took me this long to get past my mental block thinking that I couldn't do the 8 minutes, but I finally just decided to do it and I just slowed down to 4 mph and I was able to do it. You can do it too. You can friend me if you want for extra support. Just keep telling…
  • Can you write a book with all those encouraging words, and hand it out to all the men in our lives entitled "How to Make Women Happy" subtitled "It's easier than you'd think" Thanks for the pick me up!
  • Salsa is great with chicken (baked on top or mixed in with chopped up chicken)
  • I am using the NHS Couch to 5 K podcast(s) from itunes. It is free to download. It is so much better than always looking at my watch. I love it. I just finished W4D3.
  • I exercised in the morning so that I am not thinking and feeling guilty about it all day.
  • I am a stay-at-home mom to a little boy, almost 3, and a little girl, just turned one. Some days are very hard when it comes to snacks, late night moments to myself when all I want to do is consume, but, MFP is helping me become accountable for what passes my lips.
  • inkdgirl, I am also Canadian, from Nova Scotia, I definately have to pick and choose my days for outside runs, but it is awesome to get outside and off the treadmile. Also, for those days when I don't feel like walking the treadmill, I do the Walk Away The Pounds workout routine, there is a 1 mile, 2 mile and 3 mile…
  • I just finished my week one and I'm telling you, I felt so amazing yesterday to finish W1D3 and to compare it to just 5 days earlier when I almost quit after the first 10 mins. To get through the full 20 mins of jog/walk without a stitch in my side, and with better form, and to look forward to week two was such a huge deal…
  • Awesome, three days in a row, that's great. I find that actually walking out the door is the hardest part of walking. Good job!
    in My NSV Comment by funsover March 2011
  • sassy0913 is planning on starting this next week.