Looking for stay at home moms/or dads

missbeezy Posts: 198
edited September 25 in Motivation and Support
I am looking for stay at home parents who are trying to lose weight. I figure if I add more people who have something in common with myself then it will be a little bit easier to support and be supported. It's hard staying home with children b/c you tend to run to the fridge at every stress point. I'm looking for some support from people who feel my pain, even those who don't feel my pain can add me too!! Thanks!


  • keylareed
    keylareed Posts: 27 Member
    I hear ya! I am a stay-at-home mom of two boys. This morning they wanted french toast, so of course I made french toast...... BUT, I didn't eat it. I am TRYING to be good!!! ;)
  • stephbraden74
    stephbraden74 Posts: 92 Member
    Im a stay at home mommy of two boys!!! Im 27 my boys are 2 and 4!!! good luck with everything!
  • CarrieAbbey
    CarrieAbbey Posts: 378 Member
    Sing it sista! I hear ya. I bake when I'm stressed, so let's just say yesterday we had some fresh bread, muffins and a cheesecake. :smile:
  • juliapurpletoes
    juliapurpletoes Posts: 951 Member
    I'm a stay home mom - although my baby is about to finish high school!! I completely understand the challenges!!

  • naesue
    naesue Posts: 401 Member
    I'm a stay at home mom who sits home alone all day. My Daughter is almost seven and in 1st grade. I get bored and lonely at home all day and when I do that I eat. It has been so hard to break the fridge habit.
  • funsover
    funsover Posts: 39
    I am a stay-at-home mom to a little boy, almost 3, and a little girl, just turned one. Some days are very hard when it comes to snacks, late night moments to myself when all I want to do is consume, but, MFP is helping me become accountable for what passes my lips.
  • I am a stay at home mom. I have four kids, two are in school. I am also trying to get my nursing degree, so I understand the busy life.
  • FaithandFitness
    FaithandFitness Posts: 653 Member
    I am a SAHM and homeschooling mom . . .sometimes I do play Labor and Delivery nurse a couple nights a week (but that doesn't make my day job any easier!!!) Would love to hop in your boat with ya and encourage each other!
  • feel free to add me, SAHM of 3 kids
  • Just sent you a friend request. I am a STHM with four kids. My three boys are in school during the day but I have my DD and two nephews that I watch during the day. It really hard for me to find the time to workout. I do a little here and a little there. I lso try to incorporate my DD (one years old) and my youngest nephew into some of my workout. They are great ways to add weight resistance while have play time with them. I make up exercises like kiss the baby sit ups or rock her to sleep arobics. We both have fun while I get iin some workout time.
  • I am SAHM, I have 2 boys. :)
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