C25k fail!!

e1lindsay Posts: 230
edited September 26 in Fitness and Exercise
Well, just attempted to run day 3 of week 5 C25k program...i don't know if it's because i was intimidated by the jump from running/walking intervals to a 20 minute straight run, or the fact that up until today i've been running in 45 degree mornings and this afternoon so far it's already 78 degrees....but i could NOT do it...i ran for 8 of the 20 minutes and then attempted to do run/walk intervals...but mostly ended up walking towards the end. i've been wishing for summer for months, but that heat today was unbearable! i'm going to try and go to the gym later this evening and try again...my 5k is on May 8th so i don't really have any more time left for repeating weeks. any advice?

ps- i'm still good and tired and super sweaty, so i definitely burned some calories...i think i might just log the whole thing as a brisk walk to average out all my minutes...


  • EZGruv
    EZGruv Posts: 215 Member
    Maybe you just had a bad day. Try again tomorrow!
  • heatherhart
    heatherhart Posts: 113 Member
    I just started c25k but I am only on day 2. I suck at running but i refused to give up. maybe just try again later when its cooled off some good luck
  • onawho
    onawho Posts: 196 Member
    heat and humidity def. have an effect on your body and how it works. do not be discouraged!!
  • alison2429
    alison2429 Posts: 236 Member
    I did a 10k today and it felt like the worst run I have ever done because of the heat!! Make sure you have plenty of water before and during in these warmer runs.

    Keep trying - you can do it!!
  • chanstriste13
    chanstriste13 Posts: 3,277 Member
    the jump from 8 to 20 minutes is killer. when i did c25k, i knew this would not work for me. so i made my first goal 11 minutes, then 15, then 17, and *then* 20. once i made it there, i moved on to week 6. c25k is a guideline, so modify it as you need and stay the course. it took me about three weeks to be able to do week 2, but now i am able to jog 3.5 miles solid and i'm running my first 5k next weekend. make it work for you - you'll get there!
  • CarterGrt
    CarterGrt Posts: 289 Member
    It isn't a fail as long as you keep moving. Part of the challenge of any couch to ? program is that people are in wildly different conditions before they start. So, they OFTEN are not a perfect fit for everybody that starts. I had some real knee problems, for example, that slowed down my training in the beginning for a long time. When I figured out how to run so that my IT bands didn't hurt, I got back on track.

    Anyway, just keep working at it and listen to your body. It is good to push yourself, but know when to reign it back in and walk for a while too. Some days, just logging the distance is the best you can do and THAT IS STILL A VICTORY!!!

    Best of Luck in your 5k and don't lose hope!!! It will get easier...

  • miovlb6
    miovlb6 Posts: 339 Member
    The same thing happened to me when I did W6D2. The heat and humidity makes a huge difference. Up till then, I had been running in the early evening when it was cooler out, but that day I decided to run in the afternoon when it was still sunny. The heat killed me and I gave up half way through. I was SO disappointed in myself, but then later that day I went to the gym and decided to give it another shot. It was like night and day; did my run with no problem at all.

    It's not a fail; it's just another day of training. Stick with it. Give it another shot when weather conditions are better or when you can get to a treadmill to run indoors. Listen to your body, but also remember that a big part of this challenge is mental. Going from 8 mins to 20 seems like a big jump, so we tell ourselves we can't do it, but trust me, you absolutely can! It might not be today, but push through it and you'll get there. And it will feel so good when you do. Making it through that 20 minute run was really one of the most satisfying things I've done in a long time. I'm starting week 8 tomorrow and hoping to do my first 5K at the end of this month. I :heart: C25K!

    Good luck!
  • funsover
    funsover Posts: 39
    I am doing my W5D3 today and so far all I have been telling myself is that I can't do it...the jump is just too much, but then make a conscience effort to tell myself that I can do it....the mental game is killing me. We'll see.
  • traceyann1214
    traceyann1214 Posts: 73 Member
    Do not beat yourself up over this! The heat is a huge factor..just today there was a marathon in St. Louis and they shut down the full marathon because of the heat..and it was 86 degrees! But when your body is not used to running in those conditions it can be dangerous. Water, water, water, water!! It's so important. Plus, you will have bad run days. It's just inevitable and all you can do is work through it. Going the distance is the most important thing in the end. If you can't run it, walk it, listen to your body. Keep at it and don't give up and sooner or later you will be running those full 20 minutes!! I know you said you can't repeat weeks the 5k is so close, but if you're having a rough day with it do the distance whether walking or running and you'll be ok!
  • ejohndrow
    ejohndrow Posts: 1,399 Member
    I agree that it's most likely the heat and humidity, and that it's only a fail if you completely quit. Look at the other times you were running, was it easy to run for the amounts you did or was it hard even the slightest bit?
    Everyone is different. I personally struggle with running and always have, with my job I should be great at it but I'm just not.
    I get out on the track and have to run with a bunch of 20-22 yo guys (I'm 30) and just fall back every time.
    Anyway, this c25k program looks good and I think I'm going to start it as soon as I can.
    Just remember as others have said, keep going and don't give up.
  • jilld76
    jilld76 Posts: 324
    My first attempt at W5D3 was horrendous!! Probably my worst run throughout the entire program!

    Up until that week I had been keeping my jogs at a 5.2 (not that fast, but fast for me!) and I wanted to continue at that pace. But after attempting the 20 minute run twice and not being able to get through it, I decided I needed to slow my pace down. And that was the best decision for me.

    I slowed myself down to 4.6, which still keeps me moving at a decent pace and I try to bump up my speed a little at the ends of my runs to challenge myself.

    I actually finished the C25K program today at 4.7 mph and plan to work on increasing my speed over the next few weeks until I do my first 5k. I don't think I'll ever get to the point of doing a 5k in 30 minutes (as the program suggests) a 10 minute mile feels like a sprint to me!

    Good Luck!
  • e1lindsay
    e1lindsay Posts: 230
    thanks everyone, this makes me feel better...if my 5k was two months from now, i'd be like "whatever...try again tomorrow" but my 5k is in 27 days and i'm getting really scared i won't perform the way i want to. My sister is running a marathon the same day and half-a**ing a 5k the same day just seems a little pathetic. my mom actually said "I mean, even if you end up walking the whole thing, that's still good..." but i don't want to walk it; i signed up for the 5k run!
  • kvr414
    kvr414 Posts: 111
    SAAAAAAME thing happened to me today! I made it 6 miles, but about a minute and a half slower pace than what I can usually do in 45F weather. Keep your head up. You're not alone, and you can still train for a 5K!!!
  • jilld76
    jilld76 Posts: 324
    thanks everyone, this makes me feel better...if my 5k was two months from now, i'd be like "whatever...try again tomorrow" but my 5k is in 27 days and i'm getting really scared i won't perform the way i want to. My sister is running a marathon the same day and half-a**ing a 5k the same day just seems a little pathetic. my mom actually said "I mean, even if you end up walking the whole thing, that's still good..." but i don't want to walk it; i signed up for the 5k run!

    You have almost 4 weeks, you can still do it. I would suggest doing the 20 minute run again at a slightly slower pace and see how you feel. Building up your endurance for the long runs is what's going to get you through your 5k, not speed. And then move onto week 6. Even if you don't quite finish the C25K program before you do your 5K, you'll still be close to running for 30 minutes at that point, and depending on how fast you jog, you will be able to get through most of your 5k in the 30 minutes and I bet when you're out there on race day, you'll be able to push yourself even more. you won't be walking the whole thing, don't worry, be confident!
  • UpToAnyCool
    UpToAnyCool Posts: 1,673
    You can do it - try it again! Start out slowly for the 20min continuous run - you can always 'pick it up' when you've gotten halfway through it. :flowerforyou: Also, keep it fun. It's not fun to set out on your run 'dreading' the 20 continuous. I got through it by making myself not think about it too much and did not keep checking watch or iPod to see where I was within the 20 mins!

    I know you can do this! :flowerforyou: :smile:
  • e1lindsay
    e1lindsay Posts: 230
    i did it today on the treadmill and ran 5 minutes at a time, pausing the machine for 15 seconds at each 5 minute mark to drink some water and catch my breath...not sure if that counts as "continuous 20 minutes" or not, but i'm counting it as a victory since there were no walking breaks!
  • UpToAnyCool
    UpToAnyCool Posts: 1,673
    WTG! :flowerforyou: *high five*
  • its_betty
    its_betty Posts: 104 Member
    Slow down! I finished C25k and am working on Bridge to 10k, and I would have dropped out if I was trying to go fast. I ran up a hill the other day and I could have walked faster (but I had enough energy to run 40 minutes even after the hill start).
  • jilld76
    jilld76 Posts: 324
    Great job getting through the 20 minutes!
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