I have been up and down the little over three months I have been on MFP. I started dedicated (or so I thought). I stopped drinking soda, quit candy and bad for me snacks and chose my foods carefully. I exercised as I could (mind you I am WAY out of shape so it takes time to build up my endurance).

BUT I also became a slave to the scale. I started weighing every morning and when I didn't see a loss or even saw a gain, I freaked... got discouraged and told myself I couldn't do this. So I would end up right at my calorie goal, not exercising and not drinking water like I should. I didn't go back to soda but I did eat candy and bad for me stuff.

Friday night I had a major meltdown (about a lot of things, not just my weight). I went for a walk. An actual outside in the fresh air left my toddler with my teenager walk. It was nice. So Saturday I did it again, this time with my teen and my toddler and a friend of my teen. They got ice cream at the little store... I got cold water. Sunday, I walked again. Today it's cold, damp and was drizzling. Instead of making it an excuse, I walked.

I also lowered my calorie goal. MFP was giving me 2020 a day. That's honestly too much food for me, with eating healthy. If I see that number I can rationalize in my mind candy or cake or something bad for me. So I lowered it to 1600. I don't eat my exercise calories. If this doesn't work, I will adjust.

I also have lost the desire to get on the scale. I don't know how, or why. But it's not there. I weighed a few days ago. I won't weigh again until April 1st. And every 1st of the month after. I put it on my iPhone calendar.

It just feels "right" this time. So, that's my NSV for this week.


  • Kimbie500
    Kimbie500 Posts: 388 Member
    Way to go! Success is trying and falling down and getting up and trying again! Keep stringing those "trys" together until you have a habit. You can do this!
  • deeharley
    deeharley Posts: 1,208 Member
    Sounds like a great place to start! Getting your head in the right place can sometimes be the greatest victory in this journey. Keep it up!!! :)
  • ngory07
    ngory07 Posts: 194 Member
    Congrats on your victory!!
  • ItsTerriC
    ItsTerriC Posts: 436 Member
    Taking control of your journey, figuring out what is right for you and acting on it is definitely a big deal. I'm so proud of you for sticking with this until it finally clicked. Keep working it girl - you are in charge and moving forward!
  • acknan
    acknan Posts: 261 Member
    Good for you! Walking is like a free psychologist! If you can find a state park or nature park you will love it! Keep it up! you will see great changes! Best of luck!
  • funsover
    funsover Posts: 39
    Awesome, three days in a row, that's great. I find that actually walking out the door is the hardest part of walking. Good job!
  • Coco_Puff
    Coco_Puff Posts: 823 Member
    Good for you!!!!!!
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