

  • If you normally ate unhealthy foods, it can take a very large number of healthy foods to fill that daily calorie limit. When I first started and was eating healthy foods, I felt like I was eating ALL the time and couldn't hit the numbers. You adjust. but if it still feels too high, you can readjust it yourself just don't…
  • oooh! Im in!
  • Regular sugar free jello (10 calories) or One small Apple cut up, drizzled with cinnamon and microwaved for about a minute. 90-115 calories DELICIOUS!
  • To the best of my knowledge, the amount of calories has to do with what you weigh not how hard you feel it is.. However, that being said, if the workout you are doing is getting too easy for you, it is definitely wisest to start making it more difficult. You always want to push yourself a little bit farther, and that's how…
  • If your calories are too low during your "healthy" periods to compensate for the exercise you are doing, then it's possible you are putting your body in a panic and causing it to hold on to every ounce you consume. When you aren't trying, you are eating when you are hungry and until you aren't hungry anymore... It's…
  • I have two friends that I really turn to in situations like that. It's always an awkward conversation, but these two particular people lean on me in different ways. The key, I guess, is to find people who know you well enough and you feel won't judge you. If you can be brave enough to ask, your friends will almost always…
  • I totally agree. Only we can make the change, no one else can do it for us! :)
  • Emotional eating has been one of my biggest issues that I have been working on this past year, and these are just some things that help me. Firstly, I have a few designated friends that I can call or text and say "Listen, Im really (whatever emotion) and Im about to eat a bunch of junk. Can I talk to you?" Dealing with…
  • Do you have a low tolerance for caffiene? I know I have a vitamin that contains caffiene and if I take it on an empty stomach I get that way.