Stress eating

RoseyK Posts: 157 Member
edited September 28 in Health and Weight Loss was so stressful at problem after another. When I get stressed....I eat. After years of trying to win this battle ....I have discovered that I eat to push my feelings down. I eat when I get stressed. I eat when my mon's guilt gets to me. I eat when my feelings hurt. The problem is I haven't figured out how to stop tis cycle and replace it with a healthy alternative.

Does anyone have any suggestions that have helped them?


  • Charlotte012
    Charlotte012 Posts: 139 Member
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    Seeing a good therapist is very helpful. Most health insurance companies now have mental health coverage (at least limited amounts of it). Consider going. It's great to just talk it out and realize where your own personal issues are and have someone to help walk you through it.
  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    just watch what you're eating...make sure healthy food is easier to get at then junk...chop up your bell pepper, make sure you've already counted your crackers and cheese, things like that...I'm an emotional eater too...I just keep thinking "that donut is a half hour on the elypticall"...and it doesn't seem so special any more
  • haolegurl07
    haolegurl07 Posts: 43 Member
    It's just like any bad habit that we have. You have to replace it with something else. If you know work is stressful, then pack healthy snacks and munch on that thru stressful times during the day. Then also, DRINK water, always have a cup of water or bottle by you. It'll make it a little easier for you!
  • kare77
    kare77 Posts: 78 Member
    I have the same problem :( Wish i could help but curious as to what other people do.
  • samcee
    samcee Posts: 307
    It's good that you're conscious of this at least. Perhaps getting out the house and going for a walk might help? A change of scenary and fresh air might help you relax a bit. I use to stress eat but now I cycle on my bike because it gives me a sense of freedom and I always feel better when I return. I know if I ate bad food than I'd be feeling worst afterwards.
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,319 Member
    In therapy for addiction (which is what using any substance to deal with emotions can be classified) a behaviorial therapist would say you have to stop. Breathe. Sit with the emotions without eating. It may be easier with a therapist, or it may be easier without. Depends on the person.

    Start a journal. Every time you get stressed and want to eat, write down everything you are thinking at that moment. The stressor, why it upsets you, the feelings themselves ( anger, frustration, boredom, confusion, feeling overwhelmed, etc.)

    Try to hold off from eating for just ten minutes. You'll be surprised what comes out.
  • RoseyK
    RoseyK Posts: 157 Member
    my whole week was stress filled.....the only good thing was that I only had healthy food in the house and I didn't go out and buy junk food....I was so tempted to buy chocolate or ice cream. (my comfort foods)

    today I have a workout scheduled with my personal trainer followed by a massage. I should be stress free by the afternoon.

    I like the journal idea....I think if I step away from what is causing the stress for a few minutes and take time to regroup....breathe....I will feel better too. Just got to remember to do that when it hits.
  • Sarah_uk
    Sarah_uk Posts: 209
    Have you tried buying small chocolate bars or tiny tubs of ice cream?

    I have the same problem when I'm stressed or sad,but I just allow myself a small chocolate bar when I feel like that. And usually that is enough. If I don't eat, it just makes me feel more bad,so that isn't a very good option.

    But I do want to stay under my calorie goal,so that's why I go for small portions and try to not over do it.
  • yadayooo07
    yadayooo07 Posts: 11
    Emotional eating has been one of my biggest issues that I have been working on this past year, and these are just some things that help me.

    Firstly, I have a few designated friends that I can call or text and say "Listen, Im really (whatever emotion) and Im about to eat a bunch of junk. Can I talk to you?" Dealing with your emotions is the easiest way (at least for me) to get rid of it because if I dont feel that emotion anymore, then I dont feel hungry anymore.

    If you can't do that, try journaling or drawing or singing or painting or dancing (hey hey! Calories!!). Whatever art form it is that you enjoy most. I find that these things (for me especially singing or writing) allow me to deal with the emotions without having to literally tell someone what all of my issues are.

    and lastly water water water. If you are hungry for emotional reasons drink a big glass of water, and make your stomach feel full. You are less likely to want to stuff it with food then.

    and just for kicks, next time you do give in and binge eat, sit down and write how you feel. How uncomfortably stretched your stomach is, the guilt you feel ALL OF IT. and re-read it whenever you want. It reminds you that by eating all of this, you aren't hurting anyone but yourself (literally! emotional eating can be just as painful as the emotions!)

    Hope some of that helped!
  • graysmom2005
    graysmom2005 Posts: 1,882 Member
    It's not easy to do right at that moment a lot of the time, but I try and put the stress into a workout. Spin classes are amazing for this. There were many times I would sit there spinning in the dark room with tears rolling down my face. It was therapy!
  • gnat45
    gnat45 Posts: 833 Member
    Emotional eating has been one of my biggest issues that I have been working on this past year, and these are just some things that help me.

    Firstly, I have a few designated friends that I can call or text and say "Listen, Im really (whatever emotion) and Im about to eat a bunch of junk. Can I talk to you?" Dealing with your emotions is the easiest way (at least for me) to get rid of it because if I dont feel that emotion anymore, then I dont feel hungry anymore.

    How did you approach your friends about doing that for you?
  • withchaco
    withchaco Posts: 1,026 Member
    There are other things one can turn to, to relieve stress. One of my options is silly little hobbies like video games, things that aren't meant to be productive, just enjoyed. Playing video games may not be the healthiest hobby out there, but it's a better alternative compared to binging.

    Like yadayooo07, art in its various forms is also a great way of dealing with stress for many people I know. Strangely, however, even though I'm an artist (the drawing/painting type), I can't get myself to draw/paint when I'm stressed... Art for me is a productive endeavor (it's my job after all), and I can't get myself to be productive at ALL under severe stress. But that's okay, we all need some downtime.
  • katekrise
    katekrise Posts: 178 Member
    I replaced my eating with drinking tea with splenda :-)
  • supershiny
    supershiny Posts: 170 Member
    I can totally relate as I have an anxiety disorder. What works for me is therapy, right mix of meds/vitamins, and if I am in a real pinch... exercise! Nothing makes me unhungry like exercise. Weird but true. Go on a walk and breathe some air or take your stress out on a run. It's very cathartic and I find that it really, really curbs my stress munchies. Hope this helps! Friend me if you want support from a sympathetic stress eater ;)
  • DustinReiner
    DustinReiner Posts: 157 Member
    Ok, you've identifyied the problem, that's a start. You know what the problem is and YOUR LETTING IT WIN! You are letting it control your life, instead of you controling your life.

    Years and years ago I had a similar problem I ate when I was bored and upset. I had to over come that, and it's not easy. But it comes down to controling your life.

    When I'm upset I go workout! Seriously I had an old boss who was just an idiot! I spent a lot of workouts(lifting weights) thinking about how mad he made me.

    If your wondereing then why is this guy on this site preaching then, you can read my bio why I'm here. Or not! I knmow why I'm here and just trying to help.

    God luck~ You can do it, don't let it get the best of you.
  • kacarter1017
    kacarter1017 Posts: 651 Member
    If possible, exercise. That doesn't work so well when you're at work, but maybe go for a 5 minute walk?? Run in place??

    Also, drink water, chew gum...

    Try to find something to do that will replace the eating response to stress. If that doesn't work, make sure you have healthy choices to eat.
  • I know how you feel ! I let my Husband drive me to eat today and now I'm so mad at myself I can't even see straight ! I usually stop and read a little out of my favorite book ! I always carry it with me ! I didn't today ! I STUFFED MY FEELINGS DOWN WITH FOOD !
  • guppygirl322
    guppygirl322 Posts: 408 Member
    I totally do this. I used to do it every day. Now, maybe once a week or two. I ate when I was sad, stressed, pissed off, whatever. Anything other than happy would cause me to eat.

    I once heard that it takes two weeks to break a habit. I think it takes a little longer than that, but it can be done. Honestly, quitting smoking cold turkey was easier than quitting food. Think about it, you don't need smokes to live, but you do need to eat.

    Things that help me personally?

    I count to 10. Sounds simple and silly, but sometimes (SOMETIMES) that is just enough time to get your attention focused elsewhere and remind you that you don't need to eat, you just WANT to.

    Drink a glass of water. Or two. Or three.

    Go for a walk if you can. Get out of the house.

    Mindless video games are a good one.

    Knitting, crochet, needlepoint, also very good. Clean hands make for a clean finished product and you can't have that if your hands are covered in chocolate or powdery cheese puffs.

    Journaling is good too. It helps you see exactly what you're feeling when you get the urge to eat, so that you can say hey, I'm not really hungry at all, I'm going to go punch a pillow instead.

    When all else fails, make sure there is nothing in the house that is too damaging. Carrots are good. Crunchy. Grrrrr, crunch, crunch.
  • yadayooo07
    yadayooo07 Posts: 11
    Emotional eating has been one of my biggest issues that I have been working on this past year, and these are just some things that help me.

    Firstly, I have a few designated friends that I can call or text and say "Listen, Im really (whatever emotion) and Im about to eat a bunch of junk. Can I talk to you?" Dealing with your emotions is the easiest way (at least for me) to get rid of it because if I dont feel that emotion anymore, then I dont feel hungry anymore.

    How did you approach your friends about doing that for you?

    I have two friends that I really turn to in situations like that. It's always an awkward conversation, but these two particular people lean on me in different ways. The key, I guess, is to find people who know you well enough and you feel won't judge you. If you can be brave enough to ask, your friends will almost always be supportive..
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