maurapie Member


  • Sometimes changing too many things at once can be too much to keep up. Maybe change only a few habits at a time, slowly adding more to make your lifestyle changes easier to attain. It may be slower to see any huge changes, but try not to focus on that, focus more on being healthy today, and take it one day at a time.
  • If your only goal is to lose weight, you can do it with diet alone. However, there are a ton of benefits to cardio, so I would recommend it!
  • Hey, it's about feeling good about YOURSELF! I wouldn't recommend a full face of makeup, but if a little mascara makes you feel better and will help you power through your workout, then go for it!!
  • About a year ago I had set mine to 1200 and was preparing for a Physical Training Test. About two days before the test I noticed my 1.5 mile run time had decreased a lot despite feeling like I was working much harder than usual. That was when I realized that I hadn't been eating enough. In fact, my BMR is higher than 1200.…
  • P90X is a popular workout program produced by beachbody. Bump is used to get more attention to a post. When you reply to a post, it shows up on the message boards. Technically writing anything will "bump" the post to the message boards, but bump is common if you would like to reopen an old conversation or get more people…
  • P90X is a popular workout program produced by beachbody. Bump is used to get more attention to a post. When you reply to a post, it shows up on the message boards. Technically writing anything will "bump" the post to the message boards, but bump is common if you would like to reopen an old conversation or get more people…
  • Great job!! That's awesome!!
  • I guess it depends on a few things. If your doing one from a recovery week, or going really easy on some of them, I cant see it being an issue as long as you feel capable of it..
  • I agree with everyone else! Awesome!
  • I love TurboFire, and it definitely has a lot more cardio than Chalean Extreme. It's also got strength workouts in the program (my favorite is core 20). It IS high impact though- there is a lot of jumping and kicking, but they have Allie, who always stands to the right of Chalene doing a modified version. I've had to go to…
  • Any milestone! Whether it's 5lbs, 20lbs, maybe when you fit into an old pair of jeans, or reach a weight you were in high school, etc. The frequency is up to you! You know yourself better than anyone, and you also know if you need frequent encouragement and rewards. And do something good for yourself that does not take you…
  • Oh my gosh! Lol, I bet her boyfriend commented on your butt and she got jealous hah! Is this a NSV?
  • Oh my gosh, I haven't even thought of that! I love shakeology SO much, and I'm always trying to figure out recipes to use it in. Bump!!
  • If you become a beachbody coach you get 25% off (I'm one because I love a lot of their products) but, otherwise, I'm sure you can download it illegally lol (torrent, maybe?). I haven't done the diet plan for Insanity, but I've done the P90X diet, and I kind of like doing it on my own instead... Here's a link that has the…
    in INSANITY Comment by maurapie April 2011
  • I love insanity! I haven't been doing it for very long, but it is definitely addicting! If you like cardio and plyometrics, its definitely for you.
    in INSANITY Comment by maurapie April 2011
  • Lmao! That's a good idea haha
  • I'm going to have to try those!! WW has some good snacks that help those cravings
  • That reminds me of these "cookies" I made the other day that really helped my cravings! I drink Beachbody's chocolate Shakeology everyday (love it!) and someone sent me a no-bake cookie recipe. I had to modify it a bit since I didn't have some of the ingredients, but it was pretty much chocolate shakeology mix, natural…
  • Hi Liza! The same thing happened to my husband- he said the scale told him he lost 18 pounds, and he doesn't look much different. Everyone is different, and the important thing is how you feel, not what the numbers say :) Eat what you can so you can fuel your body for your workouts, but I don't think you should stuff…
  • WOOO!!!! Congrats! Sometimes it is SO hard to fight urges like that. Way to go!!
    in NSV Comment by maurapie April 2011
  • This post totally made my day :)
  • Unfortunately theres a lot of people like that in the world (and in the AF too) just keep your head up, and keep doing what your doing- you're better than them
    in Venting.. Comment by maurapie April 2011
  • Thanks for all your input!
  • It's already been said, but rest/recovery days are just as important as days you run. You can always do cross training, maybe work on your core (which will definitely help runs) or even do a low-impact cardio workout like swimming or using an elliptical.
  • I'm in the Air Force and part of our Physical Fitness Testing is abdominal circumference. The way it is supposed to be mesured is using the iliac crest, which is the tip of the hipbone directly under the armpit. You can really measure yourself anywhere, as long as you do it the same way everytime. Try finding your own…
  • On Jillian Michaels' website, she says this about pear-shaped women: Like all pears, you tend to store fat in your lower body, so you're probably carrying extra weight around your hips, buttocks, and thighs. Anyone can be a pear, but this shape is more common among women, and it actually evolved because fat stored in these…
    in THIGHS Comment by maurapie April 2011
  • I've read that the butt and thighs are usually the last places for women to lose (for men it's the belly). Everyone is different though, and you can help by toning up your legs
    in THIGHS Comment by maurapie April 2011
  • I definitely agree. I try to underestimate burned calories and overestimate my intake so there's a bit of a cushion.
  • :happy: GREAT WORK!! 2 pounds a week is plenty fast- and you can do it! I can tell that YOU believe in yourself, and that is the most important thing
    in FINALLY! Comment by maurapie April 2011
  • Sometimes I don't take any, but that's pretty rare, usually 1 or 2 days. On weeks where I dont take any days off, I'm usually doing a low impact exercise, like swimming or yoga (which I used to HATE! lol) The reason I try to do something everyday is because when I do, I feel more motivated and focused