

  • Too many simple carbs in the bread and stuff. Try adding some veggies; they have complex carbs which make you feel full longer because they take longer to digest. Also you'll get more nutrients this way :)
  • Is the weight possibly muscle now, since you're doing 45 minutes of weight lifting each time? Or maybe you're taking in too many calories? I would try changing up either the exercise routine or the amount of calories and see if that makes a difference. Maybe your body just hit a plateau and needs a bit of an extra push.…
  • because the 1600 hundred calories is what the site calculates for you to be able to eat and lose weight if you're sedentary. However, when you exercise, you burn more calories. You should eat at least some of these back because if you don't, many people's bodies go into "starvation" mode. Basically, your body thinks you're…
  • That sounds like a way cool costume :smile: I would really like to take a class like that too. Hopefully I'll be able to this summer, along with whatever martial arts class I can find. I'm sure you'll look great in the costume.
  • I love any event where I can wear a costume :) As for the weight loss, I calorie count and work out when I can. I should work out much more, but it's hard to get my friends to go with me. I play tennis sometimes and have mock swordfights with my cousin, which can burn a lor of calories :laugh: I might have to weigh in…
  • Gosh, Missyann is still gone?:cry: Well, I'm still here and it looks like a lot of the rest of us are. My weight has stayed the same, 148. I have been doing pretty badly lately, since I ran out of food in my dorm (someone stole my food from the freezer!) and only *just* had the chance to get some more today. Hopefully now…
  • Not going to Burning Man (though definitely wish I was), but I would love to lose 20 pounds by August :) Count me in.
  • I can tell you that roughly 130 carbs are recommended daily for proper brain function. I don't remember why right off the top of my head, but I can look it up in my nutrition class notes if you like. It is possible to get this while not eating most grains, perhaps, since you can also get a lot of carbs from certain fruits…
  • I don't know about subtracting fiber and all that, but I just learned in my nutrition class that a person's brain needs 130 g of carbs a day to function properly. So super-low carb diets are a bad idea :) However, fiber is undigested. It's plant material our bodies can't digest. So I can see maybe why people would subtract…
  • Wow. I just graduated from high school 3 years ago, and I'm so glad my sex ed class wasn't like that. I would have been so embarrassed! Not to mention, I don't know anyone in my senior year who would have been capable of teaching a sex ed class well. The condom licking remark was just disturbing...
  • Ugh...four exams and a tutoring session this week, plus a wedding this past weekend, kind of killed my weight loss (and my gym time :sad: ). Remarkably, I'm somehow still down a pound? Hm. Starting Weight: 149 Last Week's Weight: 147 Today: 146 Goal 2/24: 144
  • Honestly, you should probably aim for around 2000, if you're doing that much exercise. I would say 1400 is a little too low. But don't sweat it if you don't quite get up to 2400. If you feel good, I wouldn't worry about a few hundred calories. :)
  • Today's weigh-in: 147 pounds February 24th's goal: 144 :)
  • There are a lot of really great body weight exercises you can do from home, or if you're willing to buy some small free weights (cost like 3 dollars each at Walmart, and you only need two), then I have a list of exercises i do on my strength training days (I hate to do these kinds of thing in the gym because I feel like…
  • Hi, I'd like to join if possible :) I'm Nikki. I'm 20 years old and in college. I was sort of thin throughout highschool, but put on some weight in college. I got up to 160 pounds before deciding I had to lose some weight (I've always been a bit scared of becoming severely overweight, since I've watched my mother's weight…
  • Thanks guys ^_^ Just got back from the gym, so the site raised my protein and carb intake. Great suggestions!
  • My weekend was ok. I splurged a bit on icecream when I was out shopping for shoes to wear to a wedding this weekend, then when I went to log the food, realized the icecream was WAY WAY WAY more calories than I thought :sad: Luckily, I had been walking for about 5 hours while shoe shopping, so I burned most of it off :smile:
  • It would probably help if we knew what kind of music you like :)
  • Worst. Weekend. Ever. Well, foodwise, anyways. The campus was snowed over, and the food places got stormed, so there was no food for me to cook at my dorm. I basically ate fast food at least once every day this weekend. I fell off the wagon :( On the other hand, I did make an awesome snow family today. So I got in some…
  • Hey, it's almost the weekend! That means I can join, right? *puppy dog eyes* Please? Save me from the fast food places on campus :( Katie L - 2 Victoria - 1 Kathy - 1 Heidi - 1 Kim- 1 Jill - 2 Cheryl - 1 Nik - 0 (so far)
  • Hm...Yeah, alright, I'm in. Extra incentive: I'm going to a wedding on February 13th. I guess I'll go for 8 pounds by the 14th, to put me at an even 140. Of course, you know if I manage to lose more, I'm not complaining... :)
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