Sex Ed certainly isn't what it was when I was in school



  • gurgi22
    gurgi22 Posts: 182 Member
    I am teaching a high school reproductive health course right now and I would be fired if I even thought about doing something like this. This is something that needs to be brought to the principals attention. I would bet he/she had no idea that this was going on.
  • THAT IS SO WRONG! You have got to report that!
  • sandmart2009
    sandmart2009 Posts: 153 Member
    I got pregnant at 18 and became a mother at 19 - by choice and rebellion. Nothing to do with Sex education at all.

    Teaching our kids about human anatomy and the reproductive system is WAY different than putting a condom on the right way and LICKING IT AT THAT!

    Our curriculum about sex ed even involved inviting EXPERTS (doctors, population consultants, social workers and counselors), EVEN OUR OWN PARENTS, and we openly discuss things. The educators' concern at that time was making sure we are fully aware of the risks of sexual intimacy (untimely pregnancy, STD, AIDS, etc). This really helped a lot of us, be aware and make sure we made the right decisions along the way.

    I am just recounting numbers - we have a small batch of 120 students. Of that class, only 3 got pregnant before marriage and it had nothing to do with "just because I want to experience and have good sex."

    Delivered the right way, and with parent involvement, I believe the kids will realize how big a responsibility it is to be sexually active.
  • This is coming from an extremely liberal parent.....

    I'd be down there in a heatbeat b!tchin' up a storm! OMG, my heart is pounding with anger right now! I just might go into the office tomorrow morning when I take my daughter to school and slap the principal even though this has nothing to do with him.:explode:

    I speak openly with my 10 year old, always have. But even I can't see the point of something like this! Its just purely stupid!

    Brenda, I'm interested to hear what comes of this! Please keep us posted. And stand firm, we got your back!
  • bebhinn
    bebhinn Posts: 198
    If I recall correctly, we did a similar exercise but we were grouped off (females only) and had to pull certain subjects out of a hat and had to peer teach to the rest of the female class population. Putting a condom on a banana was part of it... however the class was taught by a female teacher and had all females in it. The was also no licking of the condom.
  • sandmart2009
    sandmart2009 Posts: 153 Member
    I agree with taking action ASAP. Good thing that your daughter told you about this.

    I am very open with my 8 year old too and I want her to grow up seeing the world from a realistic point-of-view. But heck, not this flagrant!
  • tammietifanie
    tammietifanie Posts: 1,496 Member
    Can i say something!!!! I became a mom at 14 well pregnant at 14 had him at 15 and to this day i wished my mom would have been more open about sex and the out come of it.. My freshman year i remember sitting around at the lunch table with my boyfriend and friends and some how we where talking about sex and who has done it and when my boyfriend and i said we didn't everyone looked at us like we where insane and not "cool" and a few months after that we had sex and got pregnant.. YUP! first time having sex i got pregnant and looking back as a teen i wish someone would have put me on birth control or gave me details about having a baby and becoming a mom at 15... I know it's hard for most parents to think their kids might be having sex but now and days it's pressured on them through their friends & Tv. So being 15 and pregnant i was put into a all mom school it was highschool for mom's and there was 60 of us and i know for a fact half of those girls where never told about sex ed and none of their parents ever sat them down and gave them the hard cold truth about it... This really makes me want to become a spokes person in schools about sex ed and what really happens when you make bad choices in life..... So please everyone sit down with your kids give them the truth.. Just tell them sex isn't just about body parts and hormones it's life changing
  • karmasBFF
    karmasBFF Posts: 699 Member

    I just might go into the office tomorrow morning when I take my daughter to school and slap the principal even though this has nothing to do with him.:explode:

    HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! That is hilariously so much funnier when I actually picture it!!!
  • lesterfaye81
    lesterfaye81 Posts: 20 Member
    Wow.... that's special. Shouldn't a person (even in Canada? I don't know what your laws are) have to have a license to be teaching something that should be mandatory curriculum? I don't care if the teacher is a man. He should suck it up and deal.

    I will say one thing though, at least condoms are getting mentioned and it's getting discussed. When I was in college I had a great example of sex ed in American schools. A 16 year I worked with at McDonald's asking me if she could get pregnant from oral sex...

    Now why didn't that kid know that "you" (i.e. it) couldn't get "there" from there? Snicking aside, why didn't she have a basic knowledge of her own anatomy? And honestly, teaching what body parts do what is self preservation type of science, so I don't see why, even in a neocon town like the one she grew up in, it wasn't a teacher's place to make sure those kids knew up from down about their own junk.

    Want to know what I said? I looked her in the eye and said "No, but you can get AIDS that way."

    I told my friend (who had AIDS) that story later and he almost came unglued.

    All things considered my dear I think you need to draw her some pictures for her own good. Literally.
  • Wow after reading that actually made me fear for when my two girls who are 3 years old and 6 mths get into school. What sorts of sick and twisted things will they be taught when they get into high school. I agree with everyone else and I'd be at that school making the principal, superintendant and anyone else around lives miserable. What ever happen to the innocence of being a kid. Good luck with talking to the school and lots of people support you 100%!!!
  • BrendaLee
    BrendaLee Posts: 4,463 Member
    My letter to the superintendent:

    Mr. Dingwall,

    Today my daughter, who is 15 and in grade 9 at Leo Hayes High School, informed me that during advisory period with her homeroom teacher Mr. Ball, grade 12 peer mentors instructed a sex-ed class. That, in itself, does not sit well with me, but learning the actual details of what occurred during that class was even more disturbing.

    The grade 12 students demonstrated how to use condoms- purple flavoured condoms, by putting them on some type of instrument. One of the grade 12 students asked my daughter's class if anyone would like to taste it to see what it tastes like. I am all for decent sexual education, but that is disgusting and inappropriate. My daughter said that the class, including her teacher, laughed. This class, in my opinion, should not have taken place, but it certainly should have been brought to an end at that point.

    I am not comfortable with my daughter being taught sex education by a group of grade 12 students, and when I gave my consent for her to be involved in sex-ed class, this is not what I had in mind. Sexual education in schools has become far too lax, but this incident is beyond ridiculous.

    In addition, the school provides condoms to the students, which is possibly a good thing, but I don't think it's necessarily a good idea to provide "fun" flavoured condoms.

    I regret that my daughter had to sit through this "class", and I am rather miffed that what I teach her about sex- that it's to be taken seriously, and is, by no means, a casual thing, is being undermined while she is at school. It's one thing to try to relate to the students to get the information across, but sex isn't a joke, and should be taught respectfully if it's going to be taught in the schools.

  • BrendaLee
    BrendaLee Posts: 4,463 Member
    This school has honestly caused me nothing but stress. She attended very good grade and middle schools, and this year has left me a bit shell-shocked.
  • sandmart2009
    sandmart2009 Posts: 153 Member
    It might help to demand for a copy of the SEX ed lesson plan to see for yourself if having the 12 graders "teach" is part of it. You have a pretty strong case. GO FOR IT!

    *I'm thinking of huge banners to demand attention at this point*
  • nicupson
    nicupson Posts: 19 Member
    HOLY COW! That is *WAY* out of line!!! Definitely bring it up with the principle / school board! Sounds as though there may need to be an additional lesson to re-teach the kids more appropriately! (Damage control).

    Though I have to share a cute story. A guy at work has an 11 year old boy. He said that his son brought up the subject of having to go through sex Ed in the upcoming school year. The boy was nervous and a bit scared. His dad told him that it would be ok and if he had any additional questions he could ask him. The kid then asked his dad "But what if you don't like the girl?"

    (hee hee) I guess a friend told the kid that sex Ed meant pairing up the kids in class and they would have to 'practice' with each other. No wonder the kid was freaked out!
  •'s all i got. I agree with everyone to say complain, and I know you will. Hope it works out in your favor!!
  • Wow. I just graduated from high school 3 years ago, and I'm so glad my sex ed class wasn't like that. I would have been so embarrassed! Not to mention, I don't know anyone in my senior year who would have been capable of teaching a sex ed class well.

    The condom licking remark was just disturbing...
  • Brenda I'm outraged for you. Unacceptable! Schools are meant to be places where kids can grow and develop. Granted, I know I'm not trusting the school to be the first to educate my daugher on the facts about sex, and I get the feeling that you had already had conversations with yours about sex. But even then, to be in a co-ed environment and for them to offer "free licks" on the flavored condom, that is obscene on so many levels and that teacher should be ashamed of himself for letting that happen and the school should be reprimanded for allowing seniors to teach the freshmen about sex! I would definitely not let this one go.

    In a middle school in my town, a substitute teacher was recently fired because during her class, the students made a human wall around 2 kids so that the boy and girl could have sex. Utterly disgusting. All the more reason to homeschool.
  • sandmart2009
    sandmart2009 Posts: 153 Member
    HOLY COW! That is *WAY* out of line!!! Definitely bring it up with the principle / school board! Sounds as though there may need to be an additional lesson to re-teach the kids more appropriately! (Damage control).

    Though I have to share a cute story. A guy at work has an 11 year old boy. He said that his son brought up the subject of having to go through sex Ed in the upcoming school year. The boy was nervous and a bit scared. His dad told him that it would be ok and if he had any additional questions he could ask him. The kid then asked his dad "But what if you don't like the girl?"

    (hee hee) I guess a friend told the kid that sex Ed meant pairing up the kids in class and they would have to 'practice' with each other. No wonder the kid was freaked out!

  • sandmart2009
    sandmart2009 Posts: 153 Member
    This school has honestly caused me nothing but stress. She attended very good grade and middle schools, and this year has left me a bit shell-shocked.

    I know hun... I'm so sorry, you and your daughter have to go through this. But what about the other kidS? As a parent, you have to set a good example and be vigilant about issues like this and make the other parents aware of this matter and you should all have a say on it.

    Your story has disturbed me to the core.
  • lisawest
    lisawest Posts: 798 Member
    I don't know how things work in Canada, but I know here in the USA (specifically, Kansas, VERY small town) I would be at LEAST reprimanded for aloowing that to go on in my classroom! As a parent, you should DEFINATELY talk to the administration. ALL the administration! Every vice principal, principal, superintendant, administrative assistant, EVERY administrator you can find. Then give them a chance to address the issue. If they don't, then call, visit and write letters to EVERY school board member.

    My daughter is only 5, but I teach 7-12 grades. I would be APPALLED if any of my students came in and told me this had happened. Kids don't need that kind of information, heaven only knows what ELSE those Seniors have been doing and telling the kids!

    Go get 'em Momma!
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