Need to lose between 30-40 lbs??



  • lreed
    lreed Posts: 348 Member
    Heaviest weight 235
    MFP starting weight 218
    2/8 210
    2/17 208.1
    2/24 goal weight 207
    Final goal weight 170
  • Mande_G
    Mande_G Posts: 599 Member
    Weighing in!

    Heaviest Weight (April 2009): 209.9

    02/08 Starting weight: 188.0
    02/10 1st weight in: 186.6 (-1.4 lbs)
    02/17 185.6 (-1.0)
    02/24 (Mini Goal: 182)
    05/19 (Mini goal: 165 -- my 30th birthday!!!)
    07/28 (Mini goal: 155 -- hubby takes the bar exam!!!)
    09/11 (End Goal: 148)

    Down 1 lb from last week, but UP 1.2 from this weekend (was at 184.4 on Friday). I'm retaining water like CRAZY (TOM arrived this morning). I had 18 cups of water yesterday and I was still parched at bedtime (as I am again this morning). Still -- I know it's not FAT, it's just water, and next week I should have a nice drop.

    Happy Wednesday, all!!
  • godblessourhome
    godblessourhome Posts: 3,892 Member
    my weight this morning was 147, up 1 pound from last week. i know i have been over-eating these last two weeks so it is not shocking but it is disheartening. my mini goal for next week is 145.
  • Badtz
    Badtz Posts: 14
    Just viewing this message board for the first time!

    I am 27 years old, and at the heaviest I've ever been. Not feeling so great about myself- wardrobe doesn't fit, and even though I just had my beautiful baby boy 2 months ago, I feel like I should have dropped SOME of the weight gain so far, and haven't!
    I'd LOVE to feel good about myself again, and be healthier so I can teach good eating habits to my son when he's old enough to start eating real food!

    I see that you all weigh in on Wednesdays, so today will be the first weigh in for me while also being my starting weight:

    2/17/2010: A shocking 215 lbs (my heaviest weight ever- though I will grant myself that I only had my baby 2 months ago & am still carrying a lot of that weight)
    Mini goal by 02/24/2010: 210 lbs (is that ambitious with a sedentary "stay at home with a 2 month old" lifestyle? We'll see!)
    My goal by 9/11/2010: 160 lbs

    I was 160 lbs. at 5'6" in college, and really liked how I felt & looked then (always got stopped in the street to be payed compliments- something I took for granted at 20! but now 55 lbs. heavier & almost 8 years older, don't feel so good about myself & wish I'd appreciated it more than i did!)
  • Magenta15
    Magenta15 Posts: 850 Member
    Mini goal by 02/24/2010: 210 lbs (is that ambitious with a sedentary "stay at home with a 2 month old" lifestyle? We'll see!)

    you want to lose 5 lbs in a week????? :noway: ambitious for sure, but also not really a healthy goal m'dear, are you hoping to lose a lot of water weight to start? are you going to be expecting a 5 lb loss every week?

    1 lb a week is recommended, and most sensible...2 lbs a week is the max recommended as far as being healthy goes....
    be careful that you're not putting too much pressure on yourself please! :flowerforyou:
  • snowflowr82
    snowflowr82 Posts: 141 Member
    This wasn't my best week, i did better last week.. not sure if it was because i went on a trip to visit the in-laws and it was Valentines day too. Anyways i still lost about 1/2 a pound so not all is lost :) I'm back on track today and doing good. Its so nice to see all of you on here for encouragement and support.. We all need that :)

    SW 05/09 157 (after giving birth
    SW on MFP 155
    Weight today 149.2
    Goal weight 120-125lbs by 9/10 (I'll be turning 28 in September too want to be skinny by then :) !)
    Mini Goal 147 by next wednesday the 24th
  • snowflowr82
    snowflowr82 Posts: 141 Member
    My last weight was 178.

    My CURRENT weight is 178.4

    My next goal will be 177.

    I feel like I'm doing a lot of things right for once, watching what I eat, 8 days of cardio in a row....I WILL NOT let this little gain get me down. I feel great and that is all that matters!

    You are probably gaining muscle try measuring yourself today!! :)
  • MrsLVF
    MrsLVF Posts: 787 Member
    sounds great my goal is to lose 30 lbs by 6/1, that's about 2lbs per week. We can do it!

    current 159

    6/1 goal 130

    9/11 goal 125
  • barty
    barty Posts: 729
    Hello everyone, This is my weekly weigh-in result Last Week 156 lbs
    This Week 154.5 lbs
    Goal 2/24 153 lbs
    So I am on target at the moment....!!!!!
  • Ugh...four exams and a tutoring session this week, plus a wedding this past weekend, kind of killed my weight loss (and my gym time :sad: ).

    Remarkably, I'm somehow still down a pound? Hm.

    Starting Weight: 149

    Last Week's Weight: 147

    Today: 146

    Goal 2/24: 144
  • Hi All,

    SW 166.8
    LW 167.8
    Weight today 167.8
    Mini Goal - 163
    Goal weight by9/10 135

    I just don't know what to think. I did well at exercising last week. The only thing I did was go out to eat with my hubby last Friday night. And I didn't over indulge and I cut back the rest of the day b/c I knew I would be going out to eat, so remarkably I was like 250 calories over, which was not much to me since I went out. Hmmm. I am expecting my period some time this week. Maybe retaining water. If not then I am not sure what to think. I am defintely headed in the wrong direction and it is very unmotivating. If I workout and watch what I eat and gain, then what is the point?

    Everyone is doing great so far. Keep up the good work!
  • Mangoaddict
    Mangoaddict Posts: 1,236 Member
    Weigh in today - 167.8lbs.
    I had a bad weekend. Ate way too much and was away from home, so it was harder to keep track of everything.
  • vanzeem
    vanzeem Posts: 107
    I forgot to weight myself this morning (had to work earlier than normal) so i'm going to use what i weighted yesterday morning. Since i usually weight in in the mornings i want to keep it consistent. Yesterday i weighted in at 172.5.
  • Weight%20Challenge%20week%202.jpg

    Here is this weeks chart.

    Between the bunch of us we lost around 50lbs!!!! WOW!
  • woo hoo!!! Great job everybody!! Lets keep it going!!!
  • godblessourhome
    godblessourhome Posts: 3,892 Member

    Here is this weeks chart.

    Between the bunch of us we lost around 50lbs!!!! WOW!

    great job!
  • kerilorene
    kerilorene Posts: 39 Member
    Hi All,

    SW 166.8
    LW 167.8
    Weight today 167.8
    Mini Goal - 163
    Goal weight by9/10 135

    I just don't know what to think. I did well at exercising last week. The only thing I did was go out to eat with my hubby last Friday night. And I didn't over indulge and I cut back the rest of the day b/c I knew I would be going out to eat, so remarkably I was like 250 calories over, which was not much to me since I went out. Hmmm. I am expecting my period some time this week. Maybe retaining water. If not then I am not sure what to think. I am defintely headed in the wrong direction and it is very unmotivating. If I workout and watch what I eat and gain, then what is the point?

    Everyone is doing great so far. Keep up the good work!

    Please don't give up! The scale can be deceptive. If it goes up a little but you are feeling good and your clothes are fitting well, there is a good chance you are gaining muscle and That is Good! In the long run that muscle will help you burn more fat. TOM definitely has a factor. I know I pick up a couple pounds when that happens. So don't lose hope - You are doing the right things and the right things will happen for you! :flowerforyou:
  • Magenta15
    Magenta15 Posts: 850 Member
    well TOM appeared today so that explains the salt and choco cravings, pair that with the fact i am not in my own house for the week as i am babysitting ...... = I dont think i am weighing in tomorrow LOL i will keep my wednesday weigh in for this group, and then weigh in again next week for this group ( i normally do my own WI on fridays)

    on the plus side despite not being able to make it to my fitness classes all week i did the elliptical on my lunch break at work on tuesday, and today i called the gym to find out if they still ran free fitness classes at lunch hour for the base employees, which they so long as we have our base access ID so I went to spin at lunch :)
  • Magenta15
    Magenta15 Posts: 850 Member
    Did everyone sleep in??? :laugh:

    TGIF! have a great day!
  • kerilorene
    kerilorene Posts: 39 Member
    I am deliriously happy its Friday. My eating is out of control and not sure what to do about it. I am studying for the CPA exam and take the first section tomorrow morning - MAN AM I STRESSED OUT!!!! I had a melt down last night and had not one, not two, not three but FOUR pieces of pizza. I sure did feel better after but of course this morning I feel just plain fat. TOM was due this week and hasn't shown up yet so that just contributes to it all.

    I guess I am just losing it. Once I take that test tomorrow, I hope to feel better. Maybe I will celebrate by going on a good hike and burn some of these calories I have been collecting.

    Thanks for listening. Have a Great Friday!
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