Need to lose between 30-40 lbs??



  • BigdaddyJ
    dont worry about it FIT, a lot of specialists say that one day of "overindulging" with fatty foodscan actualy be good for you as long as you get back to eating right again the very next day!
    I appears that it "shocks" your metabolism and speeds it up...

    Anyway, IMO as long as a bad day doesn't turn into a bad week it's all good!!

  • gennyvieve
    I'll join!!! I need to lose a little more(52lbs is my goal), but my mini-goal is to lose 40 by Aug 28! I like being held accountable, so count me in!!! :)
  • e2009
    e2009 Posts: 1
    Hi, if you don't mind I'd like to join your group. I'd like to lose 27 or more pounds. I'll turn 50 in May and have slowly grown weak and flabby in the last 10 years. I joined MFP last summer and lost about 12lbs and saw my fitness improve. I travel a lot and find it difficult to maintain an exercise/eating routine. When I lost the weight last summer I was home for about 8 weeks, but when I hit the road again I started to slowly regain the weight. I know I feel/look so much better when I'm thinner than I am now. I expect to be home for about the next three weeks so I want try to get into a routine of doing exercise videos so I can take them with me on the road. Does anyone know of anytype of Youtube exercise videos or similar that I could watch on my minicomputer on the road so I wouldn't have to take DVD's? Also, to make things more interesting and add to my motivation I have agreed to join my marathon running friend in climbing a mountain to celebrate our 50th birthdays in June! I'm sure I'll be able to do it, I just don't want to look or feel pathetic doing it!

    I don't really expect to lose any weight before weigh-in 2/17 so my goals for the next 10 days will be to do 30day shred 9 of the 10 days and drink at least 8 glasses of water each day.

    Thanks for the thread!


    SW 172
    CW 172
    GW 145
  • Magenta15
    Magenta15 Posts: 850 Member
    You CAN make it through the week! Looks like you are already on a good path by figuring out other options and NOT Throwing your hands in the air. Thankfully a week isn't too long! Good luck!:wink:

    THANKS! :smile:
  • missyannb85
    Ha! TOM last week and a holiday weekend and STILL managed to lose 2lbs!!! GO ME!

    Keep up the great work everyone!

  • mrsgiffin
    Good morning everyone!!1 I hope everyone had a great valentines weekend. I did go through with part of the challenge. I did not drink water in between my 2 glasses of champagne but I did drink a lot of water before I went to bed. I did work out both days tho!! I also got the wii fit PLUS for Vday and I did it yesterday and I love it!!! Can't wait to set up a routine on there!! I lost 3lbs since last Monday and feel so good!!! I realyl can't believe I have lost 15 lbs. I guess before I knew about MFP, I would lose weight and not actually keep going after I lost a little or I would just break down and eat bad! But now with the support from all of my friends on here and my wonderful husband, I have successfully lost 15 lbs!! I have to say another good thing is ME being supportive of myself and motivating myself to do this for me means the most to me!!! I am not trying to "toot my own horn" but it is just so different from all of the other times that I have tried to lose weight!!! I hope everyone else is able to or will be able to say the same thing!!! Good luck and will see what my weight is on Wednesday!

    Created by - Free Weight Loss Tools
  • Magenta15
    Magenta15 Posts: 850 Member
    congrats to everyone doing great on their weekend. it wasn't much of a problem for me either... the water thing between booze - well i don't drink lol, and i only had one diet cola all weekend so that was good too,

    ate out saturday lunch, but that was reasonable, so this weekend was a-ok :)
  • Mande_G
    Mande_G Posts: 599 Member
    dont worry about it FIT, a lot of specialists say that one day of "overindulging" with fatty foodscan actualy be good for you as long as you get back to eating right again the very next day!
    I appears that it "shocks" your metabolism and speeds it up...

    Anyway, IMO as long as a bad day doesn't turn into a bad week it's all good!!


    Thanks for the encouraging words, JF! I'm not too worried -- jumping right back into my healthy routine today. :smile:
  • Mande_G
    Mande_G Posts: 599 Member
    Did a lot better eating-wise yesterday than I did Saturday night. I actually stayed within my calorie goal -- but those calories were lumped into 2 meals and 1 desert -- and my fat/protein/carb ratio was WAY off from what it should have been -- AND I didn't exercise yesterday like I should have.


    I'm going to do my strength training this morning to make up for yesterday, eat right and get LOTS of water (had 14 cups yesterday and I STILL feel parched) and do today's cardio workout this evening. I have the day off from work, so plenty of time to focus on getting back into the swing of things health-wise.

    I hope everyone had a great weekend and enjoyed themselves. :smile:

    Happy Monday, all!
  • MelsaEstel
    MelsaEstel Posts: 56 Member
    I am hoping you have room for another late comer!

    I am Melissa, 27, married almost a year and a half. I was never small, but I wasn't fat in high school. Fairly flat stomach, but I have always had a tush and thighs. Then college rolled around, and I gained at least 40 pounds over the 5 years. After graduating, I found a great job, and got into a great nutrition and workout schedule. I worked for about a year and a half, and lost about 37 lbs, my lowest weight of 180. Then I was laid off, and my schedule changed. I gained a bit, but stayed around 190 for over a year. In the last 3 months or so, I have gained most of the weight back. I weighed in at 207.4 this morning, my highest was 216.6. My goal weight is somewhere around 145, but I would LOVE to lose at least 30 by the end of summer. 2010 is my 10 year class reunion sometime this summer or fall, and I declared 2010 as being my year to make things happen at new years. So I will make it happen. :)

    Highest Weight: 216.6
    Current Weight: 207.4
    Goal Weight: 175.0 (32.4 lbs)
    FInal Weight: 145
  • rlsluvr
    rlsluvr Posts: 130
    Answer to the "Should I weigh myself Daily" Question
  • Magenta15
    Magenta15 Posts: 850 Member
    in response to the article you posted above about daily weighing...

    I do weigh myself daily, cuz i like to keep myself accountable....but not everyone should. some ppl let themselves get too stressed and freaked out by it. once a week or once every 2 weeks is more than enough...

    if you are not someone who is going to be able to handle the fact that our bodies fluctuate DAILY anywhere from 1,2,3, even 4 pounds up or down based on food intake, water intake, and sodium.... then you SHOULD NOT be weighing daily, put the scale away, and use the tape measure and your clothing as a guide that you have been staying on track with a once a week or ever two week weigh in if you like to see where you're at.

  • lreed
    lreed Posts: 348 Member
    I am a daily weigher too, many because I do fluxuate so much from day to day, so If I weigh in once a week and that is one of my off days, freak out, so now I know logically in my head it is impossible to gain 4 pounds of fat in a day, so I can just chalk that up to water weight. I take my low weight for the week (as long as I have hit it at least twice) weird huh
  • PhatMom
    PhatMom Posts: 5 Member
    Hi everyone,

    Hope it's not too late to join...

    A little about myself: I'm 47, full time sedentary job, mom of 3 but only 2 teens at home now - a husband of 24 years, a Rotweiller, 2 bulldogs and a mutt.

    I've been gradually gaining weight, about 5-10 pounds per year since about 38 years old. And I'm just plain tired of it.
    I have some friends that look absolutely amazing, but here I sit at 205 pounds. I'm 5'9", so that helps a little, but nothing helps when I can't fit into my work clothes..

    Anyway: here are my goals SW 207
    CW 205
    GW 160

    Trying to start walking 3-4 times a week. No - I WILL start walking 3-4 times a week.

    Look forward to getting to know all of you.

  • PhatMom
    PhatMom Posts: 5 Member
    okay - did i mention I'm not a whiz on the computer?? It's true - so I hope I'm posting to the right place!
  • sspalding
    sspalding Posts: 91 Member
    please count me in! i am new to all this posting. I am 49 years old and I weigh 220 lbs. I am on the line of being a diabetic and am trying to counter balance this. I am a nurse but we do not always make the best choices for ourselves or put ourselves first. I have been trying to lose weight and with support hope I can. I am serious! My health is at risk. My mimi goal is to lose 4 pounds every 2 weeks. I am 5' 5" and I weigh 220 lbs. I am not getting any younger and now is the time.
  • Mande_G
    Mande_G Posts: 599 Member
    So, today got weird. I did my strength training, showered, had breakfast (at noon... ), then the hubby and I decided to go out to run errands and ended up hanging out with hubby's brother for about 3 hours afterward. We didn't eat while we were out (we hadn't planned on being out so late) so we both missed lunch. I also missed getting in my cardio tonight (which was supposed to make up for missing a workout yesterday) and now it's late and we've each only had one meal. So -- I know what I'm making for dinner, and it'll be nice and healthy -- but I'm WAY under my calories for the day (sitting at about 800, not subtracting out the exercise cals).

    Ah, the best plans of mice and men.

    Tomorrow is another day, and since it's a work day, the regular routine should come easier.

    On a happier note, I bought 2 news pairs of jeans (size 16 short -- perfect!), 2 new sports bras, 2 pairs of sneakers (one for exercise only, one for street shoes), a package of T-shirts (Fruit of the Loom, men's large) and a package of tank tops (Fruit of the Loom, men's large) -- PLUS I found an over-the-door pull up bar (Iron Man brand, I believe) at Office Depot for $30! All in all, a VERY successful shopping trip.

    Still, I wish I'd brought a protein bar. Or fruit. Lesson learned for next time! :wink:

    Also -- hello to all the new folks!:flowerforyou:
  • missyannb85
    Hello to all the newbies! I just wanted to drop everyone a line to let you know that:
    1. We have 50 people on our chart already (that is a lot of people to keep track of)
    2. If you join our thread after I post this message your name will not be included on the chart but feel free to follow the thread and stay involved.
    3. I'm really sorry if I am hurting anyones feelings but the challenge did start a week ago now and it is really difficult to add new people to the chart.
    4. To any newbies that did post before this message I NEED YOU TO MESSAGE ME YOUR WEIGHT (AS OF TOMORROW) YOUR GOAL WEIGHT FOR 2/24/2010, AND YOUR FINAL GOAL WEIGHT FOR 9/11/2010 ASAP PLEASE!!!!

    Great luck to everyone at tomorrows weigh in!!! I can't wait to see how we all did on week one!!! Make sure to get your water and excersise in today!

    UCONNCOED Posts: 332 Member
    Morning everyone!

    I am pretty ashamed of myself considering how Greatttt I was doing (before the weekend hit).... I am not even going to get into the food ive eaten from friday afternoon til mondayy evening. Butt needless to say, with valentines day and presidents day off from work, I did NOT do well. And i did not excersise. BAD alllll around. Fortunately I did not loose my inspiration and fortunately I did still go to the gym 3 days last week (Mon,Tue, Wed).

    Sooo I guess thats just a part of the process, if you fall you must get back up. If I give up or just continue this little binge... I will never lose the weight and that is NOT the direction I want to be going...
    And I actually faced the scale, even tho I knew I wouldnt like it.... up 2 and 1/2 pounds.

    Alittle down on myself but backk to work and back on the wagon. Glad to see so many of you stayed strong and had many successes

    I see that the common thought is DRINK lots of water, and hopefully rinse out the bad lol.... SO my goal for today is at least and hour in the gym, Lotsss of water and stay well within my calories today.

    Good luck everyone!
  • sofaking6
    sofaking6 Posts: 4,589 Member
    Hey UCONNCOED..I'm right there with you. I did get a couple of treadmill workouts done over the weekend, but I ate so much sugar..I got a V-day package from my mom and another from a friend, both with lots of chocolate, and I did not have the willpower to take that candy out to the dumpster so it ended up dumped in my belly. just a ton of other carbs I didn't need. Whole wheat pasta is still pasta, is the lesson for me :)

    On the upside, yesterday I did Week 5 Day 1 of C25K, plus another 30 minutes of hill intervals after that. I got a Groupon to this super fancy gym downtown so I went to check it out..woohoo deeluxe! I could never afford it normally so it was nice to see how the 'other half' works out..rooftop pool, towel service, equipment by Ferrari, separate classrooms for aerobics, martial arts and yoga classes...nice! I get to go pretty much as much as I want for the next 7 weeks so hopefully I'll take full advantage of that opportunity.

    Great to see that most of us were much better than I was over the weekend..Great Work you guys! You are my role models!