Need to lose between 30-40 lbs??

I would like to start a support group for anyone that needs to lose anywhere between 30-40lbs and would like to do it before the end of summer. I need the motivation and as i've seen on MFP so do so many others. Please only join if you are truly serious about losing the weight and being a motivator to the group! I'm done with my excuses and ready to move forward and make the NEW ME! If you are as well, please tag along!!!
Here are the rules:

1. Must want to lose between 30-40 lbs before SEPTEMBER 11, 2010
2. Weekly weigh ins will be held on WEDNESDAYS
3. We all know that weekends are tough so we will set a goal for the group to help make it through the weekends with a smile on our face come Monday morning. :)
4. Each person will set a bi-weekly mini goal for themselves
5. YOU MUST WANT THIS FOR YOURSELF. There is no other reason to want to lose weight but to do it for YOU and YOU ONLY.

~Anyone wanting to join please post your beginning weight anytime between now and Wednesday 2-10-2010 along with your 2 week mini goal. Please tell us all a little bit about yourself and what we can do to help keep you moving in a "downward" position on the scale!


  • missyannb85
    My name is Melissa and I am 24 years old. My husband and I will have been married for 2 years in May and our beautiful daughter will turn 1 on May 18, 2010. I have always struggled with my weight but I AM READY TO GET IT UNDER CONTROL. My hardest times are the weekends so I NEED to make myself log on and track my foods on the weekends. I can't shrug it off anymore and say, "i'll pick it up again come Monday." I'm really hoping to make some great friends with this thread!

    Heaviest Weight: 230.0
    Starting weight: 178.8
    Mini Goal February 24: 173.0
    End Goal: 145.0 by September 11, 2010

  • snowflowr82
    snowflowr82 Posts: 141 Member
    I need to lose 30lbs and really want to lose it by the end of the summer for sure so i would love to join!! My BMI says for my height (I'm 5'2) that i should be between like 105-130 but i look really great at 120lbs so thats what i'm shooting for I'm at 151 right now so have 31lbs to lose... I had my little Levi on May 8, 2009 and really need to lose this left over pregnancy weight... We Can Do It... i'm already seeing results in just exercising a little and watching my calories (dont always follow but still seeing fat come off) Its really nice to have a support group on here to cheer each other on!!

    My mini 2 week goal is to lose 4 lbs. I'm going to do the elliptical for 35 min 5 days a week and do 50 squats and 25 lunges 3 8times a week and do arm exercises 2 times a week and drink more water and take my vitamins and keep under 1800 calories a day (I'm nursing still a bit during the day and all night)

    Shari BTW my sisters name is Melissa and she's 23 with her first little one born in 2009 too :)
  • missyannb85
    My BMI says that I should be around 120-130 but I LOVE the way I look at around 145. So i'm going to start there! I'm so excited to have you as a part of the team! Dont forget to post your weight ( I also posted my heaviest as a little extra motivation, totaly optional) and your mini goal for February 24 and then your end goal!!! Great luck to you!!!
  • OliveCulona
    Hello!! My name is Heather and i'm a 23yo Graduate student... I have always been struggling with my weight but I have been doing well with eating 'healthy' for the past 4 years. I think I just overdo it on the weekends which puts me right back at the same spot! So far since starting MFP on January 15, 2010 I have lost 11lbs and actually kept it off WOOHOO! I want to join this group for the weekly weigh-ins on Wednesdays, group support and motivation! How long and what are you all doing for exercise? Currently i'm working out 6 days/wk, anywhere from 30-60mins of cardio (elliptical/treadmill) and about 20 mins of strength training (abs, machine weights) 3days/week. Good luck to all!!!!!

    Starting weight: 184
    Current weight: 173.4
    Wed. weigh-in goal for February 10: 172
    Goal weight: 145
  • loreeen
    My name is Loren and I am 19 years old. I have always been chubby and recently turned overweight because i broke my ankle twice in 2009 and i couldnt walk properly for 3-4months each time. I couldnt do anything my friends were doing, i was unhappy, getting no exercise and eating out of boredom, so weight piled on fast. Ive been dietingsince i recovered but because most of my friends are thin its hard to cut down on food when they arent, however, ive realised i really want this now..and im ready to do this! My hardest times are the weekends too! And Mellisa: "I can't shrug it off anymore and say, "i'll pick it up again come Monday." I'm really hoping to make some great friends with this thread!" i couldnt agree more! Lets do this! :D

    Heaviest Weight: 170.0
    Starting weight: 168.0
    Mini Goal February 24: 160
    End Goal: 135 by September 11, 2010

    too right we can! ;D

    Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • snowflowr82
    snowflowr82 Posts: 141 Member
    Well my starting weight was: 157lbs (after having baby)
    Starting weight of right now is: 151lbs
    Goal Weight is 120lbs
    Mini goal two weeks 147lbs

    I have to be 145lbs before i am rewarding myself with a new hairdo and color (its been ages)
    I would love to be 140lbs by the end of March (I would fit into most of my jeans again ahhhh)
    I would love to be 130bls by the end of May
    I AM GOING TO BE at least 125lbs by August!!!
  • OliveCulona
    OK here's the last part of my post that I apparently missed haha

    Heaviest weight: 242 (2002)
    Starting weight: 184
    Goal by February 24: 168
    Goal End Weight by September 11!!! 140
  • stacieboo72
    My heaviest weight (1999) 215
    Current weight - 196
    Goal weight 160-170

    I'd love to join a support group. I have battled with weight my entire life and always find that starting down this path is always easier when you have people to help support you. I am pushing 40 and find it harder and harder to lose weight as I age. My current goal is to lose 1 pound each week. By Aug/Sept, I should be at my goal weight.

    Just let me know where to find the support group and I will login daily when I login my calories for the day!

    Good luck to everyone.

    Anything is possible with hard work and determination.
  • vanzeem
    vanzeem Posts: 107
    I would love to join!!! My name is Mandi and i am almost 26 years old. i have a 2 year old and a 10 (almost 11) month old. I work 40+hours a week and i am a full time mom. I would LOVE to drop some weight, especially since i haven't really lost since having either kid. I work in an office, so it's hard to get any workout when i'm there and i have a hard time working out once i'm home also. I really need to start tracking the calories (it's easy to snack while sitting at the desk) and make it a point to workout. I am also Hypo-thyroid so that doesn't help.

    Starting weight: 175 lbs
    Goal weight: Atleast 150 lbs

    Mini Goal by Feb 24: 165 lbs
  • cmurphy04722
    My name's Christina and I live and work in DC. I graduated in May 2009 and hit my peak weight during my summer unemployment. After getting a job, I've slowly lost some of the weight but most of it has stuck. I want to get rid of it and then some!

    Heaviest weight: 174
    Current weight: 165/167
    Goal weight: 135

    Goal for 2/10 weigh in: a solid 165
    Goal for 2/24 weigh in: 161
  • TnTHawkins
    TnTHawkins Posts: 285 Member
    My name is Todd and I'm 41 married for almost 15 years in April. I have a 20 year old daughter, a son who is 11, and 2 dogs. I would love to join a support group. If you can overlook that I need to lose more than 40 pounds, and old I could certainly use the extra modivation.

    My heaviest recorded weight: 246.1
    Current weight: 134.6
    Goal weight: 190
    BMI Index (Healthy Weight): 174
    Goal by the end of February: 225
    Goal by the end of March: 210

    I can and will reach my goals, as I have done it before. The problem is that I have a hard time keeping it off.
  • ambersfrog
    Hi, I would love to join!

    My name is Amber, I'm 27 and have always been a little chunky ( around 160 ) and was comfortable with myself. I just recently topped out at 205 and decided that this is a trend that I cannot continue. My doctor says my healthy weight is between 130 and 140. I am happy with myself at 140-150 because I'm a busty girl and think a little curve to go along with it is good :wink:
    I'm perfectly content with a little cushion but I am putting my foot down right now about these unwanted lbs I've recently gained. I started counting calories and going to the gym at least 4 times a week and am pretty happy with the result I've gotten in the last 3 weeks so I am definately motivated excited to continue on. It certainly helps to see all the success others are having via this site, lets you know it can be done!
    So my highest weight was 205 lbs, I am currently at 198 lbs and my 2 week goal would be to be at 194 by feb 28th

    good luck to everyone!
  • mrsgiffin
    Hey!!! My name is Brittany and I am 24 years old. I currently work at a surgeons office as the receptionist! We are having a biggest loser contest at work and I really really want to win!!! When I started MFP I weighed in at 188 at work or 186 at home... SO I have been using the 188 on here. Today we weighed in at work and I weighed 176! I was so excited! But I still want to lose a good 30 lbs more. I want to be around 145lbs. I love to eat and I feel like I am hungry all the time! I am also an emotional eater, so it is hard battling with that. I can use the motivation and support from this thread and I also will be here for you others!! I currently have a gazelle at home that I try to do atleast 300 calories a day on it, if not more. I started using jillians 30 day shred last month and worked up to doing level 2 really good but never advanced to level 3. I just bought a new video on Saturday.Its from Shape magazine. It is called the ultimate bikini body. Did it for my first time yesterday and it was that good hurt that I love!! So I am going to try to do that in the morning before I go to work.

    sw: 188
    cw:175.5 or so... I want to be a solid 175 on Wednesday
    mini goal for feb 24 is to be 170.
    I would love to do a weekly thread challenege if anyone is up for that! Thanks!! Good Luck to everyone!!
    Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • weaverc
    weaverc Posts: 158
    Hi, my name is Colleen and I am 28 years old. I work full-time and am a mother of 2 girls. I have always been chunky, but after having my second baby 2 years ago it has been super hard for me to take off the weight. The weekends are the worst time for me. We do lots of fun activities and I am home more so it is easy to snack and make bad food choices. I really want to lose weight to be healthier and to feel better about myself. I started trying to lose weight about a year ago, but haven't had a lot of success. I lose a few pounds and gain them back, so I am not really getting anywhere.

    Starting weight: 186
    Current weight: 174
    Mini Goal Weight-
    February 24th: 171

    Good Luck everyone!
  • Mande_G
    Mande_G Posts: 599 Member
    Hi all! I'm Mande. I've been on MFP since Dec. 4, 2009, starting out at 204.8 and have lost 16.8 lbs so far. I did a round of Jillian Michael's 30 day Shred, a week of Leslie Sansone's Walk Away the Pounds (5 miles), and recently started the Beach Body Power 90 workout. I'm on day 21 of P90, though I've missed a total of 6 days so far (had a very sick kitty for about a week -- he's fine now, but it was very time consuming). I plan to stick with it, working out 6 days/week (3 cardio/abs days, 3 strength training days). I don't really know what a healthy weight is for me, because I've been overweight my entire adult life (since age 13 or 14). I think I'd be happy somewhere between 120-140, but I'm not exactly sure where the line is. I've done "diets" a dozen times, with varying results. I've lost 5, 10, 30 lbs in the past, but always gained most of it back because I was looking for the quick fix rather than making a lifestyle change. This time is different.

    Heaviest Weight: 209.9
    Starting weight: 188.0
    Mini Goal February 24: 184
    End Goal: 148 by September 11, 2010
  • Daisy_Cutter
    Hi - I'm Shell and I'd like to join too. I'm 37 and I have two girls 10 & 7 - Just finished going through a really nasty divorce that helped me pack on 30 lbs. I work full time and it's hard to find the time to work out now that it's just myself and the girls. I used to be in pretty good shape - have run 18 full marathons and a hand-full of halfs, I cycle too - or used to. I've had motivation issues the past year so am just trying to get motivated again. I'm short but I'm pretty muscular - at 160 I was at 20% body fat. I'd like to get there again. I was 192 the last time I weighed (couple weeks ago), but I'll take a starting weight on Wednesday. I'd really like to be at 160 by the end of summer - back in my size 8s again.

    The only way I'll be able to lose is if I get my sweet tooth under control, get my emotional eating in check, and get back to the exercise.

    We can do this! Right?

    Starting weight: 192 (confirming Wednesday)
    Goal for 02/24/10 - 189lbs
    Goal for 09/11/10 - 165 or less
  • Mangoaddict
    Mangoaddict Posts: 1,236 Member
    Hello ladies,

    I am in need of losing 30lbs. I would love to be at 135lbs for my (5feet 2in) frame. I am currently doing 3 run sessions for 30 minutes weekly and I try to get in one day of swimming and at least 2 days of strength training. I am watching what I eat, however, I give myself one day (friday or saturday) to eat what I want, as long as I exercise. I have 2 weddings to attend this year. One is in august (first week) and the other is in november. I want to look hot! As soon as I get fit, I want to also get pregnant (naturally!)

    Kindly accept me in this group and help me realize my full potential. I have realized that nothing matters more than one's own health. This last year, I had very bad bronchitis and very bad acidity. Both things took a great toll on me and my life. No more.

    Let's do this! I feel it in my heart that this year - 2010 is the year of change for me. I'm changing my life around. No more excuses!!

    All the best xoxoxo

    Current weight:- 166lbs
    Goal weight:- 135lbs!!!!

    Running a 5K in May 2010 (my first 5k)!!
  • Mande_G
    Mande_G Posts: 599 Member
    I'm a shorty, too. 5'1" over here. 200+ pounds was NOT flattering on my frame. I'd like to retain _some_ of my curves... but the rolls gotta go! :laugh:
  • blankcanvas
    Ok. I'm not sure if I'll be able to find my way back to this post, but I'd love to join the group! I'm 51 years old and have been steadily gaining wait since my 19 year old son was born and I was diagnosed with a non functioning thyroid. My meds have been adjusted more times than I can count and the docs poo poo my weight problem. So for years I have just 'accepted' that I could never lose and this would be it for me. I joined here in January at 205 lbs! NEVER have I been this large, I was always the tall skinny girl. (5'9) I was 135 when I got married 26 years ago, probably too thin for my frame at that time, but my goal now is to be 160. I've always struggled just to get past a 10 lb lost, and somehow manage to put even that back on quickly. I'm tired of not feeling good when I go out to a function, or having an entire closet of clothes that I don't even fit into. I don't throw out the ones that don't fit because I think I never wanted to accept my size. Now I do. I don't like it, I'm not happy with me, and I want to do this for ME not my husband, not my kids, just ME...I realize I have spent years putting my needs aside, to make sure that everyone else is happy. Then I took stock of my friends one day and realized, the 'skinny' ones were very selfish people! They always put their own needs first which I found horrifying, but in the end, rather than just making my family or friends happy because I catered to their needs, I made myself how can I really be any good to anyone else? I've reached a 9 pound loss so far, I'm trying to do at least two pounds a week...I've started doing regular elliptical machine exercises for 30 min a day and some strength training with an in home gym/weights system my husband bought. I hope I can do this. I try to look daily at the photos of those of you who have lost vast amounts of weight and it makes me dream that maybe, just maybe this time I can do it! One day at a time:) I'm tempted to buy a bikini to hang in my bedroom as my 'motivation'..just to prove to the people that laugh at my 'dream' that I can and I will do it! Regardless of menopause and hormonal fluctuations or lack of thyroid function...I'm going to give it my all. I hope I don't let myself down more than anything.::bigsmile:
  • missyannb85
    Yay ladies!!!! There are 14 of us so far! How Great is that?! I just want you all to know how pumped I am for this! 30 weeks to lose 30-40lbs, THIS IS GOING TO BE A BREEZE!! As long as we support ourselves and eachother, this can happened for each and everyone of us. My main motivation is that my best friend of 17 years is getting married on September 11, 2010 and I am the Maitron of Honor. I'm not going to sugar coat it, I WANT TO BE SMOKIN!!! We are wearing knee length hottttt pink dresses. Now there are 9 of us bridesmaids and about 6 of them look like barbie dolls (gag). :sad: NOw, i'm not saying that I want to look like a barbie doll, because it will never happened. I have curves and when the rolls are removed they are quite beautiful curves!! And I can't wait to show them off this summer!!!
    Thanks again ladies for all the support and I wish you all great luck! Keep an eye out on the thread for this weekends challenge! Would you like me to post the challenge on Thursday evening or Friday morning? I would love you insite! Also, any great ideas for the challenge are more than welcome! You can send them to me in a message or post them here, I will be checking it daily (probably multiple times). Great luck to us all!!!
    :heart: ~Melissa