Need to lose between 30-40 lbs??



  • ddss37
    ddss37 Posts: 36 Member
    I am ready for some company. Count me in. I wanted to wait and join a group until after I knew I was serious about my health. I have been working on myself since September 2009. And, things are going great. Look forward to seeing how this group works out.

    My exercise routine is 6 days a week, 60-90 minutes a day - 2 days of circuit, 2 days of weights, all days of cardio, abs, and yoga. That's it!

    You can read more on my profile. See you soon!

  • EmeraldLily
    EmeraldLily Posts: 5 Member
    I'm in!

    About me: I'm 26. I've been on MFP since January 4, 2010 and so far I'm down 15lbs (YAY!) I have been overweight most of my life and although I've tried dieting in the past I always seem to fail or give up. This time is different because I AM going to reach my goal and I'm looking forward to being happy :smile:

    I do have a problem. I haven't started exercising =/ I keep putting it off even though I know I'm going to feel so much better when I get into the habit of exercising.

    SW: 254
    CW: 239
    2/24: 234
    9/11: under 200

  • Marigold1
    Hello Ladies!

    I am a 23 year old and have been overweight my whole life. I have never heard the end of it from family and even friends who continously try to give me "advice" on how to be thinner but really only end up critizising me. I have been unemployed for the past two months and my weight just continues to increase as lay on my butt all day watching tv and eating. I can not let this happen anymore. I am here to join the group and I am hoping that this will give me the motivation I need to eat healthier and get active! To use my down time to my advantage! Ive done it before and let my self fall off but this time I am determined to get back up no matter how many times I fall!!! I like that we will be weighting in every wednesday because we can be each others motivations!
    starting weight: 255lbs
    goal weight for 2/24/10: 245 lbs
    goal weight for 9/11/10: under 200 lbs

  • Daisy_Cutter
    Hello Ladies!

    I am a 23 year old and have been overweight my whole life. I have never heard the end of it from family and even friends who continously try to give me "advice" on how to be thinner but really only end up critizising me. I have been unemployed for the past two months and my weight just continues to increase as lay on my butt all day watching tv and eating. I can not let this happen anymore. I am here to join the group and I am hoping that this will give me the motivation I need to eat healthier and get active! To use my down time to my advantage! Ive done it before and let my self fall off but this time I am determined to get back up no matter how many times I fall!!! I like that we will be weighting in every wednesday because we can be each others motivations!
    starting weight: 255lbs
    goal weight for 2/24/10: 245 lbs
    goal weight for 9/11/10: under 200 lbs


    WOW - Yes, Marigold, use the time you have right now in between jobs to work out. While I wouldn't want to be without a job, the free time to work on myself would be priceless. You have a great thing right now... TIME. Use it wisely! You can do it!
  • EmeraldLily
    EmeraldLily Posts: 5 Member
    Hello Ladies!

    I am a 23 year old and have been overweight my whole life. I have never heard the end of it from family and even friends who continously try to give me "advice" on how to be thinner but really only end up critizising me. I have been unemployed for the past two months and my weight just continues to increase as lay on my butt all day watching tv and eating. I can not let this happen anymore. I am here to join the group and I am hoping that this will give me the motivation I need to eat healthier and get active! To use my down time to my advantage! Ive done it before and let my self fall off but this time I am determined to get back up no matter how many times I fall!!! I like that we will be weighting in every wednesday because we can be each others motivations!
    starting weight: 255lbs
    goal weight for 2/24/10: 245 lbs
    goal weight for 9/11/10: under 200 lbs


    WOW - Yes, Marigold, use the time you have right now in between jobs to work out. While I wouldn't want to be without a job, the free time to work on myself would be priceless. You have a great thing right now... TIME. Use it wisely! You can do it!

    I find when I have more time on your hands, I eat more. Its harder to stay focused if you don't keep yourself occupied. Although you are out of work try keeping busy by taking walks, going to the library or exercising. Anything that will keep you out of the kitchen =]
  • missyannb85
    I'm in!

    I do have a problem. I haven't started exercising =/ I keep putting it off even though I know I'm going to feel so much better when I get into the habit of exercising.

    SW: 254
    CW: 239
    2/24: 234
    9/11: under 200

    OK!!! Here's what I did to make myself begin working out. While watching one of my favorite TV shows I would just lay on the ground and do 10 push-ups, 50 crunches, 20 leglifts and then I would repeat it once. It made me feel like I was doing something worth while and it's a great way to adjust your body to working out harder later!!! Great luck to you!!!]
  • Emilydmo
    Emilydmo Posts: 101
    I'm definitely want in on this! I'm got exactly 31 pounds to get into a healthy BMI and I'm super motivated to get there. I'm a 24 year old grad student and my biggest problem is eating when stressed.. I can have a great week, do tons of exercise, eat a healthy balanced meal and have one bad day and ruin it all... I've lost 45 pounds since last march and about 80 pounds total, but for some reason I've been on a bad streak since thanksgiving and I really need to get my butt in gear! Here we go, girls!

    Heaviest Weight: 285 (or around there.. scales were NOT my friend..)
    Starting weight: 210.5
    Mini Goal February 24: 206
    End Goal: 175

    I've just completed my first week of p90x, got my brand -new bodybugg to bust my plateau and all of you to hold me accountable. Let's do this!!!
  • Emilydmo
    Emilydmo Posts: 101
    Ok. I'm not sure if I'll be able to find my way back to this post, but I'd love to join the group! I'm 51 years old and have been steadily gaining wait since my 19 year old son was born and I was diagnosed with a non functioning thyroid. My meds have been adjusted more times than I can count and the docs poo poo my weight problem. So for years I have just 'accepted' that I could never lose and this would be it for me. I joined here in January at 205 lbs! NEVER have I been this large, I was always the tall skinny girl. (5'9) I was 135 when I got married 26 years ago, probably too thin for my frame at that time, but my goal now is to be 160. I've always struggled just to get past a 10 lb lost, and somehow manage to put even that back on quickly. I'm tired of not feeling good when I go out to a function, or having an entire closet of clothes that I don't even fit into. I don't throw out the ones that don't fit because I think I never wanted to accept my size. Now I do. I don't like it, I'm not happy with me, and I want to do this for ME not my husband, not my kids, just ME...I realize I have spent years putting my needs aside, to make sure that everyone else is happy. Then I took stock of my friends one day and realized, the 'skinny' ones were very selfish people! They always put their own needs first which I found horrifying, but in the end, rather than just making my family or friends happy because I catered to their needs, I made myself how can I really be any good to anyone else? I've reached a 9 pound loss so far, I'm trying to do at least two pounds a week...I've started doing regular elliptical machine exercises for 30 min a day and some strength training with an in home gym/weights system my husband bought. I hope I can do this. I try to look daily at the photos of those of you who have lost vast amounts of weight and it makes me dream that maybe, just maybe this time I can do it! One day at a time:) I'm tempted to buy a bikini to hang in my bedroom as my 'motivation'..just to prove to the people that laugh at my 'dream' that I can and I will do it! Regardless of menopause and hormonal fluctuations or lack of thyroid function...I'm going to give it my all. I hope I don't let myself down more than anything.::bigsmile:

    Don't worry about being able to find your way back, because now that you've posted here once it will be listed under your "my topics" tab, and unless you post a TON, it should stick around there for a while. Now you've got no excuse to come find us again :tongue:
  • Anansis_Intricacy
    Hi, I'd like to join if possible :)

    I'm Nikki. I'm 20 years old and in college. I was sort of thin throughout highschool, but put on some weight in college. I got up to 160 pounds before deciding I had to lose some weight (I've always been a bit scared of becoming severely overweight, since I've watched my mother's weight rising out of control). Also, I was talking to my grandmother recently and, jokingly, I said (since we were all squished in the backseat of the car) "I used to be so skinny. I dunno what happened." She said "I don't know either." She was serious.


    I'd like to get down to around 120-125. I'm pretty short, so I don't think this is too thin.

    My current weight is 149 pounds.
    Mini goal is 144 pounds by February 24
    September 11, 2010: 120 pounds
  • Marigold1
    Thanks!! I am trying hard to motivate myself and to actually get out of the house daily and burn some calories! I realized I do have an advantage with having this extra time to dedicate to my work outs I just need to get up and out! Good luck to you!

    P.S. If anyone has suggestions on ways to work out from home or without having to go to a gym please feel free to share, or any small tips to having more self control over the junk that we have to avoid everyday! I could really use the help!!! Thanks! =)
  • Anansis_Intricacy
    Thanks!! I am trying hard to motivate myself and to actually get out of the house daily and burn some calories! I realized I do have an advantage with having this extra time to dedicate to my work outs I just need to get up and out! Good luck to you!

    P.S. If anyone has suggestions on ways to work out from home or without having to go to a gym please feel free to share, or any small tips to having more self control over the junk that we have to avoid everyday! I could really use the help!!! Thanks! =)

    There are a lot of really great body weight exercises you can do from home, or if you're willing to buy some small free weights (cost like 3 dollars each at Walmart, and you only need two), then I have a list of exercises i do on my strength training days (I hate to do these kinds of thing in the gym because I feel like I'm really weak :laugh: )

    I do planks, squats, crunches, and leg bridges (love these and squats because they really work your butt and thighs).
    Then, with the free weights or dumbbells, I do bicep curls, chest flyes (takes care of the pesky area between the arm and chest so tank tops and such look better), tricep kickbacks (works both the triceps and back muscles), and a couple of other exercises that just won't come to mind right now.

    Also, if you buy a jumprope, that's a really good cardio workout you can do from home, and it helps improve your balance as well. This is what I did when I kickboxed. Jumpropes are a couple of dollars at walmart. If you don't want to spend the money, then you can do jumping jacks.

    If you want to buy a dvd, I heard Jillian's 30 Day Shred dvd is amazing.

    If you need instructions for any of the exercises, feel free to message me.
  • momofcrew
    I'm in! I have been watching this thread all day just trying to get the courage up to join. I am so afraid of failure. I am 45 years old and have battled with my size my whole adult life. I am 5'1", 170 lbs. I am extremely uncomfortable in my skin. My weight effects my health and frankly I am more fearful of that than putting myself out there and joining this group. I am looking forward to this.:flowerforyou:

    My current weight: 170lbs
    Mini goal by 2-24: 165lbs
    End goal: 130lbs
  • Daisy_Cutter
    Most everyone had a photo so I added one.... however it's a before picture. BEFORE my divorce - I want to get back there again. Honestly I don't think I've got any current pictures of me, and that's good.

    How did everyone do today?

  • ddss37
    ddss37 Posts: 36 Member

    It looks like we are headed for the same goals - so, this should be fun! I am sorry for your tough times with the divorce and all. What a blessing to have your kids.

    Had a great day - even enjoyed a "forbidden" snack because I could :-)

    Worked out about 90 minutes on circuit/cardio training, abs, and yoga. Trying to finish the day attacking some things that I have putting off for awhile. It is amazing how much weight - mental worry can place on you.

    Heading to bed soon - gotta work out early in the morning...

  • BigdaddyJ
    Hey! I'd like to join! I'm Jeff, trucker from Halifax NS, I made a big life changs and need all the support I can get!!
    I still need to loose 42 lbs.
    Heaviest 291 dec 2009
    goal: 225
  • rockwife
    I would like to join the group. I currently weigh 254. I would like to be at 210 by Sept 11.
    Due to some significant health issues watching what I eat is become a lot easier. (diabetes and all those other wonderful things only happen to others)
  • astrosnider
    astrosnider Posts: 151 Member
    Yes, I am hoping to lose at least 30 pounds by the end of the summer and would love to join this group. My name is Ann, I'm 64 and retired. I recently celebrated my 40th anniversary and realized how much weight I have gained over the years. I was thin in my 20s but started putting on extra poundage in my 30s and 40s. Now that I'm not working I have a little more time to work out, plan menus and cook at home. I'm 5' 3" and probably should weigh 120 but I would be thrilled to be 135 by Sept. 11.

    I've been walking, spinning, swimming and working out with weights for 60-90 minutes most days, but to tell you the truth, I think losing weight is more about eating less than about exercising more.

    177 Highest weight
    165 Weight when I started MFP (Jan. 1, 2010)
    161 Current weight
    158 Feb. 24 mini goal
    135 Goal for Sept. 11, 2010
  • VLCD
    VLCD Posts: 7
    Is 30-40 a firm requirement - in other words, what if I want to lose 30-40 minimum and 30-50 ideally...?
    I assume that's still okay!?

    I'd love to join the effort as I'm seeing a lot of us are in the same relative range... in either CURRENT WEIGHT or in CURRENT LOSS-to-date totals...

    Last week was Wk 1 for me and I'm thrilled to report I lost and have kept off 4 lbs.... (even w/ SUPER BOWL!) lol :bigsmile:
    It is my hope that I get back to my pre-accident weight of 115/120 but know I'll look awesome at 130/134 and will be JUST as happy with that! Shooting for '134' will be an even 50 lb loss.

    Knowing that it's much harder to lose the older you are (taking into account metabolism & hormone changes) I am still determined to push through this.... Yes, I'd be one of the 'Seniors' of this grouping - (being 44), I'd still enjoy being around some younger 'motivation' knowing that having a solid support system is the only way we'll overcome these hefty goals...

  • Mangoaddict
    Mangoaddict Posts: 1,236 Member
    So, considering we have 30 something weeks to go, how are we going to stay accountable? We need to either record our results weekly or every weekend. Lets do this for our health!
  • lreed
    lreed Posts: 348 Member
    Hey, I am in! I am a 42 year old Mom/Wife and chief dishwasher. I have been overweight since I had my baby, he is 6'1 now and 14 with facial hair, so it's time to kick it into gear!
    Heaviest weight 235
    MFP starting weight 218
    Current weight 210
    2/24 goal weight 207
    Final goal weight 170
    I do an outdoor bootcamp 5 days a week at 5:30 a.m. and I love it!