Need to lose between 30-40 lbs??



    UCONNCOED Posts: 332 Member
    Goood Challenge.

    Maybe if i eat more fruits and veges, Ill eat less pizza lol
  • snowflowr82
    snowflowr82 Posts: 141 Member
    Thanks for the weekend challenge... Its been snowing here so been trying to go out and shovel but i twisted my back so i have to take it slower than usual.. I'm actually getting ready to do the dishes and head out to shovel for a half hour then i'm going to do a biggest loser workout today... I'm a little ansy lately due to not knowing if i'm pregnant since i thought i was starting my TOM and didnt
  • rockwife
    Great challenge--it's supposed to be sunny here, so I'm thinking positive!
  • bgsball05
    Hey guys, I'd like in!

    I am 22 years old and am in my first year of law school here in Ohio. I have a goal to run my first half marathon this summer and hope to use the training and nutrition required for that to help me lose the weight I want to lose. I lost 20 pounds my first year of undergrad and after that some of the weight started to creep back. Now I am fully motivated to achieve the weight I've always wanted to be at.

    When do you guys weigh in? I'm really looking forward to getting to know you all better!
  • missyannb85
    Goood Challenge.

    Maybe if i eat more fruits and veges, Ill eat less pizza lol

    HAHAHAHA!!!! I ate Papa Johns pizza tonight. It's my weakness and believe me, I was weak! I'm going to be doing MUCHO excersise tomorrow!
  • Steph_135
    Steph_135 Posts: 3,280 Member
    snowflowr... Sorry to hear about your back. Take it easy, and streeetch before shoveling snow if you don't already. :smile:
  • Mande_G
    Mande_G Posts: 599 Member
    So, Friday night I was out at a fundraiser and ate buffet food (not _too_ horrible -- veggies and sushi) and had a beer. Yesterday, my husband and I had friends over for a movie, and I had 2 beers and pizza -- I also did not exercise. I cleaned house for about 3 1/3 and used that as an excuse not to exercise.

    These were certainly not the biggest slip-ups that I've had, but it certainly isn't behavior I like to see in myself. Making excuses and giving in to temptation are what have led me off of this path before -- I don't want to stray this time. I've made a vow to my self -- no more cheat meals until May (hubby's law school graduation and my 30th birthday coming up in the same month).

    I am trying to learn from the past couple of nights, to see where things went wrong and what I can do to avoid putting myself in the same situation in the future.

    Today has been much better. I got in my exercise -- even bumping it up -- went from sculpt (strength training) level 1-2 of Power90 to level 3-4. THAT was challenging. Mostly the same moves as level 1-2, just more reps and faster reps. I burned 420 calories in 53 minutes and my legs and arms feel like jello. In a good way. :wink: I'm a little afraid of what tomorrow's level 3-4 cardio will be like -- I'm sure I'll be burning a lot of calories, though. ;)

    Haven't done so well on the fruit/veggie challenge. Had 1 fruit yesterday, 2 or 3 servings of veggies at MOST. Today I will do much better.

    I hope everyone is having a good weekend. :smile:
  • Mande_G
    Mande_G Posts: 599 Member
    Goood Challenge.

    Maybe if i eat more fruits and veges, Ill eat less pizza lol

    HAHAHAHA!!!! I ate Papa Johns pizza tonight. It's my weakness and believe me, I was weak! I'm going to be doing MUCHO excersise tomorrow!

    For me, it's Dominoes. 1/2 of a medium thin crust veggie (no cheese) is only about 500 calories. Too bad I had 1/2 of a LARGE with LIGHT CHEESE last night. I don't even want to THINK about the sodium. That's the really bad part.

    Live and learn, right?

    I think pizza may be one of those foods that I just shouldn't eat. Ever. I don't get bad cravings for it, I just don't control myself well when it's right in front of me.

    And of course, I had to drink beer first. Which of course lowers inhibitions... the LAST thing I need when facing food decisions! :laugh: WHY does Blue Moon have to taste so darn good? :sad:
  • rockwife
    Scale finally moved for me. Weighed in at 252 on Saturday. That is down 16 pounds since Dec. when I began recording the numbers in the weigh battle Got dressed for church this morning in slacks that 2 weeks ago would painfully fasten. They fastened easily with room to spare. Getting fruits and veges in is not a problem for me.

    Yesterday was tough. Hubby came in from working on a roof job with bandages from falling off. YESSSS, THAT IS STRESS FOR ME! He showered and soaked and I gorged on a cake. Felt really miserable and sick to stomach after. To think I used to stuff myself like that on a daily basis. Hubby seems okay today, just scraped up and sore.

    I have vegetable soup in the crock pot for work lunches this week. That is the simple thing for me. Nuke and eat when I get a break. I usually take at least 2 pieces of fruit and some string cheese. That gets me through the day and gives me a snack for the drive home. (this way I don't stop and buy chips for the 40min drive.) We begin extended days on Monday to make up for the days we missed due to snow.

    I actually got a walk in today. The weather is cool (probably 45ish) but the sun is out and the snow is finally gone!
    Created by - Nutrition Facts For Foods
  • verito
    verito Posts: 19 Member
    My name is Veronica, I’m 44 years old. I am in need of losing weight. I had weight problems since I remember. So, I love the challenge to lose my weight. I need the support. I been married for 15 years, I have one daughter. I work in an elementary school. I love to teach math! I have a very slow metabolism, but I think I can lose 1 lb per week doing exercise and eating right. I will love to join!

    Heaviest Weight: 168 lbs
    Current weight: 159
    Goal weight : 135 lbs

    Good Luck everyone!
  • robynrae_1
    robynrae_1 Posts: 712 Member
    Hey everyone my weekness is chocolate, put it in front of me and I have no control, I just eat.
    I had a rought week this week came down with stomach bug. I spent 2 days eating nothing but bread and chocolate pudding. I finaly feel good enough to eat so I let myself have a "free day", back on the calorie wagon today. I am still down in weight hopefully it will stay down once I get my fluids back to normal.
    I also haven't worked out in 4 days so I am starting to feel sluggish. I am going to do some cardio in the morining maybe 15 mins than walk the dog, nothing to extreme.
    hope everyone had a good weekend
  • sspalding
    sspalding Posts: 91 Member
    WOW Where did the weekend go? Got my exercise of 200 calories in each day. The fruit and vegatable totals were hard for me. I dont believe I made the totals but I did increase my intake on them quit a bit. Fruit just does not fill me up. When done with an apple I look around for the next thing to eat. Had a great day at the gym today and am looking forward to weigh in on Wednesday. March is here and It is a clean slate for us all to get on the band wagon and tighten our belts for a great month!
  • KAG5150
    KAG5150 Posts: 15
    Happy Monday Ladies,
    I think I got my calorie burn in for the weekend challenge but did not meet the fruits and veggies. That is so touch for me. And to top it all off, Girl Scout Cookies are in. Aaahhh! I love girl scout cookies and this year, my neice was selling them. Not good. We have tons of boxes sitting at home. I was over my calorie goal both Saturday and Sunday due to this. Right now I am down one pound so I hope it at least stays this way through till Wednesday. I do so much better throughout the week! Here is to a good week!

  • sspalding
    sspalding Posts: 91 Member
    i just decided not to buy girl scout cookies this year. In the past I would put them in the freezer thinking I would not eat them. Well let me tell you they are just as good frozen. Not in the house, not a temptation!
  • momofcrew
    I am really having a hard time meeting my fiber intake for each day. 25 is a number I have yet to meet. Any suggestions?
  • ambersfrog
    So, Friday night I was out at a fundraiser and ate buffet food (not _too_ horrible -- veggies and sushi) and had a beer. Yesterday, my husband and I had friends over for a movie, and I had 2 beers and pizza -- I also did not exercise. I cleaned house for about 3 1/3 and used that as an excuse not to exercise.

    These were certainly not the biggest slip-ups that I've had, but it certainly isn't behavior I like to see in myself. Making excuses and giving in to temptation are what have led me off of this path before -- I don't want to stray this time. I've made a vow to my self -- no more cheat meals until May (hubby's law school graduation and my 30th birthday coming up in the same month).

    I am trying to learn from the past couple of nights, to see where things went wrong and what I can do to avoid putting myself in the same situation in the future.

    Today has been much better. I got in my exercise -- even bumping it up -- went from sculpt (strength training) level 1-2 of Power90 to level 3-4. THAT was challenging. Mostly the same moves as level 1-2, just more reps and faster reps. I burned 420 calories in 53 minutes and my legs and arms feel like jello. In a good way. :wink: I'm a little afraid of what tomorrow's level 3-4 cardio will be like -- I'm sure I'll be burning a lot of calories, though. ;)

    Haven't done so well on the fruit/veggie challenge. Had 1 fruit yesterday, 2 or 3 servings of veggies at MOST. Today I will do much better.

    I hope everyone is having a good weekend. :smile:

    hmmm...sounds like pizza was the bad guy this weekend. I had people over too and had pizza. And if thats not bad enough I just had the left overs for lunch! On a positive note it was thin crust and not the stuffed crust that I would normally have...makes it a little bit better right?! must do better for dinner and work my booty off at the gym.
  • dporter1183
    dporter1183 Posts: 154 Member
    Well I was on a plateu at 7 lbs. just one lb less than when I signed up for this particular thread....then I got a stomach bug :sick: this weekend.....a gift from my precious angels! I lost 2.6 more lbs!

    Even though i didn't work that weight off, I"M HOPING I can keep it off! figers crossed!

    I'm not eating much today, My tummy still feels a little weary.

    I must admit, it is SSSSOOOOO nice to see that ticker show the double digits!:bigsmile:
  • erinm
    erinm Posts: 53 Member
    Check out the Fiber One products. They all have signifcant amounts of fiber. I usually eat one Fiber One bar a day, and it gives me 8 or 9 grams of fiber, which is a third of the daily recommendation. Also Kashi cereals, nuts, popcorn, etc. are all good sources of fiber.
  • momofcrew
    Check out the Fiber One products. They all have signifcant amounts of fiber. I usually eat one Fiber One bar a day, and it gives me 8 or 9 grams of fiber, which is a third of the daily recommendation. Also Kashi cereals, nuts, popcorn, etc. are all good sources of fiber.
    Thanks! I was also able to go to community and read a thread on fiber. It was extrememly helpful. I do use some fiber one products, but then I get tripped up on the sugar content. I am trying to keep my sugar at 15.
  • latinapride389
    Hi my name is Stephanie, I'm needing to lose another 25 or so. I've been back and forth on weight lose but being on MFP has been the most helpful to steadily getting weight off. So I'm military which you would think maintaining a reasonable weight wouldn't be a problem but people underestimate how much our jobs are (for the most part) not much different from anyone elses. I work at a desk where I see patients and if I'm lucky I get to leave work an hour early and get to the track to run it out before having to come home to cook, clean, and get ready for another 10 hour day. But I am in dire need of motivation, I really only have a couple friends who are really trying to lose weight with me all the others backed it before we really ever started. So if anyone has any helpful tips, great workouts, or anything you find useful I'm all ears!!! Oh and some people have told me that 150 isn't a lot but just so everyone knows where I'm coming from I barely clear 5 feet tall on a good day lol!!!

    Heaviest weight: 150 (December 2009)
    Current weight: 141
    Goal weight: 115-120
    First bi-weekly goal: 2-3 pounds!!!