hamsmash Member


  • Dave's Killer Bread is good and full of awesomness
  • It's something to keep an eye on, i would'nt sweat it too much. Most processed foods even "health" foods have a ton of sodium. As you start eating better and cooking on your own the salt will start to come down. and even most recipes you can cut the salt down and flavor with other spices or ad the salt at the table.
  • just cook up whatever tasty balanced meal sounds good, and then BLEND IT. WHEEE!!!
  • brown rice, oats, eggs, vegetables fresh and frozen and chicken are all relatively cheap. of course all this depending on the capability of your dorm for food storage and preparation.
  • Balance, I would drink enough water so that your voiding regularly in a straw clearish color. too much is quite possible there is plenty of documentation on water toxicity or intoxication. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Water_intoxication The long and short it if you dilute out all of your minerals and electrolytes they no…
  • I would suggest doing some research and chat with your physician about is it necessary to restrict green veggies because of Vit K intake interfering with warfarin. This article talks about steady contribution of leafy greens can help stabilize INR fluctuations.…
    in Coumadin Comment by hamsmash April 2011
  • My partner at work did the medi fast. To me it looked horrendous. Everything you eat is out of a pouch just add hot water so i am assuming the sodium content is very high. The whole program is based off a 800 calorie diet. Looking over the nutritional info on all their stuff just about everything has 200Mg + of sodium per…
  • Some put more effort into it than others, pretty sure my heart rate is in the 120's during and not from the hormones
  • Asparagus Tons of fiber a little calories. Lettuces and such. http://www.mayoclinic.com/health/high-fiber-foods/NU00582
  • Checked it out, while the information does seem to be informed . I still would love to see some citations to legitamate studies with statisitics and all that latin based terminology :D
    in msg Comment by hamsmash April 2011
  • I am not certain that there are any definitive studies that support much of anything related to health concerns, there is certainly a lot of anecdotal information out there. MSG is a salt of Glutamic acid which is actually a neuro-transmitter in your brain. Last I heard any empirical study regarding the possible effect on…
    in msg Comment by hamsmash April 2011
  • first question is did you set your goals in the settings section and if you did, it calculates what your maintenance calorie intact to have 0 change is then subratc 500 calories per day of pounds a week you want to lose. the ideal rate being about 2 pounds a week so -1000 so if your maintenance is 3000kcal then your weight…
  • This study by the Belgium Kinesiology peoples conjectured that specifically men more than women benefit from a fasting workout. Workouts less that an hour or so in duration then you just run out of gas. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/20837645
  • Our toddler we had a similar situation when we switched from the crib to a bed he can freely move about on. Time and perseverance are what worked for us. For the night milk we ended up making sure a couple hours before bed to let him have a snack and some milk. then waking up in the night we essentially locked him in his…
  • things that are not fried. Like Broccoli Beef or chicken subgum will be less devestating that the fried ones with sweet sauces
  • sounds like your on track, keep at it
  • Depends how long have you been at it, you could be carrying some extra water weight if you just started working out just keep at it and hopefully you will start seeing some progress.
  • Sort of True... The Carbonation turns plain water with CO2 in it, into carbonic acid which has a sour taste - note pelligrino. However Phosphoric acid is generally in Pop which is what leaches the calcium. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carbonated_water#Health_effects…
  • Lay on your back, bend your knees. have your SO stand on your feet. cross your arms across your chest then sit up to your knees. and that is a sit up.
  • I feel your pain, After my son was born I really liked just hanging out enjoying the baby. Packed on 50 pounds from already being overweight... I love my sweet treats, heck food in general is Awesome. What i am mid stride doing is trying to cut down on all the sweets. Converted from regular soda to either diet or plain ice…
  • Was well into week 3 when I developed piriformis syndrome... benign but utterly annoying. keep those legs stretched out.
  • yes a calorie represents the same energy content wherever it comes from. the difference are the little nuances like how full it makes you feel, and nutrient content.
  • Almond milk is thin like skim milk, tastes pretty good. Definitely worth a try. However I don't know if it would replace that awesome feeling of a nice cold glass of milk.
  • calisthenics pushups moderate effort ;D
  • When your muscle converts uses stored energy, it turns the energy into movement and heat. Skeletal muscles are generally contribute heavily toward body heat production. So the short answers yes it is normal to be hot after a workout. What normal ranges are, no idea.
  • I have had positive results with using a Glucosamine/chondroitin/MSM tablet for an old ACL tear. a 500 ct bottle is like 10 bucks at costco. Dunno if it works or just psychosomatic either way less pain is good.
  • Yea, at 8 pounds a gallon water would work. 1 gal = 3.78 liters. 3.78 divided into 8 = 2.11
  • Hmm it's fermented tea, couldn't find any conclusive evidence of detoxifying properties. I suspect any benefit is from the original tea having anti oxidant properties. Fermented with yeast and bacteria that creates a SCOBY. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SCOBY and it's .5% Alcohol by volume
    in Kombucha Comment by hamsmash March 2011
  • Welcome! I've new to this site in the last few weeks, and it is amazing to take back control and execute some positive change.