jeccawest91 Member


  • 12.5% smaller than i thought! i pinned myself on the sixth and they gave me between the third and fourth models! and i'm a perfect pear with huge hips (thank you pregnancy) this is a super coll site. very inspiring.
  • HRM, food scale and opening up your diary.
  • and this is the truth no matter what the situation is
  • im 5'6 168 lbs and my boyfriend is 5'6 and is 120 soaking wet. love him to death though!
  • Honest daily logger! Feel free to add!
  • I also agree with this. If you're looking to just drop a few and tone up, this should be really good advice.
  • Have you tried plugging in your numbers to see what you should be eating? I try to NET around 1200 but I'm also trying to LOSE between 1.5 and 2 lbs a week. You may need to be getting more if youre just trying to maintain. They say that 1200 is that bare minimum a person should be eating before the body enters starvation…
  • I love love love swimming and playing just dance! Favorite just dance is deff Just Dance 2014. Both are super fun and most of the time I don't even realize that I'm even working out! And my 3 year old loves it because she dances/swims along.
  • oh i tried the voskos raspberry one and it was just >_< so bitter! but the vanilla one was perfect. i think it might just depend on the flavor.
  • Also try this thread, it seems that other members agree with that as well.
  • I have heard that you can balance out sodium with water. I too love pickles. I also eat a lot of soup which is usually pretty packed with sodium. I would make my own but canned soup is always sooo cheap and almost always on sale. I drink a ton of water so hopefully that does the trick. I have also read online that…
  • This is where I want to be! Such motivation! <3
  • hahahahahahahaa! my recipes tab is working fine on IE :D
  • Oh that's really interesting, I should deff look into that then. I never thought about subtracting the sugar from fruits.
  • That's what I've read before about cavities coming from nutritional deficiencies. I am wanting to try oil pulling as I've heard its a natural remedy that works for teeth but I am weary. I had a filling that had broken and bacteria had crawled inside, thus destroying my tooth, root canal and crown bla bla bla lots of money…
  • But my carb level isn't all that bad and I'm not on a low carb diet... And the average minimum is 130 grams a day so why should I cut back on carbs?
  • Well I have cavities but I don't eat a lot of sweets. My dentist said it was because of a decaying tooth that I had and that infection had spread to other teeth (causing cavities). I do track everything, I was just curious about the sugar because I know that fruit does pack quite a sugar punch but it does not necessarily…
  • I'm just making sure I'm on the same track as every one else. I understand if it's candy and everything but I mean I eat a lot of apples and bananas. At least one of them per day and normally come very close to my sugar intake. But most of the stuff is packed with other nutrients that I need.
  • Omg, this right here. I have not found any alternatives. The only thing I found that would benefit me is to completely quit them. I did not quit bread (sandwiches, rolls with dinner, etc) but I have said my goodbye to baked goods. Its been a week and a half and I do not have the constant craving for them any more and have…
  • I think it depends on the type you are taking and how your body will react to it. In my entire life I have been on the regular pill (no weight change), the Nuvaring (lost weight) and a low estrogen pill (gained 10 lbs). Everything is different. It takes about 3 months for a birth control hormone to take full effect on your…
  • This right here. I have the Brita water bottle and am constantly filling it up throughout the day. I'm making sure to drink the entire bottle a minimum of 4 times a day though.
  • Haha, my daughter is not a big cereal eater. And when she does, she doesn't want it with milk. She is more of an egg/bacon or apple/banana kinda girl. That is too funny about the minor difference between the two however.
  • I disagree here, I feel like water is super essential. You can survive 2 weeks without food but you can only survive 3 DAYS without water. and besides, most of the time when you think you're hungry, really your body is just needing water. I think some of you are not giving good old H2O the proper credit it deserves. I have…
  • If I get healthier and lose the extra weight and body fat percentage, my health insurance premium will go down by $100 a month! I just had my most recent appointment and my next one is in September so I'm trying to lose it all by then!
  • Wow, this really is pretty good. I might just aim for a 5lb extra loss then, we will see when the time comes :)
  • 23! I am going to try really hard to become committed! The first time I lost weight, about 35lbs, I did MFP and was super proud of what I did! Now I've gained about 10 of that back and ready to get back into that routine. Feel free to add!
  • I get rid of Jerk friends like that because jerk and friend dont really go together. Maybe you need to rethink that friendship if that is how she talks to you.
  • you guys are awesome! I love all of these ideas. I may start putting our blender to work and get some super yummy smoothies out of it. thanks!
  • I'm not sure what she did but I am only a year younger than her and she looks like she could pass as my mom now.
  • cheat days are good for tricking your metabolism so that your body isnt used to the same things all the time and starts adjusting itself. i am pro cheat day (and broncos!) Still journal what you eat and don;t over do it, but enjoy yourself!