Getting in water

Happy Friday!

I just have a question. I've been doing my best to get in all my water (I tend to fall off tracking my water consumption towards the end of the day), but was wondering how you make sure you're getting your water in. I started a new rule today, that every time I look at the time or think about food before a meal or snack time, I take a big swig of water. I'm already on my 3rd cup! I guess Fridays don't move quickly enough.

So what's your way?


  • iwannabinnarnia
    iwannabinnarnia Posts: 179 Member
    I start my day with a cup of green tea.. so right there is one cup. Then I use Kroger brand vitamin water enhancer drops.. that way my water is flavored and not just plain water (no added calories).... so I find I drink more water that way as I always struggle with plain water. I tell myself I must drink one bottle (16.9oz) by end of my lunch hour, then another bottle before I finish covering for our receptionist's lunch break... then the 'last' bottle before I leave work.. so right there I'm at 58.7 oz... so another cup or two before bed time and I'm set.
  • Giddyduck
    Giddyduck Posts: 212 Member
    I have a couple ways. First: I drink a bottle (16 ounces) when I get out of bed with my medications (probiotic, multivitamin, b12, allergy pill, and migraine pill).

    Second: I fill my 32 ounce bottle and drink it on my way to the gym, at the gym, and on my way home from gym. This is between 0500-0630. Third: I fill the 32 ounce bottle again and take it to work. I usually get to the office at 0730. I drink it by lunch. I do drink one cup of coffee. Fourth: I fill the bottle again for my afternoon. I usually can drink it by dinner but sometimes not. I quit at dinner time or I am up too late going pee. I usually get 112 ounces in per day.

    I also know that there are water reminder apps for the iphone and droid. I used to do that before I got going to the gym. I will send you an alarm telling to drink in intervals (depends on how you set it).
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    Lots of tactics here......

    Big jug .....bring a big jug of water to work and empty it by the end of the day

    Rubberband several rubberbands (or those rubber bracelets) around your water cup. Take a rubberband off each time you finish it.

    Make it taste better .....I have a Brita filter pitcher in the fridge. I always have cold water available. Or make a flavor infused water with mint leaves, cucumber slices, ginger slices, or fruit

    Any way you do it......It will become habit after awhile.
  • mamahannick
    mamahannick Posts: 322 Member
    This might sound silly, but get a water bottle you really like drinking from or that has a fun design on it. Makes it easier to sip from throughout the day. :)
  • leggup
    leggup Posts: 2,942 Member
    I have a desk job, so I just keep my water bottle full and on my desk. I drink it mindlessly all day and get between 4 and 5 fills of it (750 ml).
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    I have a big bottle at my desk (32oz) and try to drink at least one of those before I leave at the end of the day. A lot of the time I'll drink at least one and a half but some days I'm just too busy or not thirsty. At home, I drink another 4-8 cups between what I have in the morning and at night. Our town water can be a bit funky tasting IMHO so I flavor it with a bit of premixed Crystal Light or simiar low/no cal flavored drink.
  • maz504
    maz504 Posts: 450
    Buy a bubba keg, fill it at the beginning of the day, make sure you drink it all by the end of the day. That's what I do, works like a charm!
  • CaitlinW19
    CaitlinW19 Posts: 431 Member
    32 oz bottle at my desk. I fill it 3 times during the day and sip all day long. Makes me have to pee about ever hour, but that helps me move more during the day too, so I'm ok with that. Honestly I haven't really figured out weekends yet. I just do my best.
  • jos05
    jos05 Posts: 263 Member
    I have a desk job and we have an ice maker ... so it's a treat just to walk down to the ice maker and get a glass of water. I usually take in 10-12 glasses of water while I am at work. And I always start my day with a glass of water and usually 2 bottles full at the gym... I just decided to stop drinking sodas and that's really just forced me to drink the water...drink drink drink!! lol! :drinker:
  • jeccawest91
    jeccawest91 Posts: 94 Member
    I have a desk job, so I just keep my water bottle full and on my desk. I drink it mindlessly all day and get between 4 and 5 fills of it (750 ml).

    This right here. I have the Brita water bottle and am constantly filling it up throughout the day. I'm making sure to drink the entire bottle a minimum of 4 times a day though.