salvaje913 Member


  • I did my first 10K last Saturday and ate what I normally eat before a run. From training you should have a good idea of what/when to eat to have a good run. I just tried to make sure I had enough energy for the run but also made sure it is not going to be anything to give you any bathroom issues during the race. My dinner…
  • October 18, 2014 The Toughest 10K - Galveston (My first 10K ever from starting to run back in April!) 1:11:41 - PR! First time running up a bridge and it was something! Great race with great weather!
  • Stick with it. It is strange and annoying at first. I first had dreams of face huggers from Alien or giant spiders clinging to my face. I got used to mine and seem to cannot even go to sleep without it. Now I occasionally have a dream of scuba diving or going on an EVA in space. If I don't use it I can definitely notice a…
  • I felt my entire life that I would never be a runner. My latest kick to become for fit and lose weight I started to run. I just did it. I definitely do not have any natural ability to run. Like you I envied the people I saw effortlessly running along while not looking like they are dying. However over time I went from…
  • Engineer here. Feel free to add me.
  • I am another Road ID person. I have the interactive one that they can call/website to get additional info. I figured with some medical history I have and I rather not have to carry a wallet around when I run by myself having some sort of ID was better than none.
  • I have lost almost 70 lbs and have 40ish to go for my initial goal in the past 6 months. I started by walking and when that became too easy around April I started to run. - How often do you run? 4 days a week - How far, on average, do you run each time? I follow a training plan from Endomondo. Right now I am averaging 4mi…
    in Running Comment by salvaje913 July 2014
  • Houston here.
    in Texas Comment by salvaje913 July 2014
  • I just started running in April. I am trying to find my inner runner. :) So far I have improved a lot! Apr 5 Yuri's Night 5K 42m:11s total and 13:34min/mi Apr 19 Astronauts vs Aliens 5.05K 41m:41s total 13:17min/mi This past weekend: July 19 Lunar Rendezvous 5k 32m:21s chip time. 10:25min/mi :) I am proud of myself.
  • Same as editorgrrl. I have Hashimoto's and lost weight by logging and moving. Good luck!
  • I get angry at my food when it is very spicy with good peppers/jalapenos when it leaves.......... parting ways is always painful with good jalapenos.....
  • I just bought a Garmin 910xt. I sent out a few friend request :) edit: Oh ya my username is same as here on MFP.
  • I have been diagnosed with hypothyroidism for about 8 years now and have never been told to avoid anything. Though I was told to watch out for iodized salt since iodine consumption impacts something with the thyroid or something like that. Once your doctor figures out your medication you should be good fine. I take 100MCG…
  • I started off by walking 2-4 miles every day back in January @ 310 lbs. Granite I tried to push myself to walk faster everyday. Early April I started a C25K Plan that Endomondo gave me where I was around 275 lbs. Since April I have been interval training (jog/walk) 4 days a week since April. Over time I have become less…
  • I will be 33 is September. Feel free to add me!
  • I like Endomondo it tracks quite a bit and the app is pretty solid. I tried Runkeeper out for awhile but went back to Endomondo.
  • If you get a Heart Rate Monitor and use a fitness tracker like Endomondo or RunKeeper you will have a better estimation on calories. Both of the apps I mentioned can link to MFP and post the calories. Good luck in your training! I am halfway done myself and have found the runner hiding within me :)
  • Shoes are important. You might also want to make sure you stretch more. When I started I had Achilles tendon issues (ankle) and my calves were sore a lot. Per my doctor I do the runner's stretch and the bent knee runners stretch. The Achilles connects the calf muscle so most stretching you will feel in your calf but it is…
  • Congrats on your success. Thank you for posting this. I started back in January around 310lbs now I am around 260 and hope to continue to at least 200. Wish I would have saw this back in January because I have been waiting until I got down to around 250 before starting to strength train. You have answered a lot of…
  • I started at 310 lbs around January 15th. I am now down around 258 and halfway to my current goal of 200 lbs. It is slow going but is possible! I stick with logging and going by what MFP tells me less 300 cals for an error margin and I have walked/jogged at least 2 miles everyday. Good luck!
  • Feel free to add me. In January I started aiming to lose at least 110 lbs. I started at 310 and now I am down to ~258. Almost half way there! It was hard to change habits but I can tell you it is worth it. In general I feel better than I have in awhile. Good luck!
  • I put the PB on the scale, tare it, then scoop out a serving, which would show negative. Then I can lick the knife and not feel guilty. :)
  • I started at 310 and I am around 266 right now. I started noticing clothes were looser and I was less sore after about 15-20 lbs lost. I noticed I felt better mentally after walking and jogging than I did before I started on MFP. However after almost 45 lbs, even though I feel better and I am going to have to buy new…
  • Do not let The Blerch win!
  • Feel free to add me. I am positive and am starting out jogging and eventually hope to be running. I am seeing how this Couch 2 5K thing goes.
  • If we split a 6 pack we could work it off over a couple hours. :drinker:
  • Why does the average man drink crappy beer? What about the average 5'11" and enjoys at the minimum Shiner Bock weekly?
  • People have cited on these forums that MFP over estimates about 20% or so. However it is double in your case which is odd. Did you fill out the profile in Endomondo completely? It uses age and weight in the calculation along with time and pace.