

  • I was in a simialr situation awhile ago and I was surprised that actually did end up working out when I was there. If you workout you will feel better about being a little more free with your food choices. It is vacation so you should have a great time and not spend the whole time worrying about what you're eatung but its…
  • wouldnt it have been funny if no one replied to this post? haha
  • You dont have to feel deprived! There are gluten free substitues for bread and pasta!
  • It is easier said than done trying to focus on something else other than counting calories and measurments I know. I was at 120 at one point and I knew i was skinny but i stil felt consumed by dieting and calories and what I was eating and EXACTLY how much was in it. It sucks, I know. Surround yourself with people who love…
  • Try not to get discouraged! I went to MCC and did the 2+2 and going to a 4 year school sent me into a semi-shocked state for awhile. Try your best with grades for the rest of the semester. Email your profs and ask them what your current grade is and what you need to do to get out of the "F" range. I am not an advisor but I…
  • Dont beat yourself up about it! You had a quick cave-in and that is okay! You did NOT negate all your hard work! Just let it motivate you to stay on the "laughing at juink food" path :) I have done a cave in like this before and it just helps keep me in check.. i will never be invinsible and be able to deny eating a litte…
  • Wow that is amazing!! Congratulations! What type of exercises are you doing? If you dont mind me asking.
    in HI MFP! Comment by Kessiexo March 2011
  • What you described in your post is exactly what I went through. I used to eat to the point my stomach physically felt like it was going to explode.I was not hungry but I ate ate ate and ate. I would hide it from my boyfriend and pretend that I had barely eaten anything so I needed to have just one more bowl of cereal.…