thanks for the suggestions! @seska422 i never heard of DietOrganizer before- that may be helpful! thank you :)
can i have yours?
how did you manage to only gain 19 pounds? i'm still in my first trimester and i hope i can do that! (i'm somewhat overweight so i should only gain about 20 pounds or so, otherwise that would be too little). anyway, this is my third pregnancy, and i just want to reiterate what other people said above- DON'T be too strict…
i have two kids under the age of 3. this is what worked for me (i've lost nearly 30 pounds): forget about exercising and "clean eating". eat less. seriously. the pounds will start dropping. once you're on your way and you're more motivated, you may add exercise if you wish. this helps burn additional calories and promotes…
thanks everyone- all these ideas are great! hoping the nausea stops soon...! :)
great, thank you very much!
thanks for the ideas!
smoothies sound great. what kind of non-cooked meals did you have?
I take long flights a few times a year. I always bring tons of cut up fruit and veggies as well as sandwiches. Truth is, I don't really have so much time to snack because I'm usually preoccupied with taking care of my kids. If I was just sitting for 10 hours doing nothing, I'd probably just eat the whole time lol. Good…
STOP SAYING THIS NONSENSE EVERYBODY!!! according to that logic, lead weighs the same as feathers. and gold weighs the same as cotton candy. after all, "a pound is a pound." (obviously, when people compare weights, they are considering the relative volumes as well.) i know it's off-topic, but that really drives me nuts!
I don't know about the diet itself, but when I started out (not doing IF, just good old calorie counting) I also lost about 14 pounds in 3 weeks. But then it tapered off to about 1 pounds per week after that. I'd say that if you continue losing weight this fast, then yes, something is wrong. But if this was just the…
i use flavored cottage cheese (garlic dill flavor). it's pretty good.
isn't it obvious? she's jealous. either she has weight to lose as well and doesn't want to call attention to that by pointing out how much you've lost, or she doesn't have weight to lose and was comfortable being the thinner one, and now her role is in jeopardy. people are very good at ignoring what is uncomfortable for…
4057.6+27 = 4084.6
i suggest you type "GET RICH QUICK!!!" in the MFP forum search bar and read that carefully. (it's a thread by MireyGal76)
i have something similar, for me the weight is 150. i just can't seem to break into the 140's. know that this is not a physical barrier, but a psychological one. i've never done it before and as long as i don't actually believe that i can, i won't be able to. similarly, it is related that it used to be thought that it was…
i never thought of not eating meat as a "cleanse".
how do you know where the OP lives? the ones close to me are upwards of $50 a month... and there are no weights. edited to add: that's why i do bodyweight exercises at home. i follow "body by you" by mark lauren.
um, i don't think most people in this thread have actually read your question. my answer is: your scale is "catching" the honey. if you stood on a scale and then held a ten pound brick, the scale would read 10 pounds more, even though 10 pounds is only a small fraction of your weight, and the brick is "on top" of you.…
tofu!!! i love the stuff.
I'm pretty sure it doesn't say in grams. I'm not by my fridge, so I can't check for sure. Thanks for all the answers everyone. K so can some math person please tell me: What has more calories, 50 grams of ketchup or 50 ml of ketchup? It's late here...
i'm 5'2". baby is a year now but i only started trying to lose weight when she was about 3 months. i was 180 pounds. i lost 30 pounds within 6 months (to get to pre-pregnancy weight). i've been maintaining there for the last 3 months, but i'd love to drop down another 20!
when i have days like this i eat over my goal but try to be careful not to eat more than my TDEE (the number of calories needed to maintain your weight). that way the day was neither a gain nor a loss, just neutral. i'm not hungry but i don't have any reason to feel bad either. actually, i think this way of thinking really…
lol i have always wondered about this question! guess i don't have enough to do.
i'm a teacher so i'm on my feet most of the day (try teaching a classroom full of 4th graders sitting down- it doesn't work). then i come home to be a mom for a few hours, so also on my feet then as well.
here in israel they only give the nutritional info for 100 grams of the stuff. AND... my pasta's nutritional label is for 100 grams COOKED.
depends on how many calories you eat! seriously, that's all that matters. be careful to weigh all these things (including butter and coconut oil as well) because they have tons of calories! you'll be shocked at how much is in one tablespoon. edited because grammar.
@A_to_the_Z sure! i just put my food on it and write down what it says! you can use the "tare" button to make it faster. the "tare" button moves the scale back to zero, even if there's still something on it. so let's say i want to weigh my cheese and tomato sandwich: 1) put the bread on the scale. 63 grams. write that…
ITS OWN not IT'S OWN geez ...sorry 'bout that.
please listen- weigh all your food with a scale!!