Cannot lose baby weight

Hi there. Thanks in advance for reading. I'm really at a loss right now. I have about 20 lbs to lose to reach my pre-baby weight (I'm 11 months post-partum) and no matter what I try, it will not budge. I am SO uncomfortable. I wear the same things over and over to work because my old clothes don't fit and I'm frustrated that after everything I do, I'm still not losing so I don't want to buy new clothes.
Starting Feb, I trained for my first-ever 5K, ran 4x/week and nothing. I actually gained 2 lbs by April. Now I've been on a 4 week clean-eating streak, counting calories with MFP, using my fitbit blaze like it's my lifeline, and not a single pound has been lost. I'm definitely a good 20 lbs overweight, so I've got it to lose. It's just not budging. I'm currently doing a combo of spinning, jogging, speed walking, weights/squats/lunges/pilates.
Has anyone had this happen or does anyone have any advice. I'm incredibly overwhelmed and could really use some support from stranger (read: not ppl who say, "but you look fine!" because looks are not my concern). Oh, I should add that I DID have my thyroid levels checked and I'm all normal.
Thank you!


  • chelharding
    chelharding Posts: 16 Member
    Hey girl, I'm with you..3 months postpartum and the last bit is tough. Today I'm starting slim fast shakes to kinda kick start my weight loss. I wanna drop 11lbs by 4th of July.. Not my overall goal but a starting point. I know slim fast gets mixed reviews but I got an awesome deal on amazon and hear they are delicious lol, we'll see!! Also, congrats on the 5k training...i am nowhere near that level lol. I know it's discouraging but you CAN do it... If you stick it out the weight Has to come over sooner or later!
  • ValerieMartini2Olives
    ValerieMartini2Olives Posts: 3,024 Member
    Nowhere in that do you say you weigh, measure or log your food.
  • christihubbart
    christihubbart Posts: 23 Member
    Are you breastfeeding? I have hypothyroidism and gained weight breastfeeding both times. I had to quit breastfeeding and get help to start losing. I'm down 24 lbs!
  • RatherBeInTheShire
    RatherBeInTheShire Posts: 561 Member
    the baby weight is tough. I am 2 YEARS PP, and just finally got back to where I was before I had DD, and I didn't breastfeed. For me personally, I have to stay away from ALL grains, sugar, and processed foods, and I really have to watch my calories. It's tough!
    Possibly you aren't eating ENOUGH? Sometimes when I'm restricting too much, I won't lose but when I bump up my caloric intake, the weight will start to come off.
  • A_to_the_Z
    A_to_the_Z Posts: 6 Member
    Nowhere in that do you say you weigh, measure or log your food.

    Valerie- When I said that I'm counting calories with my fitness pal, I meant that I am logging. I do not weight my food, but I do measure and log.
  • A_to_the_Z
    A_to_the_Z Posts: 6 Member
    Are you breastfeeding? I have hypothyroidism and gained weight breastfeeding both times. I had to quit breastfeeding and get help to start losing. I'm down 24 lbs!

    I just weaned about 5 weeks ago. I was hoping that the breastfeeding was the issue, but now I'm not so sure!
  • KorvapuustiPossu
    KorvapuustiPossu Posts: 434 Member
    edited May 2016
    A_to_the_Z wrote: »
    Nowhere in that do you say you weigh, measure or log your food.

    Valerie- When I said that I'm counting calories with my fitness pal, I meant that I am logging. I do not weight my food, but I do measure and log.

    There is a huge difference between measuring and weighing... I'm sure someone will post a video from youtube that shows it clearly. If you are not losing weight you are eating at maintenance level. It really is that simple. I would suggest getting a food scale and tighten your logging and weight will start coming off. Also keep in mind with all the workout you're doing there might be some water weight masking some *little* progress you've made. But your logging is the issue are simply eating more than you think you are.
  • A_to_the_Z
    A_to_the_Z Posts: 6 Member
    I'm wondering if lack of sleep has anything to do with it. I haven't slept longer than a 3-4 hr stretch in a year and it really wears on me. My baby has some weight to catch up on so he still eats 1-2x a night in a 12 hr period of sleep.
  • emdeesea
    emdeesea Posts: 1,823 Member
    Yeah you gotta weigh that food with a scale.
  • KorvapuustiPossu
    KorvapuustiPossu Posts: 434 Member
    A_to_the_Z wrote: »
    I'm wondering if lack of sleep has anything to do with it. I haven't slept longer than a 3-4 hr stretch in a year and it really wears on me. My baby has some weight to catch up on so he still eats 1-2x a night in a 12 hr period of sleep.

    If you were eating at a deficit you would lose weigh... calories in, calories out. Simple math. There are some factors that could slow it down for a little while... like stress and similar. But not stop it completely.
  • michelleepotter
    michelleepotter Posts: 800 Member
    When was the last time you recalculated your goal? If you've lost 5-10 lbs since then, you may need to lower your calories to compensate for that. Have you checked out this recent article on weight loss plateaus?
  • christihubbart
    christihubbart Posts: 23 Member
    Agree with weighing your food.
  • A_to_the_Z
    A_to_the_Z Posts: 6 Member
    edited May 2016
    When was the last time you recalculated your goal? If you've lost 5-10 lbs since then, you may need to lower your calories to compensate for that. Have you checked out this recent article on weight loss plateaus?

    I have not lost more than 4 pounds since giving birth. I lost the initial 20 lbs of baby/placenta/water right away but I've been stuck at 4 lbs less that that initial 20 lbs since July of 2015.
  • christihubbart
    christihubbart Posts: 23 Member
    I did wait to stop nursing until after she was 1. I probably would have kept going if she was only nursing 1-2 times a day, but she was still nursing alot, it was wearing on me, and I was miserable. We went for 13 months. That was 5 months ago, I've lost 24lbs, with at least 20 more to go.
  • tomatosoup3
    tomatosoup3 Posts: 126 Member
    please listen- weigh all your food with a scale!!
  • A_to_the_Z
    A_to_the_Z Posts: 6 Member
    please listen- weigh all your food with a scale!!

    Got it. I never considered doing this. Thank you all so much. Looks like i'll be shopping on amazon for a food scale today.
    Any tips on how to make this a time-effective process?
  • emdeesea
    emdeesea Posts: 1,823 Member
    edited May 2016
    I use the USDA food list web site. You can Google it - I don't have it handy to post here but I keep it as a bookmark on my home laptop to verify all MFP entries since there are some that are very very off. The good thing is that once they're in your diary they're there so you can just refer back to it.
  • AlyssaAnne03
    AlyssaAnne03 Posts: 79 Member
    I don't weigh my food but I used to do nutrition and personal training so I can kinda eyeball most things, I do measure things like quinoa, half n half with measuring cups
  • AlyssaAnne03
    AlyssaAnne03 Posts: 79 Member
    Make sure you are drinking as close to a gallon of water a day as possible
  • MissusMoon
    MissusMoon Posts: 1,900 Member
    Hey girl, I'm with you..3 months postpartum and the last bit is tough. Today I'm starting slim fast shakes to kinda kick start my weight loss. I wanna drop 11lbs by 4th of July.. Not my overall goal but a starting point. I know slim fast gets mixed reviews but I got an awesome deal on amazon and hear they are delicious lol, we'll see!! Also, congrats on the 5k training...i am nowhere near that level lol. I know it's discouraging but you CAN do it... If you stick it out the weight Has to come over sooner or later!

    What can slim fast shakes do to "kick start" that controlled calorie intake cannot?