

  • Some dr's are just crazy. My brother went to one (he doesn't have a regular doc, just went to whomever was on call for a bad sore throat) The dr did dx him with strep, but then procedded to tell my brother he should go back to smoking rather than gain any more weight. My brother is 6'2 and at the time weighed like 180. Not…
  • When camping (which I love) I always lose because there is so much more daily physical activity. Just watch your snacking and portion control. What kind of camping are you doing? Roughing it? resort camping? just having to walk so much further to the bathroom is exercize. lol. But I always am hiking more, swimming more,…
  • really? Can we be civil adults here? there is nothing wrong with a child being curious about and wanting to learn about how food works in the body and how to maintain a healthy body through nutrition and exercize. And there is nothing wrong with a child learning from adults poor choices. (and face it if we are overweight,…
  • The reason that I am wondering if I am losing to fast as part of the problem is that in 2004-207 I lost 70lbs and did not have this problem. But I lost it much slower.
  • How long was it stretched out for? well, I've been overweight my entire adult life, so 20 years? Yes, I have another 100lbs to lose.
  • Nuts are NOT an option in my life due to my daughters allergy. I also hesitate to take spoilable things out and about. I don't have a problem when I am home. thanks for the suggestion though.
  • Thanks, I will look for those next time I am out shopping. I don't do utube as I always end up with a computer virus.
  • Thanks.
  • Virtual sympathy hugs. I am fighting off an urge to emotional/stress eat today as well. It is like a drug. So stupid and crazy. My 8 yo made chocolate chip cookies yesterday and I am having to fight to stay away from them. I am fighting the desire to have the kids eat them so they are gone and the temptation is gone. But I…
  • Depends. You are getting sodium even if its no calories. Which depending on the rest of your diet that can be an issue. And I find fake sweeteners make me crave more sweets so its a real diet buster for me. PLus it makes it less likely that you will drink your water. So its up to you to decide, but make an informed…
  • Warning, I am not a dr nor a medical profession, so check with yours. But I have had a huge amount of luck taking grapefruit seed extract to lesson pms symptoms including binge eating and sugar/sweet cravings.
  • As I have 4, I won't be joining, but wanted to share for those who are frustrated with public reactions. People question and judge regardless of what your choices are. It doesn't matter, none, 1, 3, 12 or 20 someone always has an opinion on your life and how you live it. Just enjoy whats yours and let others live with and…
  • For myself, I find a middle ground to be best. I have found that if my net is less than 1200 I have trouble. So while I don't eat all my exercize calories back, I do need to keep a minimum net to keep my weight loss going steady. KWIM? Everyones body's work different and everyone has a different lifestyle as to what they…
  • It is perfectly ok (by MFP standards and planning) to eat your exercize calories. I have been here about 4m ths and lost 42lbs. I mix it up but have learned not to let my net calories be under 1200 or I stall out on weight loss.
  • Bumping for any information someone would like to share.
  • Thank you for sharing what your health care provider recommended for you. That is great, but it is specific to you and your situation. That doesn't mean it applies to everyone. Please don't share your own medical advice as sound for everyone. Even if you are/where a dr or other health professional it would be…