camping and calories

We are going camping with some friends next week. None of which are counting calories. We have already sat down together and planned a menu. Mon isn't a problem as that was my choice menu day and I chose grilled chicken. Now the other days include fire iron pizzas, going to an amish all you can eat fried chicken restaurant, breakfasts of eggs and sausage, pancakes etc. As well as lots and lots of smores. How on earth can I go camping, enjoy myself, not look like a witch who doesn't want to eat what everyone else eats, but not put my loss at jeopardy?


  • ShelbyLB
    ShelbyLB Posts: 431
    You need to remember one thing....when the camping trip is over and you are on your way home, you will feel one of two things...

    1: you will feel SO SO SO proud of yourself for sticking to your calorie goals and weight loss plan
    2: you will be kicking yourself for overeating and have a bloated feeling in your gut....

    I ALWAYS remind myself of this when I go on trips...its YOUR decision and your deicision will define the outcome..

    Stick to what you WANT...enjoy some delicious food and have a FABULOUS time but stay true to what YOU want..:)

    I hope you have a fabulous time!!!!
  • papastu
    papastu Posts: 737 Member
    could do plenty of walking while your there, earn some cals back

    just go enjoy it, make your choices and stand by them
  • bjajdtk
    bjajdtk Posts: 25
    When camping (which I love) I always lose because there is so much more daily physical activity. Just watch your snacking and portion control. What kind of camping are you doing? Roughing it? resort camping? just having to walk so much further to the bathroom is exercize. lol. But I always am hiking more, swimming more, just being more physically active than at home.
  • I like bringing tin foil and fresh veggies. Just wrap them up in little pouches with seasonings and raw garlic (yum) and throw them in the fire. When they ask why you're not dining on pizzas, make something up like "I have reason to believe I'm gluten intolerant, I want to stay away from it to see if these stomach problems dissipate."
  • GJ7072
    GJ7072 Posts: 16 Member
    We own a camp that we go to every other weekend from Memorial Day until the end of September. Here are some tips for you...

    For breakfast, I make everyone else regular eggs and myself egg beaters. Beer Can Chicken is a good option, much better than fried, and also quite delicious. For the pizzas, I would just avoid any meat toppings and top yours with vegetables and if homemade, fat free or reduced fat cheese. if you do pancakes, there are great recipes, if you want it, for syrups made from fresh fruits such as blueberries and splenda that iare very low cal and healthy. Limit the smores, but to make the ones you do eat less "bad", use sugar free marshmellows and sugar free chocolate :-)

    Hope this helps.....
  • photorific
    photorific Posts: 577 Member
    I'd also recommend bringing some healthy snacks. This will allow you to eat small quantities of "their" food, and have something to make up the difference when you're still hungry. I'm sure they'd all love if you brought some veggies and dip, too - for appetizers.
  • dakoerber
    dakoerber Posts: 308 Member
    We camp alot too and many times I will just bring stuff for me. You could pick a few cheat items that you LOVE (don't waste calories on things you don't like just because others are eating them) and have small portions. I brought veggie burgers or turkey burgers of my own. Veggie and fruit trays are nice as well.

    I doubt anyone will fault you for having your own food and if they do too bad! Its your health!

    One really great thing about camping is you are outdoors! so if you do fall off the wagon a bit make sure you get up and walk the campground, bring your bike if you can etc. Get in some extra exercise.

    Most importanly have fun and don't worry! If you slip up its ok! A few days camping will not completely undo your hard work.
  • PanteraGirl
    PanteraGirl Posts: 566 Member
    I have the exact same problem.....for me its beer and snacks that get me as our meals are always very healthy. Luckily for me...we are pretty active when we go camping...chopping wood....four wheeling...hunting I'm able to burn some of it off....however....I totally feel you on this...cuz I can't seem to ever control myself.

    I guess just limit your portions and watch how much snack you eat....have one smore instead of 4...have one slice with some veggies on the side instead of 4 like I would be tempted to do cuz pizza is my favorite. As soon as you get home...make sure you get completely back on track!

    Also do some walking or hiking for at least a half hour if not more just to get moving!

    Good luck....I hope I could stick to my own advice!!!!
  • whitelaurel
    whitelaurel Posts: 162 Member
    I absolutely second everything everybody else has said! :) And I add (or repeat?) these suggestions!

    - Even if you're not in charge of all of your meals, you can (secretly?) be in charge of your snacks, right? I think somebody up there mentioned it, but bring some healthy snacks for yourself. :) You can't be blamed for that. Or bring your own alternate meals! Really, you can't be blamed for taking your weight loss seriously. Your friends will understand, especially if you tell them in advance what you're planning and why.

    - Decide right now if and how many s'mores you are going to allow. And stick to that resolve like glue! SUPER glue! :)

    - Be especially mindful of portion control and stopping when you're full. :) It will help.

    - Stay active as much as possible. :)

    ++ Have fun. <3 I love camping!! ++
  • ymvestal
    ymvestal Posts: 84
    My family camps a lot, too. We do a lot of camping where we meet up with other family to enjoy the great outdoors, relax and grandparents, aunts, uncles, kids, etc. get to visit with more quality time. We always plan meals together to try to split cost of camping more evenly and so no one looks over and says, "I wish I was eating what they are."

    When I am in the course of attempting to lose or watch my weight, I let the family know that I will be bringing my own food and eating differently than everyone else. My husband and kids still get to eat what everyone else is eating unless they chosse not to.

    I have found that I am much more respected in my weight loss/maintenance efforts by the entire family in being honest from the beginning about what I will be eating and why. I do allow myself the "bad" things on occasion knowing the exercise efforts are boosted just from camping alone. A smores here, some potatoe salad there, maybe eggs and bacon/sausage for breakfast one day...

    My suggestion is to just be honest with your friends about your want to enjoy the camping trip, but you are on a mission to lose weight. Let them know you will bring some healthier choices, so while you may eat some of the things they have planned on the menu, YOU have choices when to "be good" and when to "splurge." You may find you get a lot more support than grief over it.
  • Rae6503
    Rae6503 Posts: 6,294 Member
    No sausage or pepperoni on the pizza and it won't be too bad. Stick with just eggs for breakfast. One plate at the restaurant, get a breast, don't eat the skin, then just veggies. ONE smore all week. Don't make a big deal out of it. I bet people won't even notice. Don't say "I'm on a diet", that's annoying. Say "I'm trying to be healthy". They've got to respect that.
  • suzieqdiva
    suzieqdiva Posts: 183 Member
    I recommend - smaller portions if you have no healthy options.

    Pack some almonds/walnut, sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds into Ziploc packs for every day... get some protein power bars & loads of water.

    The outdoor activities are going to burn the surplus... so do not worry.

    As long as you have healthy options & exercise.. just enjoy & you will be back home soon enough:)

    You already look amazing.. now you will be toned, tanned & amazing:):drinker:
  • Amanda0325
    Amanda0325 Posts: 245 Member
    What if your a lazy, keg and jello shots camper lol... I should probably bring turkey burgers/rice cakes/some fruit or veggies/ etc.
  • cedarhurst2006
    cedarhurst2006 Posts: 378 Member
    I would suggest bringing your own snacks/veggies and eat those before sitting down with a group eating a meal you think may be questionable. A healthy snack first can fill you up. I know if I was sitting around a campfire and cooking/eating and just hanging out, I would have a tendency to pick. So bring snacks that you can pop in - bring snack baggies of nuts, lo fat cheese sticks, healthy fruit leathers, granola, etc. We use snack bags and pack tons of them so we keep portion control.
  • monicanicoletta
    monicanicoletta Posts: 176 Member
    I'm going camping this weekend and I am allowing myself two cheat meals, friday & saturdays dinner- which are tacos the first night (good thing is i can control the toppings) and then burgers on saturday night (i will use fat free cheese etc). My bf is the cook so he never puts too much salt or fat if he doesnt have to as he is a trainer. But I decided those are my two treats of the weekend (with of course smores im sure).

    But for breakfast while others are having bacon and eggs, I am going to bring protein drinks and maybe have some turkey sausage if anything. I am also going to bring some low fat pita chips instead of their chips with this low fat yogurt dip I have instead of their 7 layer dips. I also plan on bringing my jug of water and filling filling filling :)

    I am also going to bring a roasted chicken from costco (they are so cheap) to have for lunch even though others siad they were making sandwiches. It's all about moderation. And like everyone says besides when u sit around and chat ur usually pretty active walkinge etc :)