

  • Coffee is a no go when it comes to counting for hydration, and they often suggest 2 glasses of water to counteract the dehydration effect for every caffeinated beverage you have! Black tea is the same as well. Green tea or most herbal teas are fine (though there is some caffeine, it is not as much)
  • Thank you everyone, I can feel the :heart: love!
  • I am 5'7 !!!
  • Thanks for all the support everyone. It took a lot of courage to post these photos, especially since i do not feel like I look pretty or good yet. I know I have worked hard and I know I am so much healthier than before, so that is the most important. For the next 50lbs I am going to work on thinking I am pretty and maybe…
  • This, but I know that you will lose a bunch at first anyway, as it is such a shock to your body! It is best to just start eating healthy and in a way you would hope to continue! I know what you want is to see that first 10lbs gone, and you will, faster than you think. If you do it in a realistic way, it will stay off!!!!…
  • I use a heart rate monitor for this exact purpose. Before I got one I always logged the lower amount just to be on the safe side! Some people do a happy medium, for example, if your machine says 300 cal, but on here it says 400, then maybe put 350... But investing in a heart rate monitor was one of the best things I ever…
  • Thank you all for your honest answers!!! I do like sugar, but of course in the refined sweet way!!! That being said, I have learned to enjoy an apple *almost* as much as I enjoy a brownie (almost being a stretch, but it sure does satisfy me the same in reality) I just HATE seeing myself over everyday and having it shatter…
  • can you get some local sponsors for prizes?????/ I know the prize money for my biggest loser challenge is a huge incentive for a lot of people!
  • I copied this from my online manual that is locked with a passcode I do not think I am allowed to give out, but here is the section on Fiber! Want to eat more and weigh less? Think "density" when you're choosing foods. In nutrition lingo, foods that are low in "energy density" have lots of water and fiber, but little fat…
  • Bread & pastas are not the enemy... The white low fiber ones are! If you choose whole grains and pay attention to serving sizes, they are great tools in keeping your body running smoothly! I would switch to sweet potato as they are apparently better for you! A little tidbit that I learned at my last Biggest Loser meeting…
  • i can not see your diary so I have no clue what foods you are eating. I would say though that if you are doing that much cardio, you need WELL over 1200 cal a day, as you should net 1200 a day (meaning thats what your body should get, on top of whatever you burn) Personally, i think you are doing too much cardio. Somoene…
  • Thank you, I do know this, that is why I want to add some strength training in, though I love my cardio so much it is not just about calories burned!
  • That is a great idea, I run a home daycare preschool center for half the day and am home from noon till 4 daily with the kiddos, that would work!
  • While I appreciate your opinion, I know myself and I see and feel the benefits of my daily cardio... I will not give it up, weither it is good or bad, I enjoy it too much! I am however willing to cut the cardio back to 30 mins and doing 30 of strength as I know strength training is important, hence my needing to start it!…
  • me me me the only other thing i am addicted to is facebook, lol
  • Wow, this is exciting! I am married to a Canadian Forces Soldier! It is such a different lifestyle than many, it is great to find other military spouses!!!!
  • I guess, I really have no clue where to start asking, because i do not know the differences between good carbs, bad carbs, or if there is even a difference. Feel free to look at my food diary, any suggestions would be great!
  • It is interesting that you point that out, I JUST a few mins ago got back from my doctors office about a completely different issue, but I asked her opinion on the whole 1200 net, and she too does not believe in a net calorie thing. She says as long as you are putting 1200 cal in your body, it will stay fine. Same views as…
  • There is a search feature, there are TONS of threads on this topic that will be helpful. Personally, I pick and choose. If i am hungry I eat them, if I am not then I do not. I never go under eating the base calories though! My trainer thinks it is ridiculous, but my weight loss coach seems to agree with it. There are so…
  • My son loves twice baked potatoes, but you put the stuffing into a sweet pepper instead of the potato again. Sooo yummy, and a whole serving of veggies and vitamin c!
  • It is amazing how off the exercise is on here, but then again, it is all just a common logging system, and we all know everyone burns calories at a different rate. I use my HRM, and it is weird, some days it is bang on with the machines, others it is much higher. It all depends on the heart rate. I LOVE it. I am also at…
  • I can not look at your diary to see what you eat and where you could cut calories. If you want to add me as a friend and if your diary is open, then we can chat about it! As for cutting from 1500 to 1200, i think you are perfectly fine as long as you are including all of your food groups and you do not actually feel…
  • Yes please add me... I am on facebook as Alicia Berrette (i figure it is not a secret as that is my username!!!) I look forward to joining!
  • When I clicked to post my post, only the very 1st two comments were there... "here we go again, DUCKING... and so forth. As for your comments, I just now, 8 hours later saw them.. Sorry to have offended you!
  • Some people are so rude. I am sorry you have to be subjected to them.. Instead of insulting you they could have told you how to use the search feature to find past threads on this very topic! But this topic has been talked about numerous times, if you type HcG into the search (up top next to signature tab) you can see what…
  • It is possible, but will be hard. You will need to really push it. It also depends on how much you actually have to lose overall. The less you have to lose, the harder it is.. Keep at it, and as long as you have done your best, whatever you weigh at christmas is worth it!!!
  • I always start my day with Oatmeal! It revs up your metabolism! I would have half a cup of oatmeal (or a packet or plain 100% whole grain) Berries, half a banana and a glass of soy milk!
  • I always start my day with Oatmeal! It revs up your metabolism! I would have half a cup of oatmeal (or a packet or plain 100% whole grain) Berries, half a banana and a glass of soy milk!
  • were they canned veggies? I do not understand why there is so much sodium in your veggies?