I have a few friends that are doing the hcg diet, and I have read into it. What is everyone's opinion on this diet? Is it safe? Has anyone tried it?



  • RTricia
    RTricia Posts: 720
    here it comes.....

    :::::::::::::::: ducking::::::::::::::::::::::::
  • Gigi_licious
    Gigi_licious Posts: 1,185 Member
    here it comes.....

    :::::::::::::::: ducking::::::::::::::::::::::::

    I think we should go to the storm shelter....
  • Umeboshi
    Umeboshi Posts: 1,637 Member
    It's a 500 calorie diet. Does that sound safe to you?
  • joejccva71
    joejccva71 Posts: 2,985 Member
  • cweiler4
    cweiler4 Posts: 374 Member
    I have a few friends that are doing the hcg diet, and I have read into it. What is everyone's opinion on this diet? Is it safe? Has anyone tried it?


    You should probably just use the Search function and locate the other threads about HCG. Good luck!
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,294 Member
    It is a starvation diet, combined with pregnancy hormones. does not sound like something I would ever consider safe. Having such a low caloric intake will lead to a loss of a large % of lean muscle, not just fat.

    Eat better and move more is a much more sound "diet" and it works long term.
  • Wyoruby
    Wyoruby Posts: 175 Member
    If you want info go to the board were you will get answers and not get beat up on!! I'm currently on it and love it. This is my second round I kept all but 5 lbs off from my first round and decided to do another round to get off the rest of the weight. To find the board just type in HCG to the search and click on the one that says for people on it or thinking of doing it!!
  • Some people are so rude. I am sorry you have to be subjected to them.. Instead of insulting you they could have told you how to use the search feature to find past threads on this very topic!

    But this topic has been talked about numerous times, if you type HcG into the search (up top next to signature tab) you can see what has been written)

    My own personal opinion is do not do it. I believe it is a drug made of pregnant womans pee and has some health risks. A healthy diet, exercise and consistency is much better in the long run!

    Good luck with whatever you decide, and remember, the people who "duck" and make rude comments are not worth your time, do not let them get you down.. You will find many like them on this site, BUT you will find more nice and supportitive people, so hold on!!!
  • HarlCarl
    HarlCarl Posts: 266 Member
    I read something the other day that they have raised it up to 800 calories a day.
  • joejccva71
    joejccva71 Posts: 2,985 Member
    Some people are so rude. I am sorry you have to be subjected to them.. Instead of insulting you they could have told you how to use the search feature to find past threads on this very topic!

    But this topic has been talked about numerous times, if you type HcG into the search (up top next to signature tab) you can see what has been written)

    My own personal opinion is do not do it. I believe it is a drug made of pregnant womans pee and has some health risks. A healthy diet, exercise and consistency is much better in the long run!

    Good luck with whatever you decide, and remember, the people who "duck" and make rude comments are not worth your time, do not let them get you down.. You will find many like them on this site, BUT you will find more nice and supportitive people, so hold on!!!

    My comment was very informative about a thread like this. These threads usually end up in a sh*tstorm. Nothing I said was in any way rude. However, I find your post offensive if that is any consolation.
  • PhilipByrne
    PhilipByrne Posts: 276 Member
    Some people are so rude. I am sorry you have to be subjected to them.. Instead of insulting you they could have told you how to use the search feature to find past threads on this very topic!

    But this topic has been talked about numerous times, if you type HcG into the search (up top next to signature tab) you can see what has been written)

    My own personal opinion is do not do it. I believe it is a drug made of pregnant womans pee and has some health risks. A healthy diet, exercise and consistency is much better in the long run!

    Good luck with whatever you decide, and remember, the people who "duck" and make rude comments are not worth your time, do not let them get you down.. You will find many like them on this site, BUT you will find more nice and supportitive people, so hold on!!!

    My comment was very informative about a thread like this. These threads usually end up in a sh*tstorm. Nothing I said was in any way rude. However, I find your post offensive if that is any consolation.

    Well said, I was wondering who she was referring to....
  • lizziebeth1028
    lizziebeth1028 Posts: 3,602 Member
    here it comes.....

    :::::::::::::::: ducking::::::::::::::::::::::::

    I think we should go to the storm shelter....

  • engineman312
    engineman312 Posts: 3,450 Member
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    If you only eat 500 calories a day, you're going to lose weight. So save your money for the prego pee and just stop eating.
  • Alogwood
    Alogwood Posts: 23 Member
    I am sorry to have repeated a topic that has already been discussed, I am new and am not on everyday so I dont have the chance to read every topic or every post.

    I was just curious as to what my friends were doing and wanted to chat about it.

    Thank you for the advice I will search before I ask from now on :ohwell:

  • Gigi_licious
    Gigi_licious Posts: 1,185 Member
    Some people are so rude. I am sorry you have to be subjected to them.. Instead of insulting you they could have told you how to use the search feature to find past threads on this very topic!

    But this topic has been talked about numerous times, if you type HcG into the search (up top next to signature tab) you can see what has been written)

    My own personal opinion is do not do it. I believe it is a drug made of pregnant womans pee and has some health risks. A healthy diet, exercise and consistency is much better in the long run!

    Good luck with whatever you decide, and remember, the people who "duck" and make rude comments are not worth your time, do not let them get you down.. You will find many like them on this site, BUT you will find more nice and supportitive people, so hold on!!!

    My comment was very informative about a thread like this. These threads usually end up in a sh*tstorm. Nothing I said was in any way rude. However, I find your post offensive if that is any consolation.

  • Some people are so rude. I am sorry you have to be subjected to them.. Instead of insulting you they could have told you how to use the search feature to find past threads on this very topic!

    But this topic has been talked about numerous times, if you type HcG into the search (up top next to signature tab) you can see what has been written)

    My own personal opinion is do not do it. I believe it is a drug made of pregnant womans pee and has some health risks. A healthy diet, exercise and consistency is much better in the long run!

    Good luck with whatever you decide, and remember, the people who "duck" and make rude comments are not worth your time, do not let them get you down.. You will find many like them on this site, BUT you will find more nice and supportitive people, so hold on!!!

    My comment was very informative about a thread like this. These threads usually end up in a sh*tstorm. Nothing I said was in any way rude. However, I find your post offensive if that is any consolation.

    When I clicked to post my post, only the very 1st two comments were there... "here we go again, DUCKING... and so forth. As for your comments, I just now, 8 hours later saw them.. Sorry to have offended you!
  • Schwiggity
    Schwiggity Posts: 1,449 Member
    You should punch your friends in the genitals.
  • SiltyPigeon
    SiltyPigeon Posts: 920 Member
    Your friends are stupid. & gullable. & they drink pee. You should get new friends. & not do the hcg diet. That's my opinion and I'm sticking to it.
  • infamousmk
    infamousmk Posts: 6,033 Member
    My opinion is that the people marked as 'rude' are typically the ones that know WTF they're talking about. I always listen to them.