mewhisler Member


  • anyone feel free to add me...I have done 3 IMs and many 1/2s :) I LOVE THE SPORT. I just had a baby one month ago, so I am just getting back into it and would love to see how others are working out. My plan is to do a marathon this winter and then a half IM or a full IM next year.
  • feel free to add me. I am due May 18th with my first as well!
  • I don't know if this will help, but i know spanx has something out there than my pregnant friend told me about. I think it is later in the pregnancy though, but might work for you. too.
  • I am due in May 2013 as well - i would love company and advice. This is my first time and I have no clue what i am doing!
  • What a great idea - you seem to always have wonderful and logical advice in so many places (people's comments, blogs, threads, etc). This is a great way to consolidate some of them. Other than your website of course!!
  • feel free to add me! I always can use more friends too :)
  • Just to add a few things from experience (lessons learned)....I have the merrell barefoot shoes and love them...EXCEPT a few things. (1) you have to start REALLY slowly...meaning only run 1 mile or so for a few weeks when you get them, then SLOWLY increase. I am not the most patient person, but I tried to do this...granted…
  • i am a foodie - you seem fun and motivating. I'll send you a request. i am a bit quirky though :)
  • You already have me as a friend :)
  • I was just diagnosed with PCOS...since I have been trying to get pregnant with no luck. MFP is great to make sure I stay healthy and accountable. I haven't lost any weight since I started, but I feel better and healthier. Feel free to add me.
  • I am in Atlanta :)
  • Fun thread! I have done 3 half IMs and 3 full IMs. I did IM Louisville in 2008 and 2009. Then, I did IM Brazil in 2010. Brazil was salt water - the shower water afterwards helped. One trick for me was to put a piece of chewing gum in my biking pouch. Once I was on the bike, I put it in my mouth and it got rid of the salt…
  • Welcome! I can definitely help you to stay motivated. I'll add you :)
  • I definitely am in! I drink my water but eating late at night is my problem! thanks for starting this.
  • Hi. I would try to learn freestyle (front crawl). That burns the most calories, other than the butterfly which is really hard. That also works your core a lot, but most swimming works out your core well. I would mix things up by doing 4-6 laps of one stroke, then 4-6 laps of another stroke, and then straight same stroke…
  • thank you all! This is helpful. Maybe Santa will be extra good to me this year :)
  • It is totally doable...with a bit more dedicated training. I actually enjoy the Olympic distance a lot - it makes you train and gets your butt in shape, but it doesn't control your life. It is a good balance. You definitely need to focus a bit more on nutrition - mainly on the bike to make sure you are ok for the run, but…
  • I agree that spaghetti squash is awesome to substitute!
  • Hi! I am very similar in that I could eat dessert for dinner any day. I would much rather prefer sweets than 'regular food'....I actually have been cutting sugar out over the last two months. In October, I decided to not have any sweets (meaning cookies, dessert, jelly, etc). I still had fruit and Splenda, but no…
  • I definitely don't live there, but have you looked at BAM? I don't know if it is close to where you work though.
  • I have always learned that you don't diet when you are training...meaning you eat/hydrate well during your runs and then diet aftewards (at night). You need to eat a balanced 'snack' or meal after a long run (balanced with protein and carbs especially). Then, later in the day you can diet...but during the run, you need to…
  • I probably is just because you ramped up mileage for the Half. Look on here: Maybe that will help.
  • I generally wear: - pair of tights - thin but warm (winter tights)- Under Armour - pair of winter pants on top to cut the wind - don't remember but any wind winter running pants are good if you have the tights underneath - long sleeved shirt that is 'winter wick' - meaning when you sweat, it doesn't get soaked and make you…
  • Love to bike...just need more motivation to go. I do triathlons and road cycling, and just bought a mountain bike! I hope to be able to at least go around the neighborhood with the bike instead of my car.
  • In general, swimming won't burn as many calories per min as running, but there are ways to keep your heart rate high. that is the main between sets, do a 50 of kicking hard to keep your heart rate up. Also, when i had a stress fracture in my heel, i did aqua jogging to replace the running motion. It is really…
  • I love it! I am in.
  • Awesome! Thanks for doing this. I am so excited.
  • There are a few things that get me out of bed in the morning to go work out - but the biggest one is to give myself a guilt trip and say that I NEVER regret getting up and working out but I ALWAYS regret sleeping in and not working out. You can do it - just tell yourself that if you don't get up, you'll feel like crap all…
  • I am going through the same thing! So, I'll look at the responses and hopefully we can start losing together!
  • I quit drinking diet coke at the beginning of this year...and I drank A LOT. At first it was horrible - i was so tired and had bad headaches, due to the caffeine. but, then it got better. It did take awhile though - about 1 month - before I didn't crave it every day. Every once in awhile I want one, but I know that if I…