I'm New! (not really i'm lying lol)



  • I really enjoyed this thread! You are really funny. There are a lot of people who have cleaned out their friends and started over. I did that...kinda but mostly too afraid to unfriend anyone so not really... oops

    I thought it was a coffee cup in your hand it looks pretty good.

    now I need to eat my almonds after reading this thread
  • bozzalozza
    bozzalozza Posts: 39 Member
    I love cooking too, which is probley why I havent seen my manhood when I go to the bathroom for about 4 years now rofl :laugh:


    It's not so funny when you are the one who has to clean the bathroom floor LOL

  • Puggy33
    Puggy33 Posts: 300
    Almonds are a great choice!

    See, my fat food cramming motivated you to eat healthy almomds, see how great of a motivator I am hahahah

  • Puggy33
    Puggy33 Posts: 300
    I love cooking too, which is probley why I havent seen my manhood when I go to the bathroom for about 4 years now rofl :laugh:


    It's not so funny when you are the one who has to clean the bathroom floor LOL


    If I can't see it to pee...I'm pretty sure it's not gonna make anyone choke :heart: :drinker:
  • literacola
    literacola Posts: 5
    I love cooking too, which is probley why I havent seen my manhood when I go to the bathroom for about 4 years now rofl :laugh:

    Same here ... hahaha
  • Puggy33
    Puggy33 Posts: 300
    I blame it on jack daniels sometimes too...because mcdonalds sober is pretty nasty but after some jack I feel like i'm paying 99 cents for a mcdouble fliet mignon.
  • littlemoonsandy
    littlemoonsandy Posts: 1,930
    I love cooking too, which is probley why I havent seen my manhood when I go to the bathroom for about 4 years now rofl :laugh:


    It's not so funny when you are the one who has to clean the bathroom floor LOL


    If I can't see it to pee...I'm pretty sure it's not gonna make anyone choke :heart: :drinker:

  • bozzalozza
    bozzalozza Posts: 39 Member
    I love cooking too, which is probley why I havent seen my manhood when I go to the bathroom for about 4 years now rofl :laugh:


    It's not so funny when you are the one who has to clean the bathroom floor LOL


    If I can't see it to pee...I'm pretty sure it's not gonna make anyone choke :heart: :drinker:

    How would you know? It's been missing in action for awhile apparently!
  • kjraye5
    kjraye5 Posts: 40
    Totally adding you! Need some good supporters and your a chef, what could be better? =)
  • EuphonyChloeH
    EuphonyChloeH Posts: 107 Member
    I dig your humor - sending you a friend request! Feel free to send me some food, too...jk (or am I?)
  • Mgregory723
    Mgregory723 Posts: 529 Member
    Sending a friend request, I could use some good humor in my day! :bigsmile:
  • twinmom430
    twinmom430 Posts: 457 Member
    Love the profile pic :laugh: Feel free to add me, I'm always up for supportive friends.
  • Puggy33
    Puggy33 Posts: 300
    I can send food, for a price :)
  • Humor is better than food (not really i'm lying lol)

  • Puggy33
    Puggy33 Posts: 300
    Well my posts and comments help you lose 2-300 pounds a day.

    Sadly 90% of my posts tell you to eat bacon and drink Jack, So it's a add as a friend under your own risk kinda deal :P
  • I'm a teqilla girl... thanks to roller derby
  • 7funnygirl7
    7funnygirl7 Posts: 1,176
    I just like a guy who wears a hat & apron! I likes the smart butt attitude too...hee hee. Add me if ya like. :bigsmile:
  • folgersinyourcup
    folgersinyourcup Posts: 11 Member
    Ahhh I need motivating people in my life too! I'm trying to fight the lazy and hopefully this is a great start. When starting to exercise I tend to have issues with self motivation. The more friends the better:)
  • mewhisler
    mewhisler Posts: 37 Member
    i am a foodie - you seem fun and motivating. I'll send you a request. i am a bit quirky though :)
  • Puggy33
    Puggy33 Posts: 300
    Prove it :) I'm always up for a fun conversation that has no boundaries and limits!