Swim workouts?

Hello Everyone~
So, I've managed to hurt my foot (plantar fasciitis, heel spur, and tendonitis). I'm in a walking boot for 2 weeks and no running/biking or high-impact cardio for at least 8 weeks. I have found that running is the best way for me to burn calories so I need a little bit of help with developing a swim workout that will hit at least 500 calories burned. I swam for 40 minutes yesterday and only burned 250 calories according to my HRM. Help please!


  • engineman312
    engineman312 Posts: 3,450 Member
    Hello Everyone~
    So, I've managed to hurt my foot (plantar fasciitis, heel spur, and tendonitis). I'm in a walking boot for 2 weeks and no running/biking or high-impact cardio for at least 8 weeks. I have found that running is the best way for me to burn calories so I need a little bit of help with developing a swim workout that will hit at least 500 calories burned. I swam for 40 minutes yesterday and only burned 250 calories according to my HRM. Help please!

    wait... you wore your HRM? i'm guessing a wrist one, right? i hear the wrist ones arent the best, and i wouldn't trust them in the water at all.
  • iuangina
    iuangina Posts: 691 Member
    Nope one with a chest strap that is waterproof.
  • treehugginpam
    treehugginpam Posts: 1,131 Member
    Your HRM may be a little off....I wear my Polar FT4 while swimming and it usually does a good job, but the last time I swam I looked down several times to see that it wasn't transmitting anything and I had to readjust. So maybe you burned more calories than you think! I usually burn 300 + calories swimming for 25 - 35 minutes. One thing I add is underwater running too...that always gets my heart rate up!
  • mewhisler
    mewhisler Posts: 37 Member
    In general, swimming won't burn as many calories per min as running, but there are ways to keep your heart rate high. that is the main goal...in between sets, do a 50 of kicking hard to keep your heart rate up. Also, when i had a stress fracture in my heel, i did aqua jogging to replace the running motion. It is really hard if you do it right. I just want to the deepest part of the pool and did laps. No support or vests at all - just tread water fast and keep the heart rate as high as you can. I would do 'sprints' of 5 minutes hard, then 2 minutes easy...for 1 hour!
  • engineman312
    engineman312 Posts: 3,450 Member
    Nope one with a chest strap that is waterproof.

    i'm a swimmer, or at least i was in college, and building back up. you need to increase your intensity, which is easier said then done. swimming isn't like running, where you can suck in air whenever you want. you need to focus on form and technique. go for time, and see if you can follow those work outs. my favorite is #11. if you can't do the time intervals right now, don't feel bad about increasing it by 10 or 15 seconds. freestyle will burn a lot more then breast stroke. butterfly is just nuts. i hate the butterfly. i don't do more then 25 yards of butter at a time. i hate butterfly.

    if you don't know how to swim properly, see if you can sign up for an adult swimming class. they will teach you how to properly turn your head to breath, and extend your stroke to use the most energy.

    ps. i hate the butterfly.
  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member
    you need to increase your intensity, which is easier said then done.

  • engineman312
    engineman312 Posts: 3,450 Member
  • ArroganceInStep
    ArroganceInStep Posts: 6,239 Member
    Nope one with a chest strap that is waterproof.

    i'm a swimmer, or at least i was in college, and building back up. you need to increase your intensity, which is easier said then done. swimming isn't like running, where you can suck in air whenever you want. you need to focus on form and technique. go for time, and see if you can follow those work outs. my favorite is #11. if you can't do the time intervals right now, don't feel bad about increasing it by 10 or 15 seconds. freestyle will burn a lot more then breast stroke. butterfly is just nuts. i hate the butterfly. i don't do more then 25 yards of butter at a time. i hate butterfly.

    if you don't know how to swim properly, see if you can sign up for an adult swimming class. they will teach you how to properly turn your head to breath, and extend your stroke to use the most energy.

    ps. i hate the butterfly.

    Don't hate on butterfly! It was somebody's masterpiece. I mean someone got in the water and thought to themselves 'what is the LEAST efficient way I can move through the water'...voila! Butterfly!
  • engineman312
    engineman312 Posts: 3,450 Member
    Nope one with a chest strap that is waterproof.

    i'm a swimmer, or at least i was in college, and building back up. you need to increase your intensity, which is easier said then done. swimming isn't like running, where you can suck in air whenever you want. you need to focus on form and technique. go for time, and see if you can follow those work outs. my favorite is #11. if you can't do the time intervals right now, don't feel bad about increasing it by 10 or 15 seconds. freestyle will burn a lot more then breast stroke. butterfly is just nuts. i hate the butterfly. i don't do more then 25 yards of butter at a time. i hate butterfly.

    if you don't know how to swim properly, see if you can sign up for an adult swimming class. they will teach you how to properly turn your head to breath, and extend your stroke to use the most energy.

    ps. i hate the butterfly.

    Don't hate on butterfly! It was somebody's masterpiece. I mean someone got in the water and thought to themselves 'what is the LEAST efficient way I can move through the water'...voila! Butterfly!

    dude, i literally cracked up laughing!!!!
  • nicolemarie045
    nicolemarie045 Posts: 131 Member

  • alaliberte
    Swimming will work for sure! I can burn 600-700 calories in the water during an hour swim. I agree with the person that said you need to increase your intensity. Try 25 yard (or meter) sprints or--50 M sprints if you are on long course. also, don't disregard yoga...ask your doctor first, but you can work core and proper alignment in yoga to help with your foot. Also, the stretching sounds like what you might have neglected while running...give it a shot and let me know how it goes!! Good luck!
  • FitMama2013
    FitMama2013 Posts: 919 Member
    As a former flyer in college, I want that mug!!!!!! Luckily I was a sprinter and didn't do the 200, but that's just punishment IMO.

    Anyways, I agree with some of the others - swimming straight laps will burn calories, but once you become more efficient and can learn to do some sprints to spike your heart rate, you'll really see a difference. I know for most people they burn many more calories on land, but that's not the case with me. Just depends on your aqua abilities, I guess! I'm sorry to hear about your injury though and hope you enjoy your time in the pool while you heal!
  • ArroganceInStep
    ArroganceInStep Posts: 6,239 Member
    You tried swimming weights? They've got vests and gloves and such. Definitely changes the workout.
  • kunibob
    kunibob Posts: 608 Member
    I <3 FLY!! But I'm a breaststroker, so maybe I just like my strokes to be as hard on my body as possible. (Speaking of inefficient..."hey, let's contort the human knee into positions that are naturally weak and could potentially cause injury, and see how fast we can go.")

    Anyway... Intervals are your friend to get your heartrate up and burn more calories. Here's a breakdown of how to approach them, if you never have (and if you have, then maybe this link will benefit someone else reading this):
  • iuangina
    iuangina Posts: 691 Member
    Stretching is definitely something that I neglected. I never had to do it before when I went running, but now that I'm getting older I have to take care of myself or my body fights back :(. I'm a pretty efficient freestyle swimmer...I've done 2 olympic distance tris (1500 m open-water swims). My resting heartrate is usually around 50-55 bpm, and I really struggle to get it up into the 130s when I'm in the pool. I just never feel like I'm working hard enough in the water. I will check out some of the workouts and definitely add some sprints. Thanks!