Sugar-holics ... not so anonymous

Hi, my name is Julie and I'm sugar-holic!
My drug of choice: CHOCOLATE!!
My goal with this post is certainly not to joke or take lightly problems like drug or alcohol addiction by comparing those with a simple sweet tooth tendancy. However, I do feel the need to consider my fondness of the sweet stuff like an addiction and a problem. Although it is not yet life threatning or causing problems to people around me, it does affect the way I look and feel, it compromises my health and shows a bad example to my children.
The fact that it is so accessible and socially accepted is also problematic, since it is virtually everywhere.
I tried cutting back, I tried rationning myself, all to no avail. So this time, I'm trying the support groop approach.
I can't bring myself to cut it out of my life completely, so I pledge to not eat candy, chocolate, dessert or drink pop (diet or regular) from monday to friday each week. I'll try this first. If I see I can't control myself and binge on chocolate on weekends, I'll have to cut that too.
I believe that I could loose at least half of the 20 extra pounds (and couting) I've been carrying around for the 3 last years, just by doing that.
If you share the same problem, have inspiration to give and need the support of a group, you're more than welcome to join Sugar-olics not so anonymous ;)!


  • Pocket_Pixi
    Pocket_Pixi Posts: 1,167 Member
    I have found buying good dark chocolate fixes the sweet tooth and leaves me satisfied and not wanting more chocolate. I usually buy 70% cocoa, but Lindt does have it with sea salt, and chili - which is completely amazing.

    Maybe try that on the weekends and see if it helps.
  • mewhisler
    mewhisler Posts: 37 Member
    Hi! I am very similar in that I could eat dessert for dinner any day. I would much rather prefer sweets than 'regular food'....I actually have been cutting sugar out over the last two months. In October, I decided to not have any sweets (meaning cookies, dessert, jelly, etc). I still had fruit and Splenda, but no sweet-like things (except for dessert with my husband on his birthday). This month - no artificial sweeteners...i actually think that makes people crave more sweets. It is ridiculously hard, but the fact that I know it is only for 1 month makes it bearable. So - your idea of Monday-Friday is a good one....I would try to stretch it out a bit more after a few weeks of doing it Monday-Friday. You'll realize that you won't miss it too much. Yes, I still love dessert, but I don't need it and if I want it, I can wait a week or two.
  • CMmrsfloyd
    CMmrsfloyd Posts: 2,383 Member
    It's tough cutting back on the things we enjoy, but it's totally do-able. If cutting back on your specific 'drug' ;) is too hard, try not bringing it in the house and instead getting some 'less bad' alternatives to keep around. I used to have a huge bowl of ice cream (with sprinkles, I might add) almost every night after dinner - now I keep several flavors of fat free yogurt and some Weight Watchers ice cream bars around (80 cal for my favorite yogurts and 130 for the ww ice cream). Used to gorge myself on pizza and pasta, now if I'm craving pizza I'll get one of the low-cal individual portions in the freezer section (around 250-400 cal depending on the brand) and I still eat my pasta but I monitor my portions and add veggies and protein to it. I used to eat lots of fried chicken, but I discovered that I can enjoy grilled chicken just as much and save the calories from the breading and grease. I also like to keep some of the 100 calorie packs of snacks around for when I need a little something yummy - pretzels, popcorn, cookie crisps. That way I can get in the sweet or salty flavor and know I'm not doing any damage to my calorie count that day. Keeping things that I know will ruin my day completely out of the house and replacing them with things that aren't 'great' but at least aren't nearly as bad as their predecessors has been a great help when cravings hit.

    We don't have to give up everything, but a few tweaks here and there can really add up in our favor. Oh and also, for those times that I just need a little something sweet and nothing else will do the trick, I have a can of fat free Redi Whip in the fridge. I love it on top of my yogurt or just in a spoon. The *whole can* is only 185 calories, so a dolop here or there is a delicious way to not derail my progress. :-)
  • ratherbeskiing
    ratherbeskiing Posts: 847 Member

    sorry it is either too big or too little but if you google it it is HILARIOUS! I totally have one at home one of my friends got me when I first started to diet. Needless to say it still sits in my room. I have not had to break it open it yet.
  • 2chubby4now
    2chubby4now Posts: 93 Member
    Yup. I am with you. I have learned I can cut chocolate out for only so long. Then it creeps back in. If I don't give in and have some, I binge. My self control is terrible. Sadly I don't like dark chocolate as much. I crave the sweet milk chocolate and its creamy texture. Ahhh chocolate.
  • persian_star
    persian_star Posts: 197 Member
    I'm a chocoholic too. I find if I just don't let myself buy it, that really helps with not eating it, but doesn't really help with the craving itself! So, I've just bought some chocolate hand cream (cocoa butter) and I figure every time I crave chocolate, I'll use it, and then I get the joy of the smell and the smoothness, but minus the calories, and I'll get smoother skin into the bargain :o)
  • MariFitBody
    MariFitBody Posts: 287 Member
    Hi. I Would like to start off by sayin that I to am a sugar-holic. I cant get enough of the cakes and the cookies. I workout harder when I know there is a new cake or cookie I want to bake. Buuut I do have self control when it comes down to M-F because now it is causing a problem. My stomach is not reacting the same way it used to. I get alooot of stomach pains when I over do it. It wasnt easy to accomplish being that I ate anything with sugar on a daily basis when I first started this journey. I am now trying to cut it down to one day a week which will be Saturdays only as oppose to being Sat. & Sun. like it is now. U do need one cheat day a week and this is what I eat on my cheat day. So far its worked for me. But u have to take it slow. Dont just stop cuz then ull just binged. Try cutting one day out at a time. Thats what worked for me....Good Luck. I understand what ur going through 100%.
  • Raphi
    Raphi Posts: 124 Member
    Gee, thanks everyone for sharing!

    I recognized myself in a lot of things you wrote and it is nice to feel that some people "get" what you feel. I don't have time for a long reply for now, but know I red every post with attention and I will be back with more sharing ;)!
  • Raphi
    Raphi Posts: 124 Member
    So I'm not the only one who has a weakness for the sweet stuff huh...
    I tried the dark chocolate, and other substitutions, but I always end up reaching for the real milk chocolate... I feel like it is a lot more of a "want" than a "need". Also, when I put on my jeans, or see myself in photographs, I feel guilty and angry. But when it's time to indulge again, all of a sudden, I "accept myself the way I am"!! Only until the next honest look in the mirror. 20 pounds crept on slowly but surely since I gave birth to my son 3 years ago and I can't deny myself anymore. But it's hard. Especially since food is everywhere. Although I must say that I'm proud for today: I didn't eat any junk :)!