

  • Originally from Ohio. But now in Channelview, TX. I love it here. And Give me my mustard or mayo!! Or I can go plain lol. Add me if u like. Always needing new friends from the area.
  • LOL thanks. We will get the answers together. I hope!!!
  • I am in!!! Gotta get my butt moving. 6 lbs in Jan was great but I know I can lose more than that and still do it the healthy way. Most of my weight is water weight and I know I can do this. 14 hours that is just 30 mins a day for the entire month. We can do it!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • Now what are some good workout songs?? I need something that will get me moving.
  • Wii fit does have a calorie loss counter and for the 27 minutes I did work out on the Wii. I lost 166 calories. For the remaining 3 minutes I did Jumping jacks and squats and warm up and warm down. So I don't know what to do lol.
  • What is TDEE?? B/c I don't want to eat back my exercise calories. That is the reason I struggle a lot of times b/c I think I have to eat the calories they made me burn. I hate that. I love to eat what I have a goal of and not add more to it. But at the same time I like to know how many calories I would of had to eat back…
  • I did the wii fit routine for 23 minutes. PHEW I feel it to Did the Short distant run for 4 minutes WOW I am totally out of shape. Happy exercising today!!!!
  • I am game. I will add these to the list of items to do today for exercises. I need to do something this only cleaning the house for exercise is not something that is gonna get me any closer to my date night with my boyfriend as a goal or any other goals I have on my list. Also am free for anyone to add me as I am always in…
  • Feel Free to add me. I log everyday. And I try to Keep the WTG's and You can do it's on statuses and dairies. And I need someone to help kick my butt to exercise more than cleaning my house. LOL
  • SW: 272 CW: 268.5 GW:265 Weigh in Dates: 1/1 Didn't weight in b/c I just started 1/8 272 Weighing in a day early 1/15 Weighting in early b/c Monday's are my weigh in days:::268.5 1/22 1/31 So I have lost 3.5lbs so far. WOOHOO!!!! Total weight lost:
  • Count me in. I love my wii fit and I love working out on it. Lets Go!!!!
  • great ideas thank you. BUMP
  • Love this recipe. I never used it in a crock pot. I always did it on the stove and fried it in it's own juices. I am gonna try it in the crock pot one of these days and add maybe a few carrots and some green beans. I love green beans. :smile:
  • Can't wait to start losing this weight. And I am a week late but rather be late than never. Loggin this early b/c I do my weigh ins on Mondays. SW: 272 CW: 272 GW:265 Weigh in Dates: 1/1 Didn't weight in b/c I just started 1/8 272 Weighing in a day early 1/15 1/22 1/31 Total weight lost: And to the person above me YOU CAN…
  • First, take a deep breath hold it for a few second then let it out slowly. Nothing is gonna work over night. Best thing to do is exercise, watch what u eat and remember not to stress out too much and if u do eat healthy foods instead of going for the fatty foods. And remember just b/c u see people losing alot of weight…
  • I'm 28 and only 5'3". And my ultimate goal is to lose close to 150 but I am doing smaller goals to make sure I can stay on track.
  • I have not done zumba in other than in my house but have not been able to do it b/c I let a so called friend borrow it b/c I had the Zumba for the wii and let her borrow it and of course I never got it back. I miss it b/c I got into it right after I broke my foot and It was great to do. I sweated like a dog . I am thinking…
  • I loved to skip when I was a kid. I used to do hopscotch too. HMMM it's nice outside maybe I will go in the backyard and draw a hopscotch board out and do a few games of hopscotch and then skip also. Wonderful Idea.
  • I don't plan on giving up. I know that this is gonna happen. I used be 120lbs when I was in school. I graduated in 03 and I weighed like 120 to 125. Now I'm 263 and I'm 26 going on 27 and I've been out of school for 8 years. I gained another me. I know this is for me and not a wedding but I can't help but think that this…
  • Just got off the phone with the gym. I go in later today and have the trainer walk me through the weight training part of our gym plus she will also set goals with me on how much cardio and weight training to do every day. I normally do cardio every day b/c I LOVE to walk on the treadmill and listen to my music. So we…
  • I had my thyroid checked out a few years ago. My gyno dr called my thyroid dr a quack. B/c he told my gyno that my thyroid was inactive and we knew it wasn't. My thyroid is a problem but until I can get my insurance back and I can't have anything done yet. Sucks too. My thyroid is a roller coaster itself. One test it will…
  • wtg ladies!!!
  • Holidays lol Gotta love them. Been gone all day. But I did weight in this morning and I lost. So I lost 1.1 So I weight now 263.7 Plus I joined a gym today. Lets kick this work out up a few notches.
  • I just drink the shake I'm not on the diet for it. Reasoning why is b/c we only eat once a day. So I have to at least have the shake for breakfast or lunch pending on when I get up but other than that I don't plan on using it as part of my diet plan. My diet plan is the healthy way to eat right and exercise which is why I…
  • So sorry I didn't get my weight in. I was away. I however gained 5 lbs. So it's okay. I give everyone a round of applause you all are doing great.
  • wtg ladies. I am hoping that I will be able to lose some weight this week. I just hope it stops raining and I can go outside and walk. I love to walk but with all the rain we had I haven't been able to walk. We all can do this. (I try to keep telling myself it's mind over matter and to get my butt off the couch and…
  • No change for me! I don't know if that is good or bad. Right now I feel like a blimp. But having issues with keeping up with diet and the exercise I'm stressed that Hubby is leaving next week and will be gone for 3 weeks. Along with the fact money is an issue again. I hope that next month I can join Snap Fitness and that…
  • bump And WTG Everyone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Keep it going. We will all be pin ups by the end of our goals. HUGSSSSSSSSSSSSSS
  • weigh in 259.8 lbs. Lost like 0.6lbs. UGH why me. lol Looks like I will be exercising even more.
  • Not sure about little rewards. But my biggest reward is gonna be two things. Finally get my tattoo I want and get my naval pierced. I am not sure what to do for little rewards. As I am still struggling to stay motivated. As I have no clue what to do to motivate myself. Guess I just need my butt kicked. LOL :laugh: