Slim Fast 3-2-1?



  • RainyDayKelli
    RainyDayKelli Posts: 85 Member
    I will usually make one meal a day one of the low-carb shakes. Not every day, mind you, and not every meal. They really fill me up and last me quite a long time, so they're great on days that I've maybe over-indulged in other things and need to stay on track calorie-wise the rest of the day. My energy levels have been fine, but I'm also exercising regularly for the first time in my life, and drinking plenty of water. Whenever I have a drop in energy, I drink a glass of water and it usually perks me right up. They're also great if I'm having a chocolate craving, they nip it right in the bud. :) Good luck to you!
  • angelzoya519
    I just drink the shake I'm not on the diet for it. Reasoning why is b/c we only eat once a day. So I have to at least have the shake for breakfast or lunch pending on when I get up but other than that I don't plan on using it as part of my diet plan. My diet plan is the healthy way to eat right and exercise which is why I am doing the shakes b/c if not for the shakes I would only get about 500 calories a day if that. B/c it's summer time I don't eat. I have to force myself to eat b/c of the fact that I'm trying to lose weight and I'm also trying to eat right. So what do I do.... I drink a shake in the am when I get up and try to eat a good meal (doesn't always work especially when you aren't hungry) try to get some fresh veggies and fruits in my body and try to cut down the pop intake which I have been doing semi good on and to exercise. (will be great when I start going to the gym on Monday new week new me)
    But it is really hard to do alot when you are always tired. But Honestly the shakes for me are just another way to get my calories and to get on the right path.