earth_echo Member


  • Google gelatin. It's great for skin (along with bones, joints, vitamin & mineral absorption, etc.) because it works from the inside out. I don't hear it mentioned on these boards and that surprises me.
  • If you have a rolling pin, roll it over your calf muscles and over your Achilles tendon several times a day. Roll a tennis ball, can of soup, or something like that under your foot several times a day. I would also recommend calf exercises especially the ones you do on stairs. As your calves get stronger, wear a backpack…
  • L-carnitine inhibits T3 and T4. Just Google "L-carnitine and thyroid". One study showed that it only takes 2-4 grams a day to inhibit hyperthyroid symptoms and is capable of preventing symptoms. So, for those of us who tend toward hyperthyroid, it's GREAT stuff! It may not be so great if you have a normal or hypo thyroid.
  • You should probably research L-carnitine before you start taking it. I take it to SUPPRESS my thyroid. If you don't tend toward hyperthyroid, it could make you hypothyroid. Just fyi....
  • I've found it helpful to distinguish between "full" and "not hungry". If I'm full, I've eaten too much. Try to keep yourself in a state of not hungry. Drink enough, eat more fiber, protein and fat.
  • Salt substitutes
  • After reading Born to Run, I'd say going barefoot as often as possible is the way to go.
  • I've recently learned it's best to diversify when it comes to veggies. Too much spinach leads to kidney stones and gout. Too much broccoli or cauliflower can hinder thyroid function. There's probably more, but those are the ones I can think of at the top of my head. I got the hint. Veggies are awesome, but it's best to not…
  • Yeah, I dunno about all this advice for special shoes, inserts, etc. From what I understand plantar fasciitis is caused by straining the ligament that supports your arch. If the arch falls repeatedly during exercise, standing for long periods, having to carry excess weight (being overweight), or whatever, your PF will get…
  • Maybe before you try a water fast, try a fat fast. Google it for the details. It might be enough to get you into ketosis without having to suffer so much.
  • Muscles puff out with water to help them recover. No worries. You're body's doing what it's supposed to!
  • Not being able to exercise shouldn't hinder your weight loss as it's nearly 100% about food intake. Rest and let your ankle heal. Focus on your diet.
  • Mix up chia seeds and ground flax seeds. Add 3 tablespoons of that mixture to an egg. Then make a pancake out of it. I also usually add some cinnamon and Splenda.
  • I started running about 2 weeks ago. I thought I could handle running 2 days in a row. BAD idea! I now have plantar fasciitis (heel pain). I thought after a few days rest, I'd be fine. No such luck. The pain hasn't let up at all. From what I've read this type of injury can take 3-6 MONTHS to heal. OMG. So, imo, don't push…
  • If you're worried about your thyroid numbers, get a blood test. I used about 8 weeks ago to test my blood for T3 (mine tends to be too high). It costs $40. I bought the test online on a Friday, had my blood drawn about an hour later, and had my results emailed to me on Sunday. The whole process couldn't have…
  • Fish pills were *really* hard on my brother in law's liver and his doctor told him to stop taking them asap. And for me, they gave me heart palpitations., thanks.
  • Try some probiotics for the digestive issues. For the anxiety and "flutters" (heart palpitations?), do some research on hyperactive thyroid. If you can relate to what you read, get your blood tested for too much thyroid hormone.
  • If you drink a lot of it, be careful. I loved the stuff and drank it constantly. I did develop significant muscle cramps from the stuff, but I didn't realize it was the water enhancer giving me them until my hands, feet, knees and elbows started turning orange. It was a bit scary there for awhile. Thankfully, it was citric…
  • There's a BBC documentary entitled "The Truth About Calories New BBC Documentary 2015". It's available to view on YouTube ( Maybe it's the same show.
  • An easy way to eat veg low cal is to eat them in beef or chicken stock. I buy frozen veggies, put them in a hand strainer and run them under hot water and then nuke them and the beef/chicken stock in the microwave. I mean, butter is yummy, but very heavy on the calories.
  • I used to struggle daily with muscle cramps. I started adding potassium to my diet by adding No Salt to my food and drink. That seemed to help, but not completely. Then I started taking magnesium, like you. That's when things got MUCH worse for me. I was taking magnesium citrate. Long story short, my muscle cramps was from…
  • I don't have this particular skin condition, but I've had my fair share of other skin problems. The best exfoliant I've ever used is sugar. Lather up and dump some raw sugar in your hands and go at it. It's cheap, it works and won't clog your drains like apricot scrub or something similar. Next, I'd try different lotions.…
  • You may not be getting enough potassium.
  • I get tailbone pain when I'm low in magnesium.
  • Google Magnesium oil.
  • Not getting enough potassium can cause you to be thirstier than normal.
  • Fill a hand strainer w/frozen vegetables (I like peas and corn) and run it under hot water for about a minute. Then put into a large bowl and add beef or chicken stock. Nuke it for a couple of mins and eat. You can easily consume 2 cups or more of veg every day this way and it's very low calorie.
  • Nuts are a good sub for veg. Good fats w/fiber. Almond butter is awesome, btw. If you haven't tried it, do. That stuff is wonderful.