shel0158 Member


  • I have been on MFP since February. I started at 355 pounds. It took me 14 weeks to lose 35 pounds. I will lose it faster then you as I have alot more weight to lose. It isnt healthy to lose it as fast as you are wanting it gone. Sorry but thats the truth. Just because you want it gone dont mean it will happen that way.
  • Thank you again for the site. It tells me she does get enough protein in a day. She likes her milk and she loves cheeses and yogurt. With those combined along with veggies she does get her protein. Thank You Again. She is like me she likes to eat yogurt as her snack. And of course milk for breakfast. Just those 2 give her…
  • Thank you for the site. I know about the iron. She has her blood tested for Iron levels 1 to 2 times a year depending on the results. With the iron vitamin she stays at the low end of normal. I am worried about the protein she is not getting from meat. She does get it from nuts but they are so high in calorie I would like…
  • Seriously though, Banana's are actually very good for you.
  • Try this one
  • You can reheat hard boiled eggs in the microwave, yes they will explode if you arent careful. I reheat mine. It only takes a few seconds. I learned this trick from my mom, when I was younger that was the only way my little brother would eat eggs so my mom would hard boil a whole dozen and put them in the fridge. If my…
  • You can boost the iron intake from foods by cooking in a cast iron skillet.
  • Thank you, I was using the touch ones but i dont know how accurate it is considering i have to keep stopping to take heart rate so i bought one with chest strap last night, the book that came with it didnt say how to wear it and only had one pic of the back, appeared that you wore it just under arms and over the chest but…
  • No i dont have the chest strap, I havent questioned the burn before. I questioned it now because when i do tae bo and power walking i get so out of breath i have to take breaks and with this I was able to do the 28 minutes without a break and breathing a little heavy but not completely out of breath. I did check heart rate…
  • If you check out youtube they have some exercises that you sit down to do.
    in Injured Comment by shel0158 March 2014
  • You can add me, I still have quite a bit to lose. I am on and off pretty much all day. I also could use friends to encourage and support.
  • Assuming the ingredients if you made 24 balls they would be roughly 95 calories 11 carbs 5 fat 3 protein 1 fiber 7 sugar
  • HI Danielle, You can add me if you want to. I am also obese. I started almost 2 weeks ago. Weighing in at 355 pounds. I know how you feel about hearing people who weigh less complain. My daughter is bad about that. She is a bean pole and constantly says she is fat. It erks me something awful, and makes me feel so much…
  • I see what you mean. I did 7 minutes of 3.5 walking and MFP has me at 71 burn. The HRM has me at 90 burn.
  • You can add me if you want to. I am in the same boat as you. I weigh 354.4 pounds. To get into my healthy range I have to lose 234 pounds. I started MFP almost 2 weeks ago. Good Luck with your weight loss journey. Dont get discouraged.
  • Exercise is tough. I was one who sat around all day. I have managed to get to xxx weight. I only ate one meal a day and even that wasnt very big. Not enough calories consumed also causes weight gain. I have been using MFP for almost 2 weeks now. Week one I lost 0.6 pounds. I was only able to do a couple minutes of exercise…
  • Money is not the case, I am turning a room into a home gym. I have 2 small children here during the day and 5 children here in the evening and at night. I can not go to the gym and going running or walking is almost impossible too. I have been using workout dvd's and would like more to add to that. I cant go out and get…
  • I never thought about that, you are right, I have bad knees. I never considered the mini tramp hurting my knees.
  • better for exercise and burning calories
  • Not feeling burnt out, just very sore. I let myself go to the point of 355 pounds. I am wanting to turn that around and get healthy again. My question was raised because I do not want to hurt myself.
  • I am just winging it, I am rotating Zumba, and Tae Bo. As for Food, I am not used to eating more then 1 to 2 a day so I am trying to get that worked out as well. This site helps because it wants to know what I ate for each meal. So it encourages me to eat. When not hungry it is hard to make myself, so this site helps with…