How can I speed up my weight loss without exercise?



  • dym123
    dym123 Posts: 1,670 Member
    One of the motivating factors that gets me off my *kitten* when I don't feel like working out, is knowing that Jillian Michael's HATES working out, but as she likes to point out, she likes ice cream and wine too much (or something to effect).
  • fbmandy55
    fbmandy55 Posts: 5,263 Member
    Crystal Meth. I think they sell it at wal-mart.

    Yep, in the parking lot department.
  • ChaplainHeavin
    ChaplainHeavin Posts: 426 Member

    Your argument is invalid. Your laziness is inexcusable. You want it, DO IT.

    That YouTube you posted is powerful! No excuses.
  • blb85
    blb85 Posts: 187 Member
    You are really looking at this the wrong way... First, you need to decide that this is a lifestyle change, not just a fast remedy; otherwise you will gain all the weight back again plus some since you'll lose muscle as well without any exercise. When you lose muscle, your body stores more fat; so when you stop eating less, you'll just start packing on more fat. It changes your body composition, and you become skinny fat at first; but the word "fat" doesn't change once your diet changes. Like you said, you've done this before and felt it was more of a "chore", if you think in that mind-set; you will never lose the weight like you should.

    The simple way to lose weight is more calories out than calories in (keeping to at least 1200 calories in daily so you are getting all the nutrients your body needs). The fastest way to get calories out is by exercise. Plus the more muscle you have, the higher your metabolism works to burn more fat. Exercise is sooo important. Just find one that makes you happy!!! Ice skate, roller blade, go biking, Zumba (I love this) or Jazzercise, walking, etc. Don't think of exercise as being awful, think of it as fun and it'll make it easier. It's the little changes now that will take effect later! What those changes are is entirely up to you.
  • arrseegee
    arrseegee Posts: 575 Member
    If you're not willing to change your lifestyle any losses you have are unlikely to be sustainable. You want the good without the bad, and that's setting yourself up for failure.
  • shel0158
    shel0158 Posts: 31 Member
    Exercise is tough. I was one who sat around all day. I have managed to get to xxx weight. I only ate one meal a day and even that wasnt very big. Not enough calories consumed also causes weight gain. I have been using MFP for almost 2 weeks now. Week one I lost 0.6 pounds. I was only able to do a couple minutes of exercise at a time, due to losing my breath. I am now able to do 10 minutes of Tae Bo without taking a break and I find I am starting to really enjoy it. I dont have the videos so I use youtube. I know that if you do the same thing everyday your body will get used to it and it can slow down your progress so I alternate Tae bo, the Biggest Loser Power Walk and 3 Mile Fast Walk. If you give it a chance you might find you'll come to enjoy it. Good Luck with you weight loss. Feel Free to add me if you need friends.
    Also here are the links to the ones I use:: - Tae Bo - 3 Mile Fast Walk - The Biggest Loser
  • jennifer_a00
    jennifer_a00 Posts: 186 Member
    Make some smaller short term goals that will help you stay feeling accomplished. Don't try and change your entire diet overnight, pick a few things that you want to change and start there, and you will progress as you continue. Be patient, I know it's hard but you have to be. Don't worry about plateaus until you get to one, and even if or when you do there is lots of help on MFP for that. Try not to obsess, and you don't have to exercise if you don't want to, but it is a nice treat to eat back those extra exercise calories.
  • ChaplainHeavin
    ChaplainHeavin Posts: 426 Member
    One of the motivating factors that gets me off my *kitten* when I don't feel like working out, is knowing that Jillian Michael's HATES working out, but as she likes to point out, she likes ice cream and wine too much (or something to effect).

    That's interesting. I didn't know that nor would I have ever thought that since that is her career as well. Good point.
  • AlwaysInMotion
    AlwaysInMotion Posts: 409 Member
    Need another *life affirming* reason to exercise???

    People who exercise, even modestly, LIVE LONGER.

    We rightly accept that, on average, inactive overweight/obese people have shorter life expectancies. That's not even considering any comorbidities (aka diseases or conditions) they likely have, which tends to shorten life expectancies even further.

    Recent studies have shown that overweight, even obese people who are only modestly physically active have markedly longer life expectancies. In the following study (cited below), the obese participants who leisurely exercised 150 min/week (that's just 21 min/day) lived an average of 2.7-3.4 years longer! The takeaway, even modest physical activity at ANY weight is LIFE EXTENDING.

    So that daily 20 min walk might let you enjoy your life and your family another 3.5 years. I'm thinking that's a wonderful reason to exercise! :flowerforyou:

    Leisure Time Physical Activity of Moderate to Vigorous Intensity and Mortality: A Large Pooled Cohort Analysis, Moore, Patel et Al, PLOS Medicine, Nov 6, 2012, DOI: 10.1371/journal.pmed.1001335
  • Thencalisays
    Thencalisays Posts: 29 Member
    wow. There are so many levels of exercise, and it's not all painful. Start walking, you eventually may want to run. Use hand weights, eventually you may want to lift. You have to MOVE your body to take care of it! I can't imagine not WANTING to feel stronger, lighter or healthier.
  • msrachelplussize
    msrachelplussize Posts: 13 Member
    Hi there! I really don't think any question is silly. However, I will admit it caugt me by surprise because if seems like you were answering your own question. Losing weight starts in the mind, therefore when your mind changes your body will follow. I know exactly how you feel because it happened to me sooo many times.

    1. Don't think of exercise as a chore...make it fun. If you don't like the gym then don't go. Do something that you like even if its turning on your best jam (song) and dance to it. Do this for about 20 mins a day and there is your exercise.

    2. Avoid hunger triggers. Even if you have to stop going down the sweet isles in the grocery store. Write down your grocery list.

    3. Treat those late night cravings...with a bowl of cereal and eat a banana with. Girl you will be so full its not even funny. And occupy your mind with your favorite TV show and a cup of water. You will be fine.

    4. Now this one I haven't tried yet but I plan to. Take Cayenne pepper pills. You can get them at the vitamin store. I heard they surpress your appetite and its all natural.

    Hope this helps! :smile:
  • Lleldiranne
    Lleldiranne Posts: 5,516 Member
    Find an activity you really like. Maybe you hate running, bicycle, basketball, etc. But I'm sure there's something active that you would find fun. Maybe hiking. Maybe sign up for karate classes. Or ballroom dancing. Or scuba diving. There is an almost endless possibility of activities you could try.

    When it's something you enjoy, it won't be a chore to get that physical activity in. But it still counts!

    ETA: I notice you mentioned the cost. There really are a lot of low cost options. For example, a lot of the classes are available though community colleges, for something like $50-$100 a course (over multiple weeks, not just a one night-er). There are gyms with $10 a month memberships (and not just PF). There are body weight exercises you can do in your apartment for very little (look them up on line). There's always a way to do something if you really want to. If you'd rather find reasons not to exercise, then no, there isn't a healthy sustainable way to speed up your loss. Sorry.
  • EmmieBaby
    EmmieBaby Posts: 1,235 Member
    took me about a year to lose 20lbs with diet alone.
    now I am working out more and I've noticed my weight has gone down slower but I look better now then when i lost the weight without working out.

    try walking more, pace around the house, try fun games type workouts like the wii or zumba.
    get a pedometer (like fitbit or nike fuelband) and make it a competition to yourself.
  • drp10cornell
    Drink 8-10 glasses of water a day. It really works, and your skin will look great!
  • Mav3rick54
    Mav3rick54 Posts: 180 Member
    There are some fantastic suggestions in the previous posts. Could I suggest a few other things that might help you from a psyche standpoint.
    1) Remove the word “diet” from your vocabulary. Literally, do not say the word again until you are in a better place mentally. We are brainwashed into associating that word with restrictive foods…what we can have and what we can’t have, good foods and bad foods (I hate those terms BTW). You can continue to eat what you want, just make sure they fit in your calorie goals. I have some chocolate every night…..I just don’t sit down with the bag in my lap like I used to. I measure my serving out and I enjoy it.
    2) Remove the word “exercise” from your vocabulary for now. It obviously has a bad connotation for you. Replace it with the word “move”. Think of ways you can move more. You said it is cold right now. Is it seriously too cold that you can’t put a coat on and walk down the block or around the block? I lived in Alaska for over 12 years, so I know cold. I did not let that stop me from doing things. If it is, OK go to a mall or some other place that you can walk, i.e move. Or as others have suggested, get a DVD that you can do in your apartment. i.e. move.
    3) If you are goal oriented, invest in one of the activity trackers. I bought a fitbit in November of last year and that is one of the best investments in myself that I could have made. It played a huge factor in the number on the ticker below…and if you are wondering, that is since 10/13/13. That is when I made a decision to get off my back side and do something about my weight. I turned 60 in January and I needed to make a life change….so I did.

    And in case I didn't mention it....move and then the next day ....move some more.

    I truly wish you luck. We can only offer the suggestions….the rest is up to you.
  • whitebeard28
    I hear you. I think we all know that you do not expect to lose weight doing nothing at all. You have already have cut back on the amount you had been eating and have seen results, feels good huh? Well, add a short walk, 5 min, 10 whatever. Its like building a brick at a time...key is just do not stop building. As, you continue being consistant, you will start to see results that will inspire you and you will want to continue. Soon, you will be reading what others say on here and you will begin trying new things. After that, nobody would even be able to talk you out of stopping:wink: because you will see such results that you will then be on automatic pilot. GOOD LUCK AND MUCH SUCCESS. NOW GO TAKE A WALK FOR ONLY 5 MIN. AND LET'S GET THIS NEW YOU STARTED!! GOD BLESS!! :smile: :smile: :smile:
  • Shenzi03
    Shenzi03 Posts: 88 Member
    "Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results." - Albert Einstein

    You're not going to succeed at weight-loss if you're not willing to work for it. End of discussion.
  • lrob98
    lrob98 Posts: 27 Member
    Is there any way I can speed up my weight loss without adding exercise or drastically changing everything I eat?? I know to some this may sound silly but for me I feel like the speed I'm currently at is just not fast enough. At this rate it will take me half a year to get to my goal and that's IF I don't plateau completely (I'm nearly certain I will at some point).

    Fast weight loss often leads to failed maintenance long-term. Quite a few contestants on The Biggest Loser struggle with this. Don't try to lose that fast. Slow & steady wins the (long-term) race.

    When I first started with MFP last fall, I was 297lbs. So far I'm down to 274lbs (as of last weigh-in). Guess what happened over the weekend? My boyfriend proposed, and I said yes (YAY!) We would like to get married later this year. Does that mean I'm going to try to lose weight in the fastest way possible just so I can fit in a small wedding dress?


    I will continue my weight loss journey at a healthy pace. I will continue to track what I eat & work out. If that means I'll be a 250lb bride, then so be it. If I'm 230lbs, then great. My main goal is to continue to progress (whether in pounds or inches.) In either case I'll be better off than I am right now, and I'll DEFINITELY be better off from where I was last fall. But most importantly, I'll be happy. :happy:
  • royaldrea
    royaldrea Posts: 259 Member
    Is there any way I can speed up my weight loss without adding exercise or drastically changing everything I eat?? I know to some this may sound silly but for me I feel like the speed I'm currently at is just not fast enough. At this rate it will take me half a year to get to my goal and that's IF I don't plateau completely (I'm nearly certain I will at some point).

    Fast weight loss often leads to failed maintenance long-term. Quite a few contestants on The Biggest Loser struggle with this. Don't try to lose that fast. Slow & steady wins the (long-term) race.

    When I first started with MFP last fall, I was 297lbs. So far I'm down to 274lbs (as of last weigh-in). Guess what happened over the weekend? My boyfriend proposed, and I said yes (YAY!) We would like to get married later this year. Does that mean I'm going to try to lose weight in the fastest way possible just so I can fit in a small wedding dress?


    I will continue my weight loss journey at a healthy pace. I will continue to track what I eat & work out. If that means I'll be a 250lb bride, then so be it. If I'm 230lbs, then great. My main goal is to continue to progress (whether in pounds or inches.) In either case I'll be better off than I am right now, and I'll DEFINITELY be better off from where I was last fall. But most importantly, I'll be happy. :happy:

    Congrats on your engagement! Whatever size you are I'm sure you'll be a beautiful (happy) bride