How can I speed up my weight loss without exercise?



  • Howdoyoufeeltoday
    Howdoyoufeeltoday Posts: 481 Member
    Crystal Meth. I think they sell it at wal-mart.

    goes great with roof pizza I hear..
  • Celticladydar
    Celticladydar Posts: 6 Member
    You can lose weight without exercise but you won't like it. Which do you hate more, exercise or starving?
  • lacerose22
    Ugh I sympathize with you. I hate exercise! Then again, it's a vital part of losing weight. Maybe find something that you like to do that doesn't feel like exercise. I'm an MA and we tell our patients to get 30 minutes of exercise at least 5 times a week. You don't even have to do it all at once. You could do ten minutes 3 times a day, 15 minutes 2 times a day, etc. One think I have found is yoga. It doesn't feel like I'm exercising, it's actually relaxing! It can still be hard to get to the gym to go to class though. They say that if you do something for 21 days straight it becomes a habit. Make little goals for yourself at first so you don't set yourself up for failure. I'm a huge biggest loser addict, and I find a lot of them end up addicted to exercise in the end. I wish that would happen to me!. Another good idea is to get a trainer or work out with friends so you have some accountability. If you have a work out machine at home, like a stationary bike, treadmill or elliptical you can set it in front of the tv and do your workout while you watch tv. Just remember that even if you do lose your weight without exercise, you still wont be in shape, and your muscles wont have a chance to strengthen up and get rid of that flab. Any workout is better than no workout!
  • dieter1200
    dieter1200 Posts: 56 Member
    You can do it by diet alone. You could try to get a really active job, that would burn more calories.
  • rocknlotsofrolls
    rocknlotsofrolls Posts: 418 Member
    first of all, disregard all of these sarcastic jerks on here. If losing weight was easy, there would be no need for forums like this. Why are they here? Bingo, cause they need help too.

    Anyways, yes , you can lose weight without exercise. Very obese people can only do so much exercise anyway. As long as you have a calorie deficit, you will lose weight, with or without exercise. There will probably be some muscle loss too, but there will also be fat loss. Maybe when you get closer to your goal, you will have the desire and the energy to do some form of exercise. Walking is the best low impact exercise there is, IMO.

    One more thing, be prepared for a slower weight loss, because exercise burns calories, especially dancing and higher impact stuff.

    If you haven't already, figure out what MFP calorie requirements are for a sedentary person, and MPF will tell you how much weight loss per week you should expect without exercise. I would guess probably one pound a week. Hey, that's better than gaining, right?
  • Jade0529
    Jade0529 Posts: 213 Member
    As mentioned find something you like (you don't have to love it yet) that makes you move, even if it's a little bit. Crank music and dance while you clean (double bonus you can log cleaning as an exercise), swim, walk, stairs. just move, a little bit at first.
    I will tell you I have done the whole gym thing in the past and I hated it. I find it boring, so I do other stuff instead. Swimming and doing running etc in the pool is a big one for me because I really like it and it's easier on my joints.

    I'd suggest going to the library and rent a bunch of fitness dvds or vhs (I love my vcr!) and you can even find them for free on Youtube. Try them out and see if anything resonates with you. i found that when I started and had no idea what to do, simple stretching is great because it gets you in tune with your body and it's amazing how good you feel after.
  • redheaddee
    redheaddee Posts: 2,005 Member

    Your argument is invalid. Your laziness is inexcusable. You want it, DO IT.
  • Iknowsaur
    Iknowsaur Posts: 777 Member
    Crystal Meth. I think they sell it at wal-mart.

    goes great with roof pizza I hear..

    I just died laughing, ohmygosh c:
    Thank you for that.
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    Can't you guys be nice on here?! Gosh...

    Sticking to your normal diet is good, but a little bit of exercise is needed. Even just walking on the treadmill for 10 minutes will help.


    Think of weight loss (and ultimately maintenance) as life long goals......not as temporary projects.

    Sure you can lose the weight & be lazy.....BUT maintenance is going to be tough without any regular activity. The "new" smaller you is going to require fewer calories to keep that weight.....adding some activity (forever) will increase those fewer calories.

    Exercise can be you have a Wii or XBox.....they have lots of "games" that require movement. Just Dance is fun and you can rent it from RedBox to "test drive" it.

    Wear a doesn't have to be anything fancy. Track your steps.....try to add more steps each day.

    I exercise because I CAN......not everyone can exercise....we're the lucky ones. I'm over 50 .....muscles are "use it, or lose it" type of thing......letting muscles atrophe reduces metabolism.....again fewer calories to maintain weight.
  • ChaplainHeavin
    ChaplainHeavin Posts: 426 Member
    You have three options open to you:

    (1) Eat less and be even more hungry and miserable.

    (2) Suck it up and realize that you got 55 lbs overweight because of the habits you're still employing: namely the laziness issue. Do what you have to do to remedy that and then be able to eat a reasonable amount of food, feel great, and be in better shape than ever when you're done.

    (3) Stay fat.

    Really, I doubt you're going to get a lot of sympathy for laziness on here. Weight loss requires hard work, no matter how you slice it. Just like life, you can't have the results without putting in the work.

    You would make a good life coach:)
  • The easiest way is ditching the fizzy drinks with tea and water. Especially green tea, because it boosts your metabolism. Also taking the stairs instead of the lift, and walking/biking a short distance instead of driving. This will only work for a while, soon you honestly have to change your eating ways and exercise some more.
  • serindipte
    serindipte Posts: 1,557 Member
    Crystal Meth. I think they sell it at wal-mart.

    actually you can find it cheaper on


    AND if you're on Prime, you get free 2 day shipping!
  • ChaplainHeavin
    ChaplainHeavin Posts: 426 Member
    I suggest you check out the link below because this guy has the best advice for those who are willing to make the effort and be patient. And he practices what he preaches, so to speak.
  • janeytom
    janeytom Posts: 72 Member
    I don't expect sympathy from anyone and I admitted to one of my flaws outright. I make no pretenses about myself, I know I'm not doing what is right by adding exercise and changing everything I eat. I am only asking for advice on small changes that may help me speed up the process. If I wanted to change everything I eat and exercise all the time I would but I've been down that road before.. I felt better in body but I was still miserable because everything tasted bland and I felt like eating those foods was only a chore. I don't want to go back down that road again.

    You are not reading correctly, at all. Who said change everything you eat and exercise all day long. FFS - stop whining and making excuses for yourself. If you want to do this, then you will; if you don't want it bad enough yet (mentally), then you will keep wanting people who HAVE worked hard to coddle you and tell you it's ok to eat nothing and sit on your *kitten* all day. Good luck with that. Btw, my diary is wide open. Free free to take a gander at the homemade cookies and treats and fruits and veggies and protein I consume. I eat what I want, but less of it than I did before. You are too focused on the restriction part and that, to me, is much more painful than any exercise.

    ^^^^ You stole the words right out of my mouth.

    I used to think you were a bunch of meanies LOL- but having followed MFP for almost 5 weeks, I am so over this "poor me" attitude. I'm 64, started at 254, huffed and puffed my way through life. My advice?
    Get up and walk. 5 minutes at a time. Get a set of weights- start small- 5 lbs. total.
    WEIGH and log everything. "shortcuts"? No such thing....just DO it- I did, you can, too.
  • Treacheiro
    Treacheiro Posts: 6 Member
    I didn't intend for my reply to be "everyone's telling me to change everything I eat" it was a comment about my past. I do see a lot of posts telling me to stop whining and exercise. I put my activity level at stationary because I only work 3-4 days of the week, on those days I am up and down a ladder and using my arms all the time- cleaning or painting. I didn't want to put my activity level higher because it might tell me to consume more calories. Truth be told I wouldn't mind walking on a treadmill, I used to do it twice a day 3 days of the week but now I live in a 550 ft studio apartment and no longer have room for it. Aside from walking around outside in the cold I can only walk around my small apartment or go to a gym (which I can't afford a membership for at this time). My point is that I am at home the days I don't work and the only movement I get is cleaning but it's not that I'm sitting at a desk every day being inactive. I get some exercise from work but after reading all the posts I will try to find a few exercises I can do at home in my tiny apartment and go from there.
  • SapiensPisces
    SapiensPisces Posts: 992 Member
    I used to think you were a bunch of meanies LOL- but having followed MFP for almost 5 weeks, I am so over this "poor me" attitude. I'm 64, started at 254, huffed and puffed my way through life. My advice?
    Get up and walk. 5 minutes at a time. Get a set of weights- start small- 5 lbs. total.
    WEIGH and log everything. "shortcuts"? No such thing....just DO it- I did, you can, too.

    You ma'am are awesome. Congrats on your progress sofar! Sounds like you're on track to do well!
  • beaches61
    beaches61 Posts: 154 Member
    There are some inexpensive exercise DVDs you can do in a small apartment that don't require a lot of space.
  • bradXdale
    Sorry - I'm not going to sugar coat this and I will agree with many of the posters above.... Suck it up buttercup!!!! If you really truly want to lose weight, then you need to get up off the couch and start moving more!! I promise the more you exercise the more your body will crave it. It does not have to be painful. Find something you enjoy - go for a walk, go dancing, swimming, yoga. Find a friend who can workout with you. But the truth is - if you want quicker and better results - you will need to find some sort of exercise!

    Eat less - move more = weight loss!!
  • linluvsbirda1
    linluvsbirda1 Posts: 20 Member
    If you had to ask this question, you should probably seek a nutritionist. Sure, you can pop some pill to help speed it up but what good will that do you? You need to understand and teach yourself that exercise is vital to weight loss and a healthy life. Without the'll have flab. You don't want a rapid weight loss especially without exercise because you WILL have lots of flab.

    You need to learn to like exercise. Find something you like to do and do it. The more you do it, the more you will enjoy it. If you like to around your house.

    Some easy ways to get more active without putting forth too much effort initially....

    Walk in place while doing dishes, laundry, brushing your teeth, etc.
    While at the stove waiting for something to cook....air box a bit.
    Once an hour every hour do jumping jacks for one minute straight.

    You need to exercise. Period. When you become more active, you'll find you are happier when doing it.
  • Jade0529
    Jade0529 Posts: 213 Member
    If you live in an apartment you can climb the stairs of your building. I've done that too. :)