HRM Question

I just got the just dance and the gold gym dance workout. I did 28 minutes and hrm says i burned 251 calories, i feel a bigger burn and have a bigger breathing problem when i do my online workouts so my question is do i trust the numbers


  • judykat7
    judykat7 Posts: 576 Member
    Make sure you got all your settings entered in correctly. I haven't personally done those routines and it does seem like a lot of burn for 28 minutes. But...I had good burns doing Shawn T's rockin Body, not quite what you have but comparable percentage wize comparing your size to mine. You are going to get bigger burns. Maybe on the online workouts there is more time not spent on your feet, just using the smaller muscles of your arms?
  • Ryguy08
    Ryguy08 Posts: 61 Member
    That sounds accurate, but a lot of it depends on the shape you're in and how intense the workout is. Also, do you have a HRM with a chest strap? I used to use one without it and it wasn't very accurate. I've had a Polar with a chest strap for awhile and it's much more accurate.
  • shel0158
    shel0158 Posts: 31 Member
    No i dont have the chest strap, I havent questioned the burn before. I questioned it now because when i do tae bo and power walking i get so out of breath i have to take breaks and with this I was able to do the 28 minutes without a break and breathing a little heavy but not completely out of breath. I did check heart rate between each exercise just like i do for everything else.