HRM Question

I just bought an HRM. Do I go by calories burned by MFP or by the HRM??? I havent used it yet I am just wondering in case they differ in total calories burned


  • Lizabelle1212
    Lizabelle1212 Posts: 252 Member
    Go by your HRM - nothing is exact, but HRM comes closer to being correct than the MFP database, since it's actually taking account of your heart rate throughout your workout. I've compared the two before, and MFP seems to really overestimate the number of calories burned. For example, doing 40 minutes of Zumba, my HRM says I burned 450 calories, while the MFP database said over 700 calories.
  • shel0158
    shel0158 Posts: 31 Member
    I see what you mean. I did 7 minutes of 3.5 walking and MFP has me at 71 burn. The HRM has me at 90 burn.