

  • I would believe the balance board. They're pretty accurate.
    in Wii fit Comment by seemae December 2011
  • One day late on the weigh-in (spring break has made this whole weight loss thing kind of a bust), and I'm at the same as last week. 167.3lbs. I'm just glad I didn't gain what with Dairy Queen being open, Girl Scout cookies getting delivered and all that.
  • I've read that your midsection is one of the last places you lose weight from (and your chest is one of the first). There isn't an exercise that'll guarantee you'll lose weight from your midsection but you can do abdominal exercises to tone it (which would most likely help). I don't do anything other than cardio myself so…
    in Help me! Comment by seemae March 2011
  • Whoa, crazy willpower there. The only way I can keep myself from eating fast food is to go NOWHERE near those places... mmm Wendy's Chicken Asiago Ranch... BK's Whopper's... McD's nuggets... See what I mean? I feel like just thinking about them will make me gain, haha. Thanks, Econn! Good luck in your goal to get under 140…
  • Welcome! I'm sure you'll love it here c: And good luck on your journey.
  • Weigh in: 167.3. I'm excited to be going in the right direction! I honestly don't alter my diet because I feel like I'd be too tempted to break it. If I eat cookies (like today I had some Spring Oreos), then I make sure to exercise more. I love eating and I love snack-y things, so instead of eating "clean" or eliminating…
  • Thank you for sharing this. I went through ten pages of this until I was laughing so hysterically I was crying and afraid that I was going to pee myself. I actually woke up my boyfriend I was laughing so hard and he was three rooms away, too.
  • There is not enough blond representation here! BLONDDDDEESSSSS! That's what I prefer for myself, anyway. I've dyed my hair pretty much every color of the rainbow with the exception of yellow (not blond, I'm talking yellow like the crayon). Although red hair is definitely a very, very close second with purple placing in…
  • Here's a helpful article that discusses eating before/during/after your workouts. A banana and a glass of water is an excellent pre-workout meal - it's good for hydration and energy. Remember that…
  • Haha, that's great! I used to know somewhere around a hundred different jokes (mostly corny ones), because I worked as a Bingo girl/Entertainer on a cruise ship but most of them are gone, though here is one I do remember... There once was a captain named Captain Bravo who ventured the seas, which were full of pirates. One…
  • Really? I spoke to an Air Force rep and asked him about Lasik and he said that as long as your vision is 20/20, regardless of whether you had Lasik or not, you can be a jet pilot. I know it USED to be that you couldn't but in 2003 or 2004 (don't quote me here, I'm pretty sure that's when but I'm just remembering off the…
  • FLCL is definitely in my top five. I LOVEEEE The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya, I was wondering if anyone was going to mention it. It's seriously too funny! I have a ton of the "comics" of Evangelion, I love them so much I have them in sleeves to keep them in mint condition. I also love the manga for FLCL though I don't…
  • I used to work 7pm to 8am so being up late is very natural to me c: You can always try a 5 hour energy or coffee as a crutch to help you get used to the shift but your body will adjust eventually. Just keep yourself busy like you're trying to now. I loved working nights, I miss it now. If you can use the internet at work,…
  • These are my two puppies playing in the backyard - my black German Shepard Eevee (who is turning 3 next month!) and Shetland Sheepdog Pickles. I've owned dogs my whole life, starting with a German Shorthair (Rose) and a Beagle/Basset Hound mix (Bridget) - we've always had female dogs. Technically, Eevee is my dog and…
  • Daft Punk is goooood. I actually have workout playlists set up on my iPod - one is Pop/Dance and the other is Rock, depending on what mood I'm in or what I'm doing. If you like Daft Punk/electronic/house music, I'd recommend checking out Warp 1.9 by the Bloody Beetroots ft. Steve Aoki, Vuvuvu by MSTRKRFT (other good…
  • I agree with you, I think color can take away and it also generally requires a lot of upkeep. Love Ani Difranco c: I saw her at Rothbury Music Festival in 2009, really enjoyed it though I was working so I didn't get to see the whole show. That's a very cool piece.
  • Nooo! That's mortifying, just wasting food like that! Give them to someone if you want them out of the house that bad. But don't just throw them away.
  • I KNOW. We just got our Girl Scout cookies today and I almost cried I was so excited and mortified at the same time. I was good and only had 2 Tagalongs and 1 of the carmel-y kind (deuce de... something..), but I'm refusing to open the Thin Mints or Samosas because I feel like I couldn't possibly stop myself from eating…
  • I love this. I'm getting some of Howard Hanson's Chorale and Alleluia on my wrists once I have the money. Maybe I'll make it a reward for reaching a weight goal c:
  • Definitely after dinner. I have terrible insomnia and I don't want to eat within two hours of going to sleep but I never really know what time I'm actually going to hit the sack. It doesn't help that I'm usually terribly bored - so I try and just drink a lot of water.
  • The biggest obstacle to trying to lose weight while in college - PIZZA. Fortunately I talked my friends out of getting any today c: Hooray! Lean meats for meeee
  • Too true. The moment you step into a MMO you're not actually a girl. You can't be a girl. The kicker is that with MMO's specifically, the latest statistic I read is that approximately 40% of MMO players are female. Very important distinction. Almost all of my friends my entire life have been nerds or gamers (usually…
  • Too true. Binging is like any other behavioral problem, the problem isn't the activity, it's what's causing it. The behavior is just a reaction to the problem. Try and pay attention to what you're doing/what time it is/what you've eaten/what's happening to you/how you feel, that sort of thing, when you get the urge to…
  • Oohh that's a good idea, thanks!
  • Now I have to DOUBLE make sure to brush my teeth twice a day... I've been drinking literally around half a gallon of green tea a day as of late.
  • I've heard both ways for the pill, but I personally use the Nuvaring and have no problems with it whatsoever. The shot - as someone previously mentioned - is notorious for being the most likely birth control method to cause weight gain and I have a close friend who put on weight after the shot, though I wouldn't say that…
  • For those of you who have trouble with your parents buying groceries - try suggesting you go grocery shopping instead. I was fortunate because my mother doesn't really like buying groceries and I started slowly but surely adding more healthy things to our list of regular groceries. If you can't get them to agree to that,…
  • Great info - a lot of times, if we're dehydrated, our body reacts as if it's hungry. That's another reason why you should always try drinking a glass of water before eating, you may discover you're not actually hungry.
    in Water Comment by seemae March 2011
  • Hey! I'm new too... and I relate on so many levels. It's not easy to lose weight when you're into video games, reading and music (I don't cross-stitch though, I don't have the attention span. I tried knitting but ended up forgetting how to do it, haha). My boyfriend is also a terrible eater - he actually used to spend…
  • Is it too late to join this? You all sound wonderful and I could seriously use all the motivation I can get... I'm bad when it comes to cutting down calories D: