Attn GamerGurlz



  • Ben2118
    Ben2118 Posts: 571 Member
    Anyway I think most of the GirlGamers have spawned from this new breed of G(L)amers cos its cool and everyone is doing it

    A bit presumptuous dontcha think?

    Don't get me wrong there are lots of serious girl gamers out there but imo they don't feel the need to shout from the rooftops about it, they just do what they enjoy.
  • FearAnLoathing
    FearAnLoathing Posts: 4,852 Member
    I used to get really high and play resident evil or silent hill for hours sometimes days ,does that make me a gammer:laugh:

    ( in high school i was actually the crazy party girl big suprise i know)
  • ...and (strictly a guess here) it is feminists doing the ripping?

    You're wrong. It's a dude who wrote the original article, basically going for "shock value."
  • 123456654321
    123456654321 Posts: 1,311 Member
    Anyway I think most of the GirlGamers have spawned from this new breed of G(L)amers cos its cool and everyone is doing it

    A bit presumptuous dontcha think?

    Don't get me wrong there are lots of serious girl gamers out there but imo they don't feel the need to shout from the rooftops about it, they just do what they enjoy.

    Although I can sort of see what you are saying. Isn't that just another way of society dictating how a girl should act in certain situations? A guy can go on all day long about it and not be judged but a girl should do it an keep quiet so that it doesn't seem like she is "bragging." Also, what is a "serious gamer." When a guy you know talks about video games all day long do you size him up? Do you judge his level of "seriousness" when gaming or do you just think ..."there's a guy who enjoys playing video games."

    Sorry, not trying to patronize you, just some throwing some thoughts out there. I think the biggest issue here is that women can't seem to do anything, not even have a hobby, without her every action being picked a part by men and fellow women. Why so much judgement?
  • Anyway I think most of the GirlGamers have spawned from this new breed of G(L)amers cos its cool and everyone is doing it

    A bit presumptuous dontcha think?

    Don't get me wrong there are lots of serious girl gamers out there but imo they don't feel the need to shout from the rooftops about it, they just do what they enjoy.

    Although I can sort of see what you are saying. Isn't that just another way of society dictating how a girl should act in certain situations? A guy can go on all day long about it and not be judged but a girl should do it an keep quiet so that it doesn't seem like she is "bragging." Also, what is a "serious gamer." When a guy you know talks about video games all day long do you size him up? Do you judge his level of "seriousness" when gaming or do you just think ..."there's a guy who enjoys playing video games."

    Sorry, not trying to patronize you, just some throwing some thoughts out there. I think the biggest issue here is that women can't seem to do anything, not even have a hobby, without her every action being picked a part by men and fellow women. Why so much judgement?

    Not to mention that (at least in my experience) the majority of attention a female gamer gets is negative. When I go to conventions I'm usually either flat out ignored, not taken seriously, or insulted by crude comments. For the most part, females aren't welcomed with open arms in the gaming community. Even the booth babes are usually treated as objects and not human beings. For example take a look at this website dedicated to the online treatment of female gamers:
  • Ben2118
    Ben2118 Posts: 571 Member
    Anyway I think most of the GirlGamers have spawned from this new breed of G(L)amers cos its cool and everyone is doing it

    A bit presumptuous dontcha think?

    Don't get me wrong there are lots of serious girl gamers out there but imo they don't feel the need to shout from the rooftops about it, they just do what they enjoy.

    Although I can sort of see what you are saying. Isn't that just another way of society dictating how a girl should act in certain situations? A guy can go on all day long about it and not be judged but a girl should do it an keep quiet so that it doesn't seem like she is "bragging." Also, what is a "serious gamer." When a guy you know talks about video games all day long do you size him up? Do you judge his level of "seriousness" when gaming or do you just think ..."there's a guy who enjoys playing video games."

    Sorry, not trying to patronize you, just some throwing some thoughts out there. I think the biggest issue here is that women can't seem to do anything, not even have a hobby, without her every action being picked a part by men and fellow women. Why so much judgement?

    I agree with you on that, why should you be seen any different? I guess its just a lot of male egos and jealous girls making a fuss over something? I have no issue with it all and if it came across that way then I apologize, a Gamer is a gamer, your sex should have nothing to do with it.

    I was making the point of the people, male and female who have jumped on the bandwagon for reasons other than they love gaming. So by me saying a serious gamer I mean someone who does it simply because it is something they enjoy.
  • 123456654321
    123456654321 Posts: 1,311 Member
    Anyway I think most of the GirlGamers have spawned from this new breed of G(L)amers cos its cool and everyone is doing it

    A bit presumptuous dontcha think?

    Don't get me wrong there are lots of serious girl gamers out there but imo they don't feel the need to shout from the rooftops about it, they just do what they enjoy.

    Although I can sort of see what you are saying. Isn't that just another way of society dictating how a girl should act in certain situations? A guy can go on all day long about it and not be judged but a girl should do it an keep quiet so that it doesn't seem like she is "bragging." Also, what is a "serious gamer." When a guy you know talks about video games all day long do you size him up? Do you judge his level of "seriousness" when gaming or do you just think ..."there's a guy who enjoys playing video games."

    Sorry, not trying to patronize you, just some throwing some thoughts out there. I think the biggest issue here is that women can't seem to do anything, not even have a hobby, without her every action being picked a part by men and fellow women. Why so much judgement?

    I agree with you on that, why should you be seen any different? I guess its just a lot of male egos and jealous girls making a fuss over something? I have no issue with it all and if it came across that way then I apologize, a Gamer is a gamer, your sex should have nothing to do with it.

    I was making the point of the people, male and female who have jumped on the bandwagon for reasons other than they love gaming. So by me saying a serious gamer I mean someone who does it simply because it is something they enjoy.

    No, I realized you weren't TRYING to be offensive. I totally didn't mean to pick on you. I just was making a point......with too many quotation marks apparently. haha Seriously, I used the hell out of them in that last paragraph,no? Anywho, no hard feelings.
  • 123456654321
    123456654321 Posts: 1,311 Member
    Anyway I think most of the GirlGamers have spawned from this new breed of G(L)amers cos its cool and everyone is doing it

    A bit presumptuous dontcha think?

    Don't get me wrong there are lots of serious girl gamers out there but imo they don't feel the need to shout from the rooftops about it, they just do what they enjoy.

    Although I can sort of see what you are saying. Isn't that just another way of society dictating how a girl should act in certain situations? A guy can go on all day long about it and not be judged but a girl should do it an keep quiet so that it doesn't seem like she is "bragging." Also, what is a "serious gamer." When a guy you know talks about video games all day long do you size him up? Do you judge his level of "seriousness" when gaming or do you just think ..."there's a guy who enjoys playing video games."

    Sorry, not trying to patronize you, just some throwing some thoughts out there. I think the biggest issue here is that women can't seem to do anything, not even have a hobby, without her every action being picked a part by men and fellow women. Why so much judgement?

    Not to mention that (at least in my experience) the majority of attention a female gamer gets is negative. When I go to conventions I'm usually either flat out ignored, not taken seriously, or insulted by crude comments. For the most part, females aren't welcomed with open arms in the gaming community. Even the booth babes are usually treated as objects and not human beings. For example take a look at this website dedicated to the online treatment of female gamers:

    ....Oh if I had a dollar for every time I was sent a picture of random penis on Xbox live I'd have like........3 dollars ;D
  • TiDinzeo
    TiDinzeo Posts: 309
    In a few online games I've been amused to watch players around me tell everyone that I don't exist. Well, not me specifically, but all women games.

    I wonder what they'd say if the found out that we actually do exist, that we are watching them as they're saying we don't and we can quite often beat them.
  • 123456654321
    123456654321 Posts: 1,311 Member
    In a few online games I've been amused to watch players around me tell everyone that I don't exist. Well, not me specifically, but all women games.

    We don't exist, we aren't even here right now having this conversation...............IT'S A TRAP!
  • seemae
    seemae Posts: 38
    In a few online games I've been amused to watch players around me tell everyone that I don't exist. Well, not me specifically, but all women games.

    Too true. The moment you step into a MMO you're not actually a girl. You can't be a girl. The kicker is that with MMO's specifically, the latest statistic I read is that approximately 40% of MMO players are female.
    I think an important distinction needs to be made between two very different types of "hot girl gamers":

    1. People like Olivia Munn who jumped on a meal ticket and

    2. Girls who have been gaming all their lives and have either been good looking their entire lives or have become good looking in their adult lives.

    Very important distinction. Almost all of my friends my entire life have been nerds or gamers (usually they're both), and I happen to be good-looking (I think so, anyway). Not Olivia Munn good-looking but attractive. We didn't become friends for that reason, though. We became friends because of a mutual love for Nintendo, D&D and Magic: The Gathering.

    I'm not bothered by hot chicks jumping on the girl gamer bandwagon, though. If nerds want to fantasize about her while watching Attack of the Show, go for it. I'll just change the input on my TV, boot up my console and carry on.
    We don't exist, we aren't even here right now having this conversation...............IT'S A TRAP!

    Keep it secret! Keep it safe! xD

    Also - related, and for your amusement:
  • Mrs_McFadden
    Mrs_McFadden Posts: 1,139
    To be honest in my gaming experience I preferred playing with the males. ROFL. I played a beta RTS econ/political text based simulator for a few years and I was one of very few women to play the game and it was far less *drama* but enough..HAHA..women have a different brand of excoriation that can just be exhausting to deal with in gaming IMO.

    I've played the above not to be named RTS, Eve Online, Warhammer, I'm only naming these games because they are MMORPG's and have blatant high interaction with other live players. I always heard the joke about 'there is no such thing as women' BS, but uh, we had to use Ventrilo??? So they heard my voice and yeah, there were couples that played as teams in in guilds and corps so really, I don't see what all the damned fuss is about. We exist. Most male gamers, I think, aren't stupid enough to think we aren't out there. What is stupid however is the huge presumption that gamers are ugly, have no life, and aren't worthy of being with. While I completely understand why those stereotypes exist (thanks a lot WoW black hole from hell)'s fecking ANNOYING to encounter anytime you're outed as a gamer. That's right..OUTED. So I relate to the loser-ish aspect of gaming in this way: I never want to admit to anyone I meet in my adult RL that I'm a gamer.
    I'm not supposed to be. I live in an upper middle class neighborhood full of professionals and uber SAHM's..I'm a SAHM..if I even mentioned that I *gasp* play games...I think they'd label me as the neighborhood freak and not really see me as normal ..well..there are multiple reasons for that ROFL :laugh:

    I really don't even care about 'gaming cred' but my father was in the military and did computer work for them (nope I don't know exactly wtf he did, I was a kid and I didn't care) during the 80's and I played a LOT of D&D back then because he introduced me to it HAHA ...Tetris is my first game addiction. I don't really have the love for Pokemon and other games that a lot of other gamers do. I liked zoning out in Tetris and I kicked *kitten* wasn't until the new platforms arrived did anything in gaming grab my attention. I'm a reader by nature, an avid voracious reader- I didn't want to bother with horrible graphics and lame plots. Sorry if that's a cop out because I know a lot of more 'purist' gamers think that wanting a plot is just too stupid but I read the Halo books before I ever played. (sci fi fan since childhood). That's the only reason why I ever wanted to play Halo...

    Oh and we're not really comic book readers too right? I like comic books..and frankly I just am at an age where I do not care whether what I like is cool or not, geeky or not, what other people like or enjoy, I'm living my life to enjoy. So comic books are fun, so are games, and so are my books :flowerforyou:

    Boys that want gamer girls to be in bikinis can FO. :sick:

    I hated also the new Dead Space ads where the moms were shocked and awed by the horror..oh please. :grumble:
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